Ren'Py Completed Room for Rent [v16 beta] [CeLaVie Group]

2.90 star(s) 107 Votes


Jul 15, 2017
Ok I'm now with the Walkthrough 4.0 and again it doesn't work as given.
I'll try again tomorrow as I'm no more in the mood.
I think the purpose of this kind of game is not to do endless trials and errors seeing the same scenes again and again with an annoying "save at the end of the day" system. But it's my opinion. I was enjoying the content and now I'll have to reload an old save game and redo the process again to see where the WT is wrong or lacking info.
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Well-Known Karen
Apr 28, 2017
Ok I'm now with the Walkthrough 4.0 and again it doesn't work as given.
I'll try again tomorrow as I'm no more in the mood.
I think the purpose of this kind of game is not to do endless trials and errors seeing the same scenes again and again with an annoying "save at the end of the day" system. But it's my opinion. I was enjoying the content and now I'll have to reload an old save game and redo the process again to see where the WT is wrong or lacking info.
I don´t know what your problem is? Have you used the official walkthroughs to version 8 or the fan made here (that was at some points not correct)?

The problem is when you do it without walkthrough it can be that something don´t trigger anymore (have it at 7.0).



Jul 15, 2017
Of course I did it with official WT.

If you read the post just before concerning the other official WT (for version 3.6) I already show some issues...
Why do you directly assume that the user is the problem...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
There is some mistakes in the Walkthrough file for version 3.6 (Walkthrough 3_6.TXT)

I had to play it twice to see where the problem was... Here I explain :

Day 1 Tuesday
11:00 Office/ Event 1 (Ok for me... writing new homework erogenous)
20:00 Dining Room/ Event 2 (Ok for me... she speaks about homework erogenous)
21:00 Girl's Room/ Event 3 (Ok for me... Homework erogenous is done)
23:00 Kitchen/ Event 4 (Ok for me... first time naked in the kitchen)
0:00 Girl's Room/ Event 5 (Ok for me... first time sleeping naked)

Day 2 Wendesday
8:00 Girl's Room/ Event 6 (Ok for me... morning hug first time naked with morning boner)
9:00 Bathroom/ Event 7 (Ok for me... naked shower)
14:00 Swimming Pool/ Event 8 (Ok for me... sunbathing topless)
15:00 Swimming Pool/ Event 9 (Ok for me... swimming + hug topless)
16:00 Swimming Pool/ Event 10 (Ok for me... asking about the 2 sisters)
18:00 Kitchen/ Event 11 (Ok for me... cleaning kitchen topless)
19:00 Girl's Room/ Event 12 (Ok for me... Hug naked in her room without complaint)
20:00 Dining Room/ Event 13 (Ok for me... dining topless + hug)

Added --> 21:00 Kitchen / Event 14 (Check Event 18... just helping her topless)

21:00 Girl's Room/ Event 14 (Event 15 for me... Helping Homework naked with hand on her butt)
22:00 Living Room/ Event 15 (Event 16 for me... Watching TV topless ending naked)
23:00 Kitchen-> Drop Towel/ Event 16 (Event 17 for me... Goodnight Hug both naked)

Day 3 Thursday
8:00 Girl's Room/ Event 17 (Event 18 for me... Morning hug both naked + ask for photosession saturday)
21:00 Kitchen/ Event 18 (Check Event 14) --> Replaced
22:00 Office
23:00 Bathroom-> knock Door/ Event 19 (Ok for me... Goodnight hug with towell while she's naked)
0:00 Master Bedroom->Yes/ Event 20 (Ok for me... swimming together naked + conversation about how she feels since she is in the house)


Day 4 Friday
8:00 Girl's Room/ Event 21 (NOT INCREMENTING THE EVENT NUMBER... Check end of post to know why... Morning Hug Naked)
23:00 Bathroom-> knock Door/ Event 22 (Event 21 for me ... Drop Towell. Goodnight hug both naked)

Day 5 Saturday
8:00 Bathroom/ Event 23 (Event 22 for me ... She enters while shower. Stay Normal. Reflexion about slippery floor)
10:00 Photo studio/ Event 24 (Event 23 for me... Photosession with seethrough dress)
16:00 Swimming Pool/ Event 25 (Event 24 for me... unlace her swimpants)
17:00 Washing Room->Pinh hes Nippeles/ Event 26 (Event 25 for me... pinching nipples without complaint)
0:00 Bathroom->Yes/ Event 27 (Event 26 for me... makes the bathroom slippery)

Day 6 Sunday
8:00 Bathroom-Take shower->Continue massage->Cover with.../ Event 28 (NOT INCREMENTING THE EVENT NUMBER. didn't get the "cover with"...)

--> Added ... 09:00 Master Bedroom (Event 27 ... Cover her with blanket) The increment only occurs here

Day 7 Monday
8:00 Girl's Room/ Event 29 (Event 28 for me ... Morning hug naked + proposal photosession jewelry)

Day 12 Saturday
10:00 Photo studio/ Event 30 (Event 29 for me ... Photosession jewelry)

Day 13 Sunday
8:00 Bathroom-Take shower->Touch pussy/ Event 31 (Event 30 for me ... Touch pussy. She's not confortable)

Day 19 Saturday
8:00 Bathroom-Take shower->Touch pussy/ Event 32 (Event 31 for me ... Touch pussy. It helped her)

So Here I was with 31/32 event. And looking at the morning event in Girl's Room. I tried several days without any change.
Then I spotted that there was only one event that didn't occured since she was topless : The breakfast

So to be added somewhere you like after she's topless
8:00 dining room : Event breakfast topless

And then I got 32/32
The WT works.
Here please save before the event 21 Day 4 Friday 8:00 it works there is no error please read what I wrote above in the WT "I only write where and when the events are triggered". I am not describing the way there so the rest of the challenge remains.
Save day 6 Event 28 also works.
8:00 Bathroom-Take shower-> Continue massage-> Cover with ... / Event 28
It goes without saying that you have to go back to the master bedroom because only in the master bedroom do we have the option "Cover with ...". It should remain a small remaining challenge. My opinion it is very easy to do everything with the WT.
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Jul 15, 2017
The WT works.
Here please save before the event 21 Day 4 Friday 8:00 it works there is no error please read what I wrote above in the WT "I only write where and when the events are triggered". I am not describing the way there so the rest of the challenge remains.
Save day 6 Event 28 also works.
8:00 Bathroom-Take shower-> Continue massage-> Cover with ... / Event 28
It goes without saying that you have to go back to the master bedroom because only in the master bedroom do we have the option "Cover with ...". It should remain a small remaining challenge. My opinion it is very easy to do everything with the WT.
Sorry but to get 32/32 I had to do the breakfast event.
Try to follow the WT without doing one single breakfast while you play the 3.6 and you won't get 32/32 because the "Girl's room on day 4 friday 8:00" is not incrementing the event counter while the breakfast at dining room does.... I didn't get 32/32 until I did a breakfast while normally you don't need to if you solely follow the WT. (It might also be that you need to combine the 2 events to get the event counter...)

Please also note that I did take my time to redo and redo every single step writing down what I discovered while normally an official WT should allow me to play "fingers in the nose"... It's not like I'm posting just for the sake of posting but because following the WT is a dead end !!!! "FOR ME" of course !!!... because you seem to say that it should work as intended... !!!! But hey "Who am I trying to help here"... OF COURSE I'M WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT.... Stubborn !!! It's strange that I was not the only one to have difficulties to reach 32/32 on this forum (check the past comments) cooooooooool... I'm out of this game... devs and support is not worth a penny!!! I won't waste my time with this shit anymore when I see how it's received !!!
I'm so disappointed to do that on a game that I normally play one handed if you know what I mean ... It removed all the enjoyment !!!! Sorry but this game is clearly not made with the user in mind...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
Sorry but to get 32/32 I had to do the breakfast event.
Try to follow the WT without doing one single breakfast while you play the 3.6 and you won't get 32/32 because the "Girl's room on day 4 friday 8:00" is not incrementing the event counter while the breakfast at dining room does.... I didn't get 32/32 until I did a breakfast while normally you don't need to if you solely follow the WT. (It might also be that you need to combine the 2 events to get the event counter...)

Please also note that I did take my time to redo and redo every single step writing down what I discovered while normally an official WT should allow me to play "fingers in the nose"... It's not like I'm posting just for the sake of posting but because following the WT is a dead end !!!! "FOR ME" of course !!!... because you seem to say that it should work as intended... !!!! But hey "Who am I trying to help here"... OF COURSE I'M WRONG AND YOU ARE RIGHT.... Stubborn !!! It's strange that I was not the only one to have difficulties to reach 32/32 on this forum (check the past comments) cooooooooool... I'm out of this game... devs and support is not worth a penny!!! I won't waste my time with this shit anymore when I see how it's received !!!
I'm so disappointed to do that on a game that I normally play one handed if you know what I mean... It removed all the enjoyment !!!! Sorry but this game is clearly not made with the user in mind...
You should have breakfast every day, but since there are no events to trigger, it is not in WT. It should remain at least a small challenge. Use my posted save and go to 8:00 Girl's Room. You will see that event 21 is triggered and added to it.


Jul 15, 2017
"You should have breakfast every day, but since there are no events to trigger, it is not in WT. It should remain at least a small challenge. "

Sorry but when you have "Girl's room event in the morning" or "bathroom event in the morning"....
There is no "breakfast" possible... And also it's only said in the WT "shower and kitchen cleaning" required !!!

And while you say that there is no event triggered by the breakfast... Why on earth did I get my 32th event with the breakfast !!!
Don't you think that "maybe, maybe" you need to fulfill all 8 o'clock events to get the event counter variable +1 (so girl's room and dining room are both required)


So Here I was with 31/32 event. And looking at the morning event in Girl's Room. I tried several days without any change.
Then I spotted that there was only one event that didn't occured since she was topless : The breakfast

So to be added somewhere you like after she's topless
8:00 dining room : Event breakfast topless

And then I got 32/32

Now leave it there.... I'm out of it ... while I did get 32/32 with the breakfast, Your "There is no breakfast event trigger"... It just you and your point of view. For me I did get the 32th event with it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
[QUOTE = "XcentY, Beitrag: 3619423, Mitglied: 113235"]
"Du solltest jeden Tag frühstücken, aber da es keine Ereignisse gibt, die ausgelöst werden könnten, ist es nicht in WT. Es sollte zumindest eine kleine Herausforderung bleiben."

Entschuldigung, aber wenn Sie "Mädchenzimmer-Event am Morgen" oder "Badezimmer-Event am Morgen" haben ...
Es ist kein "Frühstück" möglich ... Und es heißt auch nur in der WT "Dusch- und Küchenreinigung" erforderlich !!!

Und während du sagst, dass es kein Ereignis gibt, das durch das Frühstück ausgelöst wird ... Warum um alles in der Welt habe ich mein 32. Ereignis mit dem Frühstück bekommen !!!
Denken Sie nicht, dass Sie "vielleicht, vielleicht" alle 8-Uhr-Ereignisse erfüllen müssen, um die Ereigniszählervariable +1 zu erhalten (also sind sowohl Mädchenzimmer als auch Esszimmer erforderlich)?


Jetzt lass es dort ... ich bin raus ... während ich 32/32 mit dem Frühstück bekam, dein "Es gibt keinen Auslöser für ein Frühstücksereignis" ... Es sind nur du und deine Sichtweise, die Fakten verursachen Lüge nicht : D.
There is no time to take a shower, after the shower is still 8:00. So after every shower you can have breakfast. Which version do you play?
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Jul 15, 2017
There is no time to take a shower, after the shower is still 8:00. So after every shower you can have breakfast.
If you are still at 08:00 after the morning shower events mentionned in the WT... I give you 10 € from my paypal account
Also it was maybe true before version 3.6 but since the girl is entering the bathroom, after a shower it's 9:00 even in the week days

I'm playing the latest version for bronze patron.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
You're right that you can't have breakfast every day. but on some days it is possible. I played it last time with version 9_0. I will check it today with your version. And I'll be in touch.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
I didn't say it was not possible to have breakfast :D
My comment is about the 32th event of version 3.6.
You're right there is a mistake in the WT it should be instead of 8:00 Girl's Room 8:00 Diningroom on the 2nd day.
Thank you for your help, sorry I did not immediately check it. I just loaded old save from day 4 and there was already the event in the dining room on day 2 triggered. Therefore you can trigger the event in the 8:00 Girl's Room on day 4 with the posted save. This is the new WT. Thanks again.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
I didn't say it was not possible to have breakfast :D
My comment is about the 32th event of version 3.6.
I would be very grateful if you would post a save before the non-triggerable event next time. This way I would have seen it immediately and in a few minutes the error would be fixed. Thanks again.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Aug 27, 2018
Dear Pirate

Thank you for not sharing my game. As promised – release 11_0 is now public available at my Patreon site
Feel free to download it.

Release 11_0 contains of 800 new images and 72 new events.

Tips and tricks: If you love playing the same scenes over and over again – don’t go to breakfast 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 – and don’t read the dialogues as most of the hints are in the dialogues in the morning.

If you have been in a room at a certain time on the day and nothing new – the day after – no new events will occur in the same room – so no need to go there again. Weekends are different. In the morning at 08:00 and at midnight – it’s a good idea to check all room including pool.

The game is not sequentially constructed. That means – you can reach events in random order, however some events can only be achieved if other events have been reached.

So – if you write that you have 56/72 it will not help at all as it can be different events you haven’t obtained.

The game is not easy to play – before you just click on various rooms – think about – what could be the next step and what are the girl's daily routines

If you want a proven WT – please support me at Patreon.

If release 12_0 is not shared - I'll make it public within a month - like this release.

Wish you all happy playing
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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2018
Dear Pirate

Thank you for not sharing my game. As promised – release 11_0 is now public available at my Patreon site Feel free to download it.

Release 11_0 contains of 800 new images and 72 new events.

Tips and tricks: If you love playing the same scenes over and over again – don’t go to breakfast 8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 – and don’t read the dialogues as most of the hints are in the dialogues in the morning.

If you have been in a room at a certain time on the day and nothing new – the day after – no new events will occur in the same room – so no need to go there again. Weekends are different. In the morning at 08:00 and at midnight – it’s a good idea to check all room including pool.

The game is not sequentially constructed. That means – you can reach events in random order, however some events can only be achieved if other events have been reached.

So – if you write that you have 56/72 it will not help at all as it can be different events you haven’t obtained.

The game is not easy to play – before you just click on various rooms – think about – what could be the next step and what are the girl's daily routines

If you want a proven WT – please support me at Patreon.

If release 12_0 is not shared - I'll make it public within a month - like this release.

Wish you all happy playing
You are a man of honor and you keep your word. I hope that all people will respect the rule. It's a very good compromise and I hope that some people who like the game will switch to the supporters.
2.90 star(s) 107 Votes