
Aug 30, 2022
It's not a memory leak, but there seems to be a lot of unnecessary rendering work being done by the game, you're right to assume that a game with graphics like this has no right to demand the amount of resources it currently demands.


Do you like cakes?
Dec 13, 2017
It definitely has to do with something on a driver level or software, my game has been fine since v1.0.4

I played all the versions since for obvious reasons, but this game runs as any other on the same engine, i've yet to encounter any weird issue/bug, aside from one single crash on V1.1


Jan 27, 2021
Is it possibly to get some of the other enemy guys as their masters, or is it only ever the grey normal enemy dudes?


Jan 27, 2021
Also is there any way of cheating in the game, like insta win or something like that. I usually use MV Cheats and that works with most games but not with this one.

Maria Waller

New Member
Jul 27, 2017
Also, I don't remember reading about this in the last three comment pages, but the game has a bug in 1.2.2 when you're slaved and go to bed directly after already having gone through the consensual sex in the headquarters. You enter in a normal battle where you can use your skills (skip greyed out) maximum 1 minion and no boss enemy. This means you are softlocked, as there is no boss to knock you down and the Princesses don't have the consensual sex state applied. I have tried looking through the files, but I simply haven't found where the damn event is started in the code. I also tried to start the EVENTS.SEX event at the end of the this.battleLose Codeblock in the RBR_LogicManager, but I don't know what parameters it requires, so I'm left without music playing during the event, which is surprisingly jarring haha.
If anyone knows more, that would be much appreciated :)
Last edited:


Dec 14, 2018
Everytime I try to run the game (On Joiplay) it tries to open some.webpage and gets stuck. When I run the exe on PC it seems to be working fine. Can anyone give me some tips on how to get it to run on Joiplay (or just android in general). Thanks
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Dec 14, 2018
Anyone else had their window defender act up when getting this game to work? Is this something to worry about?
First time I ran it on PC it asked for permission to run something. I just refused and the game seemed to run fine after. Didn't ask again on subsequent load ups.

I think it might be related to whatever website it was trying to open which is what is freezing up my Joiplay


Apr 10, 2023
First time I ran it on PC it asked for permission to run something. I just refused and the game seemed to run fine after. Didn't ask again on subsequent load ups.

I think it might be related to whatever website it was trying to open which is what is freezing up my Joiplay
Huh alright, well I'll have to redo unzipping my file of it or redownloaded it. I'm not very tech savvy so once I saw that. I got spooked and deleted it. X3 Call me paranoid or what have you. I just didn't wanna take the risk of getting a virus.
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Oct 17, 2020

been having quite a bit of fun with the game, thanks for sharing.
Since I found the balancing wanting (too hard without equipment, too easy with it), I fiddled with the code and feel as though I improved it a little.
I'm new here, so I don't know about sharing my altered script files, but if somebody would be interested, I could give it a try. Or I could just post the altered sections of code, I guess...?

What I changed:
-) Beyond 1 minion per character (softlocks the consensual scene otherwise), randomize the distribution, so instead of 3-3-3, you may get 2-3-4 (total number stays)
-) Raise the stamina cost of certain higher tier attacks
-) Introduce a small remainder chance for [Hinder], based on the number of minions (currently, if you would kill all those around you with one attack, the chance for [Hinder] is always 0)
-) Randomized the boss attacks some more (so not only the last boss would use hypnosis, which I found kinda neat), removed some silly attacks (a soldering iron, really? I mean, I guess somebody might like that kinda thing...) and introduced a chance for some of the "lighter" attacks not to stun for one round.
-) Nerfed the Iron Wall skill of the redhead a little, so the taunt does not always work and the boss may attack somebody else. I found it to make things to easy and predictable
-) The minibosses, as well as the endboss, now spawn minions beyond their numbers. Currently, if only the main boss remains on screen, it would only spawn one minion per character per round, which made especially the last bossfight boringly long and nothing else.

Sorry for the wall of text, I simply wanted to share my alterations, in the hopes of improving somebody elses experience.

Regards, s3ngine
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Apr 23, 2022

been having quite a bit of fun with the game, thanks for sharing.
Since I found the balancing wanting (too hard without equipment, too easy with it), I fiddled with the code and feel as though I improved it a little.
I'm new here, so I don't know about sharing my altered script files, but if somebody would be interested, I could give it a try. Or I could just post the altered sections of code, I guess...?

What I changed:
-) Beyond 1 minion per character (softlocks the consensual scene otherwise), randomize the distribution, so instead of 3-3-3, you may get 2-3-4 (total number stays)
-) Raise the stamina cost of certain higher tier attacks
-) Introduce a small remainder chance for [Hinder], based on the number of minions (currently, if you would kill all those around you with one attack, the chance for [Hinder] is always 0)
-) Randomized the boss attacks some more (so not only the last boss would use hypnosis, which I found kinda neat), removed some silly attacks (a soldering iron, really? I mean, I guess somebody might like that kinda thing...) and introduced a chance for some of the "lighter" attacks not to stun for one round.
-) Nerfed the Iron Wall skill of the redhead a little, so the taunt does not always work and the boss may attack somebody else. I found it to make things to easy and predictable
-) The minibosses, as well as the endboss, now spawn minions beyond their numbers. Currently, if only the main boss remains on screen, it would only spawn one minion per character per round, which made especially the last bossfight boringly long and nothing else.

Sorry for the wall of text, I simply wanted to share my alterations, in the hopes of improving somebody elses experience.

Regards, s3ngine
don't mind trying out your script:)


Nov 21, 2018
View attachment 2891378
This might be the variable that handles item removal. The 0 is -99 by default. I haven't tested it yet but it seems like it could prevent removal of items on loss

EDIT: This does indeed prevent item removal on loss. Just change the line in there to what's in my screenshot and it'll prevent items from being removed. No idea if it breaks stuff
Is it possible to edit this file so you can configure rules without being enslaved? Having to go through the process of losing to change a rule is annoying and tedious as all hell.


New Member
Oct 17, 2020

don't mind trying out your script:)
sure thing. Now, let's see if this works... ...ok, looks good.

zip file contains:
-) js/plugins/RBR_Const.js: Handles a lot of game variables and arrays, I changed the list of boss skills there, among other things.
-) js/plugins/RBR_LogicManager.js: As the name implies, holds much of the combat logic specific to the game
-) data/locale_en.json: Holds the english strings. I played around with adding new boss skills, but didn't finish it, so not entirely needed, but just in case
-) data/Skills.json: Holds data for the skills. Prominently, I changed the mp-cost of various skills here.
-) data/States.json: Holds information about various states, I changed the duration of some boss debuffs here.

The changes in the .js files are commented with the prefix //AG.

Some changes I failed to mention earlier:
-) Allowed various boss attack debuffs (pain, paralyze, dizziness) to last a turn longer
-) Healing skills (drone, energy drink) now cost 10 energy
-) When trying to fight your way out of slave state (by talking to citizens), on the first turn, only one minion per character is spawned. Otherwise, it would be mathemically impossible to win, since you never have enough energy to even deal with the minions first. I reasoned it's kind of a surprise attack on the part of the player party, so yeah.

I have to say I never tested these changes with additional rules in effect, because I never actually got to that point. I didn't see any issue in the code, but there might be some unexpected behavior. Do let me know, if you find any problems.
Also, the changes are mostly there to make playing with a fully equipped party a bit more challenging and strategic. Without equipment, some of the changes might make things more difficult. Though, you could always grind the easier enemies for some equipment anyway.

To install my changes, simply replace the files in their folders. I recommend backing up the original versions first, of course.

Feedback or ideas welcome :)

Is it possible to edit this file so you can configure rules without being enslaved? Having to go through the process of losing to change a rule is annoying and tedious as all hell.
Interesting idea. I might look into it.

Regards, s3ngine


Apr 23, 2022

sure thing. Now, let's see if this works... ...ok, looks good.

zip file contains:
-) js/plugins/RBR_Const.js: Handles a lot of game variables and arrays, I changed the list of boss skills there, among other things.
-) js/plugins/RBR_LogicManager.js: As the name implies, holds much of the combat logic specific to the game
-) data/locale_en.json: Holds the english strings. I played around with adding new boss skills, but didn't finish it, so not entirely needed, but just in case
-) data/Skills.json: Holds data for the skills. Prominently, I changed the mp-cost of various skills here.
-) data/States.json: Holds information about various states, I changed the duration of some boss debuffs here.

Изменения в файлах .js комментируются с помощью префикса //AG.

Некоторые изменения, о которых я не упомянул ранее:
-) Разрешены различные дебаффы атаки босса (боль, паралич, головокружение) на ход дольше
-) Навыки исцеления (дрон, энергетический напиток) теперь стоят 10 энергии
-) При попытке пробиться из состояния рабства (разговаривая с гражданами), в первый ход появляется только один миньон на персонажа. В противном случае победить было бы математически невозможно, поскольку у вас никогда не хватало энергии даже на то, чтобы сначала разобраться с миньонами. Я предположил, что это своего рода неожиданная атака со стороны группы игроков, так что да.

Я должен сказать, что я никогда не тестировал эти изменения с действующими дополнительными правилами, потому что на самом деле я никогда не доходил до этого момента. Я не видел никакой проблемы в коде, но может возникнуть какое-то неожиданное поведение. Дайте мне знать, если обнаружите какие-либо проблемы.
Кроме того, изменения в основном направлены на то, чтобы сделать игру с полностью экипированным отрядом немного более сложной и стратегической. Без снаряжения некоторые изменения могут усложнить задачу. Впрочем, вы всегда можете перемолоть более легких врагов ради какого-нибудь снаряжения в любом случае.

Чтобы установить мои изменения, просто замените файлы в их папках. Конечно, я рекомендую сначала создать резервные копии оригинальных версий.

Отзывы или идеи приветствуются :)

Интересная идея. Я мог бы рассмотреть ее.

С уважением, s3ngine
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