
Feb 25, 2021
Yeah agreed, though I dont want to touch "your choices matter" kind of stuff, I just dont have enough time to do that. And frankly even if I didnt work, I dont think I would still have enough time to take care of it alone.

There is a reason though why there are so many games that follow this kind of structure.

And man, I am really trying to make Rina feel smart. Haha. Its quite the mental task to come up with a way how to make a hot girl suck a dick of ugly bastard without A) money being involved. B) blackmail C) rape D) the girl being naive and stupid. I tried to make to use the mana to give an obvious benefit to Rina, Rina that has a very narrow world view. Her goal being clear and the journey to getting there being "End justifies the means". If she can skip tens of years of grinding spells by grinding cock for 10 minutes, good deal. I understand that I will have to touch up a lot of dialogue to really make it obvious and add bunch of flavour pics (in the style of Rat Eye eating worm or the succy reading story - chibi Rina imagining herself as a Royal Guard, chibi Rina thinking about how mana works... so on...), anyways I consider that polish and flavour so I will do that once I will be focus on polish and flavour, now I want Rina to get to the events where riding Ghund is a "study time" well enjoyed.
One way to show the character's intelligence is to show some of their internal dialogue. Have them come up with a plan that sounds perfectly logical, but they are forced to make poor decisions because of outside stressors. Right now the only motivation Rina has is to advance her career. She could end up having some other outside pressures act on her like classes increasing in price (due to goblin attacks requiring additional security). Her normal jobs might not be able to cover her costs any longer.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2020
Well tbh I like that premise as to why she does lewd shit to get closer to her future goals and she has the added pressure of the nobles constantly wanting to fight her and best her and not to mention the goblins attacking the town and the succubus, she definitely has reasons to have to get stronger quicker. What I dont want to see is her prostituting herself to any and everyone just to pay for classes that would make no sense. If she is really smart and a talented capable mage then in her right mind she wouldn't have to resort to prostitution. Maybe she could her drinks spiked with a hypnosis potion or get some type of lewd crest curse from the succubus or something that way she might unwillingly do things at first and then realize that she enjoys them. Idk i just have never been a fan of a female protagonist selling herself to random generic villagers or whatever like some other games have.


Oct 30, 2018
2 new decent scenes, 1 whatever scene. Bunch of bugs. Some new characters (dw about the bloat, this is calculated this time around).

If you want a good experience, I would say... Wait until 0.4, I am pacing the numbers so 0.4 is gonna be the 1st update where I focus on polish, until then its just filling up so ch 1 is done and ch 2 is underway.
Truly should've wait, yesterday i downloaded 0.2.2b. And today it's 0.2.2d ... holy


Game Developer
Dec 26, 2020
Truly should've wait, yesterday i downloaded 0.2.2b. And today it's 0.2.2d ... holy
it was just a bugfix, I am just incredibly dumb so when I playtest I inevitably scatter bugs around.

Whats the time expected time frame between updates?
I dont want to make any promises haha, so once I got the planned content for the next update ready.

Not too sure if anybody else has mentioned this but the guard quest near the north gate to kill 5 goblins is sort of bugged, you can get the eyes and when you hand the quest in the guard does not take those eyes off you, pretty much allowing you to keep handing the quest in again and again. Version I am playing has a file name of rina0.2.2b.
Will fix. ty.


Active Member
May 23, 2019
did anyone choose earth ability from ghund? i forgot to save then, what does it? water ability attack every enemy, very convenient

I am you

Feb 8, 2019
So the moment that the gallery got unlocked is the end of the update right?
Because when I go north of the forest it goes black screen


Jul 20, 2017
Yeah agreed, though I dont want to touch "your choices matter" kind of stuff, I just dont have enough time to do that. And frankly even if I didnt work, I dont think I would still have enough time to take care of it alone.

There is a reason though why there are so many games that follow this kind of structure.

And man, I am really trying to make Rina feel smart. Haha. Its quite the mental task to come up with a way how to make a hot girl suck a dick of ugly bastard without A) money being involved. B) blackmail C) rape D) the girl being naive and stupid. I tried to make to use the mana to give an obvious benefit to Rina, Rina that has a very narrow world view. Her goal being clear and the journey to getting there being "End justifies the means". If she can skip tens of years of grinding spells by grinding cock for 10 minutes, good deal. I understand that I will have to touch up a lot of dialogue to really make it obvious and add bunch of flavour pics (in the style of Rat Eye eating worm or the succy reading story - chibi Rina imagining herself as a Royal Guard, chibi Rina thinking about how mana works... so on...), anyways I consider that polish and flavour so I will do that once I will be focus on polish and flavour, now I want Rina to get to the events where riding Ghund is a "study time" well enjoyed.
In my honest and humble opinion, thank fuck you're not doing branching paths. That's really fashionable among h-games nowadays and it always ends in a trainwreck. It's a nightmare for development, you have to spend a ton of development time to make any progress, and worst of all it hurts player accessibility. I want to be able to easily see all the available scenes without multiple playthroughs. Your game has great art and I totally agree with your development philosophy.

(PS please add some ways to make the protagonist dress more scandalously)


Game Developer
Dec 26, 2020
So the moment that the gallery got unlocked is the end of the update right?
Because when I go north of the forest it goes black screen
Yes. Fuck, I even wrote it ona post-it note to add a "That's all folks!" msg after unlocking the gallery and forgot anyway. Eventhough I bought pills that say that they improve memory.

In my honest and humble opinion, thank fuck you're not doing branching paths. That's really fashionable among h-games nowadays and it always ends in a trainwreck. It's a nightmare for development, you have to spend a ton of development time to make any progress, and worst of all it hurts player accessibility. I want to be able to easily see all the available scenes without multiple playthroughs. Your game has great art and I totally agree with your development philosophy.

(PS please add some ways to make the protagonist dress more scandalously)
So far I plan on 3 sets. 2 sets are already in, School uniform and priestess, the third one will be unlocked a bit later. I dont really want to do more than that since... Fuck I hate drawing variations. But since I will draw those 3, the parts will be interchangeable - shirt, skirt, stockings+boots as separate layers even for scenes where I cant "cheat" by making Rina naked.
The 3rd set will be the most scandalous, but I want Rina to unlock it storywise only once she is... bit more lewd.

Ye, I also wanted the whole thing to be possible to be 100%'ed on one playthrough with the exception of one final scene where it would just branch into multiple afterstory-endings. But I understand the want for the player agency in Rina's life. Still I think I am not ready to tackle that, it would just bloat on me.


Feb 25, 2021
An easy "branch" can just be different dialog depending on a corruption level. If you even wanted to go that route.

As far as clothing goes I personally am not bothered by the clothing in the scenes not matching the clothing I picked for the standing portrait.


Sep 6, 2017
An easy "branch" can just be different dialog depending on a corruption level. If you even wanted to go that route.

As far as clothing goes I personally am not bothered by the clothing in the scenes not matching the clothing I picked for the standing portrait.
Rina looks so much better without clothes anyway haha


Mar 26, 2019
minor bugs I found:

1.when you open the doors behind the librarian the player gets stuck on the bookshelf and you have to load another save to get out
2.the exterminate goblins quest next to the north gate seems a bit broken (I read it once and then it disappeared and appeared again after I finished everything else)
3. the doors in the wc stalls (where the first encounter with the janitor is) have the black loading screen animation on them and when you interact with them it seems like you enter a new zone
4. when I click on the grandpa it says WIP and that i need to wait for more content??? wtf

someone probably reported these already but i am too lazy to read all the comments ever so there you go

btw I love the game it already has a solid 2-3h of play if you juice it a bit I just cant wait for it to finish and if you need any help (maybe some bad writing or 3d models idk) I can help you a bit, gl and I hope that you use some black magic to finish this game in a month or two


Game Developer
Dec 26, 2020
minor bugs I found:

1.when you open the doors behind the librarian the player gets stuck on the bookshelf and you have to load another save to get out
2.the exterminate goblins quest next to the north gate seems a bit broken (I read it once and then it disappeared and appeared again after I finished everything else)
3. the doors in the wc stalls (where the first encounter with the janitor is) have the black loading screen animation on them and when you interact with them it seems like you enter a new zone
4. when I click on the grandpa it says WIP and that i need to wait for more content??? wtf

someone probably reported these already but i am too lazy to read all the comments ever so there you go

btw I love the game it already has a solid 2-3h of play if you juice it a bit I just cant wait for it to finish and if you need any help (maybe some bad writing or 3d models idk) I can help you a bit, gl and I hope that you use some black magic to finish this game in a month or two
Oh this isnt going to be a month or two thing, I am in for the long haul. HAHAH. The numbering convention is very much indicative of the stage the whole thing is at. I would estimate the whole playtime right now at about 1:30. Which is about the stage where I want everything to turn into hevent bonanza. My goal remains the same with about 7-10hrs of playtime. With a sidestory attached to every "evented" character. The importance of characters goes as follows:

The Big boiz - Which constitutes of the likes like Ghund, Old Rat Eye, The Wall Dick (Janitor). 2 more are planned - orc, pigman. Possible 3rd (depends on various circumstances).
-These are bound for about 5 or so intro events each (Ghund is good example, intro events going hj, bj+, pacing scene, ass, vag) then a number of "relationship" events (about 3 or so).

The job/side boiz - Tubal, Job guys/monsters - 3 intro events, 3 harcore events; planned 4 jobs for Chapter 1: Gobbo hunt (no events yet), Bookshop (1 intro event done - 2nd pre-prepared), General shop (mini-intro for pace done), Farm (nothing done there).

the unimportant - 1 or 2 events just to keep it interesting.

Chapter 1 is about 70% done. Most of the work composing of the jobs. Basically just a stage to set up the whole thing and pace the game so Rina isnt a cockslut right from the gate.

Chapter 2 will be the part where Rina is gonna do some hardcore scenes.

Chapter 3 will be busy.

I want to do a big "polishing" update where I will basically go over everything again once the Chapter 1 or Ch 2 is complete. Basically music, sounds, transitions, making buttons feel good, parallxes (to make maps visually looking nice etc.), proofreading (may pay someone to do that). Just a general stuff to give the whole experience bit of a soul.

I understand that looking at the pace I put out things out at, it might seem bit too ambitious and frankly like a 50 year project. Though I am confident that once I get fired/quit from my 9to5 wagecage (got a trigger day marked in calendar) , I will be able to put 8 hrs a day into this (realistically 12+ since I dont mind drawing at all, it is quite calming and enjoyable. Fuck the RPGM and writing part though, that really saps my sanity.) and kick it into gear. And I know what you might think
"Quitting a job to draw tits seems kinda risky." - Yes, but I would rather risk it. Reading "I nutted a fat nut brah" makes me feel much more accomplished than doing a Q1 excel spreadsheet report about shit I dont even understand.

Edit: Basically, eventhough this is "learning the business of hgames" thing. I still want this darn game to be a thing you are gonna sink 3 hours into, realize you are about midgame through after exhausting all your cum. Think to yourself "Whew, all out of cum. Gonna put this aside for the next week so I can get into the end-game with full tank.".
Last edited:


Aug 15, 2021
Oh this isnt going to be a month or two thing, I am in for the long haul. HAHAH. The numbering convention is very much indicative of the stage the whole thing is at. I would estimate the whole playtime right now at about 1:30. Which is about the stage where I want everything to turn into hevent bonanza. My goal remains the same with about 7-10hrs of playtime. With a sidestory attached to every "evented" character. The importance of characters goes as follows:

The Big boiz - Which constitutes of the likes like Ghund, Old Rat Eye, The Wall Dick (Janitor). 2 more are planned - orc, pigman. Possible 3rd (depends on various circumstances).
-These are bound for about 5 or so intro events each (Ghund is good example, intro events going hj, bj+, pacing scene, ass, vag) then a number of "relationship" events (about 3 or so).

The job/side boiz - Tubal, Job guys/monsters - 3 intro events, 3 harcore events; planned 4 jobs for Chapter 1: Gobbo hunt (no events yet), Bookshop (1 intro event done - 2nd pre-prepared), General shop (mini-intro for pace done), Farm (nothing done there).

the unimportant - 1 or 2 events just to keep it interesting.

Chapter 1 is about 70% done. Most of the work composing of the jobs. Basically just a stage to set up the whole thing and pace the game so Rina isnt a cockslut right from the gate.

Chapter 2 will be the part where Rina is gonna do some hardcore scenes.

Chapter 3 will be busy.

I want to do a big "polishing" update where I will basically go over everything again once the Chapter 1 or Ch 2 is complete. Basically music, sounds, transitions, making buttons feel good, parallxes (to make maps visually looking nice etc.), proofreading (may pay someone to do that). Just a general stuff to give the whole experience bit of a soul.

I understand that looking at the pace I put out things out at, it might seem bit too ambitious and frankly like a 50 year project. Though I am confident that once I get fired/quit from my 9to5 wagecage (got a trigger day marked in calendar) , I will be able to put 8 hrs a day into this (realistically 12+ since I dont mind drawing at all, it is quite calming and enjoyable. Fuck the RPGM and writing part though, that really saps my sanity.) and kick it into gear. And I know what you might think
"Quitting a job to draw tits seems kinda risky." - Yes, but I would rather risk it. Reading "I nutted a fat nut brah" makes me feel much more accomplished than doing a Q1 excel spreadsheet report about shit I dont even understand.

Edit: Basically, eventhough this is "learning the business of hgames" thing. I still want this darn game to be a thing you are gonna sink 3 hours into, realize you are about midgame through after exhausting all your cum. Think to yourself "Whew, all out of cum. Gonna put this aside for the next week so I can get into the end-game with full tank.".
Sounds good. Love it that ur actively communicating ur plans for the game.
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