If some of what I've written and tried to express seem to ramble.. forgive me I've been playing and reading most of the night and as I look at the clock.. it's 6:20 AM..
Not at all. Some interesting ideas I'll keep in mind for the future! Thanks for that, I'm always looking for new inspiration!
I will keep playing it, because your attitude is the right one and the renders are fine.
I hope I'm not making a mistake by being direct, but honestly, I think trying to soldier through this game is just not a good idea. You made 9(!) posts in this thread, most of which are repeating the list of issues you found with the game over and over and over again. And I can without a doubt say that many of the things that you dislike about the game will remain in the future releases...
I get that you'd like to like the game, and I appreciate it, but there are many other games with far better renders and a story you'd find more compelling and much less frustrating. Just my 2 cents.
I chose to not have my mc be a whiteknight and still got roped into that shit lol He doesn't owe her a damn thing.
Yeap, getting roped into it is pretty much the point. I might down the line make a poll or something if people would like for me to make some fake endings... I personally dislike them, and I believe many don't care about them, but it's still something to think about.
In this particular case, just imagine MC went back home and never had anything to do with Robbin' Hoods.
So sorry its not great feedback based just on writing
That's perfectly fine. I understand where you are coming from, but the priorities will be to get back to something closer to the original implementation.
I can't promise it will be satisfactory, in fact, I'm pretty sure some people will still dislike it, maybe even more if their mindset stays in the current iteration of the problematic dialogue, but overall it will be for the better, and that's what matters the most.
I am willing to give the game more time, especially as you are listening to feedback. However, I hope you don't dramatically change the underlying story because the audience isn't happy.
Can't sit on the both chairs, mate

On a more serious note, as I said, the dialogue will be dialed back in one scene to the original tone from release version, but more nuanced and better written (while there was much less wrong with it in the original version, it looked like it was written by a 12 year old and I'd like to avoid that). I'll probably pepper in a couple of lines and renders here and there, but for the most part the interactions and characters will remain the same.