
Sep 24, 2017
Can we cure beatrice ? I save her, but she stay in she's demon form
Read the guide.
Sure, I agree about bugs. But stats are different issue, and i don't think theres any coding in place, unless you call that changing assigned numbers, which is as trivial as it gets, speaking from my limited modding experience. And it took them over a year to do stuff like adding around +100 dmg to axes (so like 5x what it was ) so ruksana is only 70% useless (due to bad skils and stats, terrible accuracy at impossible and minimum 2 turns to go berserk) instead of 100%. I mean lazy is one thing but i have strong impression some numbers were assigned without any thought process. Most imbalances are just mind bogglingly glaring.

And since I started to complain - there are many things I'm unhapy about like how my two favourite characters - Clawyn and Beatrice from templar origin got crappy artists for their last scenes. And how the same artist is making majority of scenes lately. But hey, at least Beatrice got resolution, something I didnt even expect. (Edit: although that templar girl got good one, which was nice. yeh i have a thing for justicar types)

Or how they don't have 5$ patreon option (their loss though)

But rant over, one thing i can give them are regular releases, something noteworthy in patreon h-games scene. And the whole balance issue comes to light because RA can be pretty decent game outside of porn, now even more so with much better impossible difficulty that is actually challenging with some house rules.
Yeah I agree that Clawyn's pregnancy scene doesn't have the best art, which bothers me because it was the scene I was looking forward to the most in this game, but it's not so bad that I hate it; the artist, I feel like, might not have much experience drawing naked(especially pregnant) people but that's all I have to say about that.

I'm also not particularly a fan of Mikiron's art, if that's who you're talking about drawing a lot of new scenes; the proportions, textures, and sometimes perspective always just seem weird in a way I can't really describe very well.

I might be weird in this but I REALLY like the art style that Beatrice' scene after she's been cured is in, and I wouldn't be bothered if all of the art in the game was done by that artist.


I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
The guide explain how free beatrice of the demon realm but no how cure her.
It does.

Thank you!

It remains to be seen if that's permanent solution but so far changing variable to 11 seems to work - it unlocked Clawyn while leaving pregnancy registered (she refused to leave because of that during her first quest). Sweet.

On a side note as much as i like this game devs are lazy fucks, i'm pretty sure oakshire palladin quest "planting instead of sex" route is still broken after all these years, and many items/skills stats are still all over the place when somewhat fixing it would take few days tops (probably few hours unless rpg maker is super counterintuitive).
Fixing bugs requires finding them in the first place, and from what I can see that doesn't happen often. I report all bugs I find, but apparently, I'm the lucky one because these are very few.

joe powa

Active Member
Nov 10, 2017
For the Child of Female PC, the gender of the baby is random or always the same ? And as for the dad, is paternity have other impact than is race ?
And i now it's a pretty fuckedup question, but it's possible to get meredith pregnant with female player futa sex scene ?


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
For the Child of Female PC, the gender of the baby is random or always the same ? And as for the dad, is paternity have other impact than is race ?
And i now it's a pretty fuckedup question, but it's possible to get meredith pregnant with female player futa sex scene ?
As for the male PC,you can make meredith pregnant,and she will giving birth into twin,one boy and one girl,for ruksana,she will giving birth into half breed orc-human baby boy,for clawyn,she will giving birth into half breed elf-human baby girl..Thats all for the companion pregnant for now..i dunno about female PC,i dont even care to try that gender,not really my kin:)


Jul 5, 2018
Ok so, i do have a few questions if someone could help i will be most thankful!

1ª How to Trigger Ruksana's Pregnancy? I read it something about "Dungeon Fun" but i don't know how to trigger this scene and doesn't help that the guide that i have is not so very specific about the scenes.

2ª Somehow after i get the castle right at the middle of act 1 in the "(F)MC's Room" Quests seem kinda bugged, i got every single scene and quest that the guide supposedly specified for the (F)MC's Room but an giant Q remains on the door of that room, and every time i enter no other Q appears even if i sleep the wathever is that Q represents will not trigger! I checked every single piece of the room but no luck also. So if someone knows how to trigger whatever is the scene, that is bugged or not i don't know, ever since act 1 on that room i will also thanks...


Jul 2, 2018
Ok so, i do have a few questions if someone could help i will be most thankful!

1ª How to Trigger Ruksana's Pregnancy? I read it something about "Dungeon Fun" but i don't know how to trigger this scene and doesn't help that the guide that i have is not so very specific about the scenes.

2ª Somehow after i get the castle right at the middle of act 1 in the "(F)MC's Room" Quests seem kinda bugged, i got every single scene and quest that the guide supposedly specified for the (F)MC's Room but an giant Q remains on the door of that room, and every time i enter no other Q appears even if i sleep the wathever is that Q represents will not trigger! I checked every single piece of the room but no luck also. So if someone knows how to trigger whatever is the scene, that is bugged or not i don't know, ever since act 1 on that room i will also thanks...
You need to go to the castle torture chamber and find Ruksana there (Act II). Then choose to have vaginal sex with her. Leave the castle and go do some other task and when you return to the castle talk to her and she will tell you she is pregnant.

There always seems to be a "Q" on the bedroom for some reason - I think it is just a bad indicator.


Engaged Member
Dec 1, 2017
You need to go to the castle torture chamber and find Ruksana there (Act II). Then choose to have vaginal sex with her. Leave the castle and go do some other task and when you return to the castle talk to her and she will tell you she is pregnant.

There always seems to be a "Q" on the bedroom for some reason - I think it is just a bad indicator.
and it suppose to be male mc,not female


Jul 5, 2018
You need to go to the castle torture chamber and find Ruksana there (Act II). Then choose to have vaginal sex with her. Leave the castle and go do some other task and when you return to the castle talk to her and she will tell you she is pregnant.

There always seems to be a "Q" on the bedroom for some reason - I think it is just a bad indicator.
So she will randomly appear on act 2 at torture chamber? Ok then. And for some reason that Q stays there no quests or scenes just an bug? Got it!


Mar 17, 2018
I'm also not particularly a fan of Mikiron's art, if that's who you're talking about drawing a lot of new scenes; the proportions, textures, and sometimes perspective always just seem weird in a way I can't really describe very well.

I might be weird in this but I REALLY like the art style that Beatrice' scene after she's been cured is in, and I wouldn't be bothered if all of the art in the game was done by that artist.

Cured Beatrice scene artist is the one I dislike the most (right after old art that is mostly removed by now). Same artist as for Xyless scenes just to be 100% clear. I'm really suprised you like him; guess in the end invidual tastes differ a lot. Imo Mikiron is solid/good.

I know people complain about having art from many sources but I like variety a lot. It's interesting to compare differences in style and everyone can find something for himself. One artist for such a long game would quickly get boring. That said as is tradition for h-games very few scenes have any artistic merit. Still there are some, good example being Zed/Succubus scene from living quarters (which, btw, doesn't register for gallery, cough lazy devs cough - luckily we have red knight for that). It has very interesting and well executed setup, actual anatomy without perpetual levitating dick syndrome and non idiotic facial expresions.

So she will randomly appear on act 2 at torture chamber? Ok then. And for some reason that Q stays there no quests or scenes just an bug? Got it!
I think you might need whip from mission in summeredge, but maybe not, I'm not using guide so dunno.

I report all bugs I find, but apparently, I'm the lucky one because these are very few.
Dunno if you are interested, but since we are already on topic: Interrupting RuksanaxMC scene in torture chambers results in:
a)black screen that goes aways after blindly exiting room if you just free her
b)stuck scene screen if you free her after initial whipping.

Maid Lain

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 4, 2018
I don't really know anything about coding, but I imagine it would be a pain in the ass to go through and fix everything at this point considering just how many variables there are and how long ago some of this stuff was coded.

I'm not saying they shouldn't try to fix most of the bugs, but I can definitely see why they wouldn't be too terribly motivated to do so unless enough people were complaining about it on patreon.
Yeah huge RPGM games are a pain to work with once you have hundreds of variables, switches, common events, etc. The engine editor is just so fucking bad because you have to manually scroll through the hundreds of each of those to find the one you want. You can't just type out variables, you have to use the awful UI.

How about this: they recode the game from scratch, make it 1080p (I hate how blurry the game is (look at the pics)), fix all the bugs, redo some of the older artwork, and finally add animated scenes? :unsure:
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Sep 24, 2017
Cured Beatrice scene artist is the one I dislike the most (right after old art that is mostly removed by now). Same artist as for Xyless scenes just to be 100% clear. I'm really suprised you like him; guess in the end invidual tastes differ a lot. Imo Mikiron is solid/good.
Yeah, it's mostly just individual tastes. I'll clarify that I don't think Mikiron is a bad artist, I can definitely see why people would like their art, I'm just not really a fan of the art style. I definitely don't think Mikiron's art should be replaced like Nikraria's slowly is.

Nikraria's art, at least their old art (the art that's in this game), looks actually terrible.

EDIT: I actually just took a look at some of Nikraria's newer art and it's leagues above the quality of their art that's still in Roundscape.
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