ye the dicks, I was experimenting around, trying to find what works and what doesnt. You know when you have some sort of tentacle monster and its hit or miss with the tentacle dick. Basically that, I was trying to find what makes cock tick.
Considering Uggo Bastardo & Co. - I always make multiple variations then the discord gang picks the ugly one.
Well given the premise of the content, I can understand choices of the crowd that approached the project.
Guess I'll bite it and and write the gayest thing I have so far...
The appeal to dick, to me, a not gay man(I swear), is how much fun grabbing it would be in my mind. Your dicks look like stiff deformities. That is, painful shiny rods rather than fun spongy meat... Go for ugly bastards all you like, but I think the one thing we all share here is similar meaty bits. Little reason in assigning 'personality' to the extent you have IMO. The animal dicks actually look better because they don't look like fuckin ghouls.
I don't know what I expect to achieve writing such.
To set myself straight again, I'd like to tell your Discord gang to go fuck themselves