Of course not. For the better part of the story, she's a drone with heavy mood swings, then she suddenly turns into a computer genius out of plot convenience it seems, so that she'd be relevant somehow, and not completely being the spoiled moody bitch that you sink the hard grinded money into, after all she's the titular girl. For example there was the whole bullshit for the "shrink", which was nothing but for the gold digging mother can "test" the MC and use him to buy shit. It seemed that Robin knew it well what went down, and never raised her voice against it, no, she actually demanded you to jerk off in front of her later on to prove that you really love her.
I guess the revamp of the intro were supposed to make her somewhat more likeable or shed a light on the relationship more, but it didn't help much, because for that poor bullied girl backstory, she also had the highly arrogant and annoying characteristic. Of course with time she gets somewhat better, but by that point her unlikeability is up in the sky and there isn't much to do about it. The main character grabbing literally every chance to lick their boots with some cringy lines and sink tens of thousands into them doesn't make it any better. Especially not, when in comparison we have girls like Lana, Charmaine or Heather, whom has their own faults but those are small compared to Robin, with much better base characteristics. If the other girls were somewhat similar to her, it would be fine, but when there are betters by a far margin, ugh, just nope.
I get that we don't suppose to like every character, I don't. What I don't get is why we don't really have a choice to tell those to fuck off, like the aunt-momma, whom other than not to hug in the intro, we can't ever tell off and MC automatically sucks up to her regardless of the situation.