shit-ninja is Darci ?
Skylar was sent back in time ? already had sex with another version of MC ?
Dani met other versions of MC time traveling ?
Jared is Eric's son ?
Messing with Darci's mom kidnapping can change Darci's present, erasing her from reality or preventing her friendship with MC ?
The old lady that stops Riley from killing the principal is Darci from the future?
mystery man is MC obsessed with saving Jenny and his dad ?
best and easiest way to save Jenny is to bring her to 2019 ?
MC is the father of every 2019 girl except Shelby and Jessica ? xD
Alyssa will become an AVN addict after MC shows her the genre ?

MC is an orphan and his dad is actually MC from the future that came to raise himself ?

MC's mom is April ?