Reserved for pending FAQ
The main newest feature sets within the mod (for those already accustomed to
SanchoMod) are the following:
- SanchoDiaBox toggle (found in the Options screen). Seamlessly changes from OEM dialogue box to SanchoMod custom.
- QuickMenu alignment (found in the Options screen). New bonus feature - The alignment changes dynamically depending on whether the OEM or Sancho dialogue box is on screen.
- SaveDescription toggle (found in the Options screen)
- SanchoAlerts (isolated custom notifications that are completely separated from RenPy's default notifications, toggled on/off along with the normal ChoiceGuide). New bonus feature - now receive alerts of potential scene/path splits as save marker points.
- SanchoGallery (improved efficiency and handling of isolated gallery, isolated MC renaming, improved start and ending screen transitions and more). New bonus feature - The "SanchoMod Menu" opacity slider (that normally controls the opacity of the MiniStat screen in-game) now controls the dialogue box opacity while in a scene replay. When back in-game it switches back to it's default of adjusting the MiniStat screen opacity.
- SanchoCheats (found via the Options screen). Professionally and properly coded cheats that are rock-solid, including a reset button for stat changes that works intuitively and correctly every time. You asked for it, you got it...cheater.
- SanchoHotKeys (in-game only). New Feature! Alt+ArrowKeys for dialogue text size/opacity, Lower-case "g" for ChoiceGuide, Lower-case "m" for MiniStat, Lower-case "q" for QuickMenu, Lower-case "s" for medium SanchoStat, Lower-case "o" for SanchoOptions, Lower-case "c" for SanchoCheats. These work exactly as if you had clicked them in the MiniMenu or SanchoOptions, they just give you another way to do something faster or more conveniently. (Yes, I took the "s" key. Use shift+"s" or alt+"s" for screenshots)
- QM HoverMode (found in the Options screen). Additional QuickMenu customization that can also be toggled with the appropriate HotKey "q". Described in detail in a post in the mod's thread here.
- HotKey "S" Toggle (found in SanchoCheats) (it looked out of place in SanchoOptions where it really needs to be), works in real-time while in-game with no restart required. Toggle allows the HotKey to set to either the default "S" or the alternative "T". While in the "T" variant the user can take RenPy screenshots with the individual "S" key as well as the other multi-key assignments. This feature toggle is saved on a per-save file basis (it will always default to "S" when starting a new game so will have to be set to "T" each new game if that's the preference of the Player. When loading a save where it was previously set to "T" then it will be loaded as such).
- CriticalPath Popup Screen (in-game only). During critical points in conditionals behind the scenes (in the dev's code) provides you a popup that allows you to change important story scenarios on a case-by-case basis. Only populates if the ChoiceGuide is enabled.
- SanchoMod Volume Control (found in Preferences). Controls most of the sounds introduced by the mod separately from the VN's mixer.
- SanchoAutoSave (found on Save/Load Page 69). Episode/Chapter specific auto saves in one location, easily accessible by the Page menu.
I'll address each and other VN specific features in detail in this post as needed. I'll update this post periodically with those details and deep-dive into explanations if necessary.
Until then please enjoy and please consider leaving a review, a vote, or both. I'll never ask you for your "donation", I only ask for your appreciation if you enjoy my work. Best regards to you and yours.
Known Issues (issues known but not yet resolved)
Resolved Issues (issues fixed and currently pending next mod update pushed to upload):
- Giselle's name not populating correctly in her Ep9 SanchoGallery replay scene as reported here.
Added Features (newest features added in the last maintenance updates):
Pending Features (features coded in and currently pending next mod update being push to upload):