
Jan 11, 2022
Hello friends, by any chance someone will have the original version in Japanese? I'm looking for it but I can't find it.


Mar 5, 2021
Besides Nymphomania Priestess, any other game that the females on the party get NTRed during battle? thats a cool mechanic that caught my attention in this game.
Gran Ende 2

It's not NTR, actually pretty vanilla with good art but you have a party member that you can lewd at anytime, which slowly progresses farther and farther.

Honestly, it's a shame this specific mechanic (Lewding party members in real time?) doesn't have it's own tag.
Wouldn't really know what to call it, but it's interesting.


Sep 16, 2020
The game have so many bug. Is there any other link(or a link without full recollection cuz I like finding h-scene by my own more than already have full scene)


Aug 5, 2021
I wanted to write another update post (following the last one) to show what I've been working in the past few days and get feedback, I'm also thinking in maybe making this kind of an habit and post every week what I've done for this game. For this post, I'm gonna separate the work done in a few categories.

Warning: Long-ass comment ahead (There may be some typos)!

This is a little script that I created to control the semen inside each supported orifice. This will work for all supported female npcs in this game, including Sana, of course, it will have a vaginal, mouth and anal pools that will contain all of Cum objects that are created after a sex scene with any male npc (either NTR/Vanilla).
  • Vaginal, Anal and Mouth cum pools for each girl.​
  • Will be used to show Sana's private parts status in the Stats Menu.​
  • As I said, it supports all npcs, but player won't be able to see how much cum there is inside each orifice of each npc in this game (this could be done, but I find it really time-consuming and kinda useless)​
  • Each cum objects will contain the source (the man it comes from), the quantity (semen in ml) and the life (how long it lasts inside the orifice)​
  • Cum objects inside each orifice for each girl, will be deleted as time passes and their life comes to 0 (By default, it lasts for 48 in-game hours)​
  • Player will be able to clean Sana's vaginal cum by using an in-game object (it will kill all cum objects without waiting)​
  • At first, if player chooses NTR route and Sana gives a blowjob, she will clean the cum inside the mouth pool, at higher stages of lewdness, she will leave cum inside her mouth (This is not done, but I could easily turn this into some heavy cuckold cum cleaning events, completely optional, but I don't know if you guys could be interested in that)​
  • As I said, player will be able to see inside Sana's vagina, mouth and anal in the Stats Menu, as a visual representation of how much cum there's inside.
  • To reduce work-load for the engine, This cum life for each orifice check will be done in a IRL frequency, like 1-2 seconds. So game won't drop to 23 fps when doing a check.
  • Support for Skip Time function.
  • Support for contraceptive devices, if an appropiate device is equipped, the girl won't get cum added to the appropiate cum pool (Ex: Vanilla "Contraceptive Device" object in game will block all AddCum events to the vaginal pool)
I still thinking about supporting visual representation of these cum pools in Sana's body (in-game model pictures, not in Stats Menu), like create cum layers and show 'em dinamically based on the quantity of each cum pool. But I'll have to think how I could implement this without losing my sanity opening Photoshop and creating cum layers for each picture.

This is the one which I spent most of my free time on, reworking (literally) from scratch the simple pregnancy feature this game had, and bring brand new one into the game.
This new system (as for now) will have the following features:
  • Player support in the pregnancy system.
In the vanilla version, player wasn't able to impregnate Sana, neither if player chooses the NTR route or the vanilla route, this probably either because Breast Mafia devs wanted to make it like this or they were just lazy. In this new system, Player will be able to impregnate her wife, but I still wanted to include the original feature.
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, like the Cum Pool Script, this will also use a frequency to check for possible pregnancies and births.
  • Pregnancy support for all female NPCs on this game.
This have both good side and a bad side, the good one is Player/Other male npcs can impregnate the other women in this game, but since this was not planned in the original game, there is no pictures available to show all female npcs pregnancies, I only found Sana pregnant pictures and Rose (The bartender), so I guess as for now, the other girls (Yoko, Margaret, Sana's mom...) will have to use the original images (no pregnant belly), maybe some day I open Photoshop and fix this, but it's not a priority right now.
  • Menstrual Cycle.
This means Sana and all other girls in this game will be affected by a kinda-realistic menstrual cycle, each menstrual cycle for each girl will have variations on the duration of each phase, and there will be 5 phases for all menstrual cycles (Menstruation, Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal and Recover), for example, Sana's menstruation could last for 5 days, but Yoko could last for 2 days and so on, each phase will have a base impregnation probability, so as an example, that means in Menstruation phase it will be VERY difficult to impregnate a girl, but on Ovulation phase, it will be highly likely to impregnate her, and to add a little disparity, a little value (from -5 to +5) could be added randomly to the base impregnate probability. When Sana (or any other girl) gets pregnant, her menstrual cycle will stop and all debuffs removed from that actor.
  • Twins/Triplets support.
There will be a RNG possibility that Sana gives birth to twins/triplets instead of just one kid, to create twins/triplets it will look inside vaginal cum pool for each girl and take a sample, so for example, that means a baby could be from player and the other one from Kyle.
  • Delayed Sana/NPC hospitalization.
In vanilla game, as soon as Sana gets impregnated, she will be sent to that little hospital, now, she will be able to follow player to the battles even if she's pregnant (also pregnant sex scenes could be playable), until it passes some in-days (by default: 5), then she will be send automatically to the hospital and se gives birth (in total: 10 in-game days).
  • Delayed Sana impregnation.
In the vanilla game, impregnation and pregnancy always happened right after sex scene ends, now this impregnation check is delayed up to a day, so for example, if player came inside Sana at the morning and she's ovulating, some cum quantity will be added to Sana vaginal pool, but if later in the game Sana gets fucked by Kyle or other npcs, both player and Kyle will share the same possibility to impregnate Sana after a full day has passed and the impregnation check is done (By default: 24 hours)
  • Debuffs/Buffs during pregnancy and menstrual phase.
Sana (and all npcs) will be affected by a few debuffs/buffs based on the menstrual cycle phase they're on, or if they're pregnant or not, for now these are the debuffs/buffs applied:
- Menstruation: Applied when Menstruation, max life debuff in battle, thats it at the moment.
- Luteal Phase: Applied when Luteal, same as Menstruation.
- Ovulation: Applied when Ovulation, will boost up battle stats and add a special state (Nympho Feeling)
- Special State: Nympho Feeling: When Sana is in this state, she will be hornier than usual (Frustration increases like 20/40 points per day in this state)
- Special State: Pregnant: Applied when pregnant, all battle stats will be boosted up (and I'm also thinking about adding Nympho Feeling too in this state)
  • Pregnancy content unlocked since the beginning of the game.
Any male npc can impregnate Sana at the very beginning of the game, player could impregnate her too, BUT actually player won't be able until the end of the game, since in the vanilla game, player's only able to fuck sana with a condom until player beat up the game, so yeah, npcs can impregnate her at any moment, but player only at the end.
  • No need to sleep (three times?) to make Sana give birth.
As I modified the TimeScript this game had, now I will be able to pass pregnancy times by script (player can skip pregnancy duration by just skipping time at the hospital), and also, Sana's birth won't wait for player to show up, if player's in there waiting and interact with the event everything will be normal and player will be able to see the birth scene, but if player don't interact with that event, player will miss the birth event and Sana will give birth automatically and return to home.
  • Vanilla features still in this pregnancy system.
For the people that might not like this system, I also take care of that and implemented two items, the birth control pill and the ovulation drug, the first one will kill all sperm inside the vaginal pool, thus killing all chances of a possible pregnancy, the second one, will force a pregnancy for the next impregnation check, will ignore completely the impregnationChance of the current menstrual phase, if Sana takes that she will get pregnant even during Menstruation phase, logically, this will only happen if Sana has any cum object inside her vaginal pool.
  • Player able to name kids.
When Sana gives birth, player will be prompted to give him/her a name, (also a random name will be generated if player don't want to give the kid a name)
  • Random genre assigned to the baby.
This point's title says it all, the kid's genre will be randomly assigned. 25 % for a girl, 75 % for a boy.
  • A little option in the menu to check cum inside Sana's vagina.
Check screenshots.

I'm still working on this, basically everything is pretty much done, but for me, coding the UI is really time-consuming and probably one things I hate the most of RPG Maker. Nothing special about this, just a stats system that will collect all of sexy events with Sana that happens in the game (check screenshots).
These are the stats that will be tracked down (copy-pasted from script):
FrustrationValue, LewdnessValue, numberOfKidsTotal, numberOfKidsNTR, numberOfKidsPlayer, sanaIsPregnant, oralTimes, titfuckTimes, vaginalTimes, analTimes, milkedTitsTimes, pregnancyTimes, playercuckedTimes, harassedTimes, sexWithMayor, sexWithMinota, sexWithYoneda, sexWithKylesDad, sexWithKyle, sexWithHoang, sexWithBeachGuy, sexWithFighter, sexWithSun, sexWithYokoChurch, sexWithDoctor, totalSemenInPussy, totalSemenInAnal, totalSemenSwallowed, rapeTimes, climaxTimes.

- Will have a simple Stats window, that will show just a few atributes I listed above (Still WIP)
- Will have a in-depth Stats window, where all atributes will be shown.
- In the in-depth Stats window, player will be able to see all kids Sana gave birth, either NTR or vanilla, and the info related to a specific kid (the father, mother, birth date and genre)

As 1Teddy1 suggested, I wanted to include some sprites to show vagina/anal/Mouth status, so I had to open my dusty Photoshop install and try to do something, but the results aren't that good, gonna upload them here and you guys tell me what you think about them.

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NOTE: I just realized now that I'm uploading the status images that the anus images have the vagina empty, I will need to remove it, and leave the anus alone, but I don't they look good enough, as you can see I'm not a graphic designer at all.
The code it's there, I only need a good sprite to show the status to replace the current ones.

Other little changes
As I stated in the last update post, I was looking into giving player the possibility to stop Player/Sana scene at any moment during the scene, I finally achieved this, player will be able to press ESC key during a few seconds and scene will be abruptly interrupted. I also wanted to give the player yet another choice selection to stop the scene right after cumming before player's sex skill, and I also did this, and I also include a key (By default: SHIFT key) for people that don't like the minigame, if you press that key, it will fast forward the minigame 'til the end. see , also I did a little change, when player fucks Sana and she has a high sizequeen level, she won't moan hot like she used to, it will be more like a mild/boring moan.

As I said, I had to rewrite the TimeControlScript (basically to do the whole CumPool and PregnancySys), now it fully supports quick checking the in-game time in every single script that tries to get it, nothing you guys would notice but needed.

Yesterday, I started coding what smilee2110 said about that timing bar to include it on the Player/Sana scenes, as today I only achieved to replicate the timing bar (as you can see on the screenshots) but got no time to imlement it in the minigame and check how that would work, maybe for next week I could do that and show it here, (yeah, that background is literally taken from the game files, I did that just for testing, obviously, the mod release won't include assets from other games)

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Other little things I cannot remember.

I know this post is kinda big, do you guys who read it have any suggestions?

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I wanted to write another update post (following the last one) to show what I've been working in the past few days and get feedback, I'm also thinking in maybe making this kind of an habit and post every week what I've done for this game. For this post, I'm gonna separate the work done in a few categories.

Warning: Long-ass comment ahead (There may be some typos)!

This is a little script that I created to control the semen inside each supported orifice. This will work for all supported female npcs in this game, including Sana, of course, it will have a vaginal, mouth and anal pools that will contain all of Cum objects that are created after a sex scene with any male npc (either NTR/Vanilla).
  • Vaginal, Anal and Mouth cum pools for each girl.​
  • Will be used to show Sana's private parts status in the Stats Menu.​
  • As I said, it supports all npcs, but player won't be able to see how much cum there is inside each orifice of each npc in this game (this could be done, but I find it really time-consuming and kinda useless)​
  • Each cum objects will contain the source (the man it comes from), the quantity (semen in ml) and the life (how long it lasts inside the orifice)​
  • Cum objects inside each orifice for each girl, will be deleted as time passes and their life comes to 0 (By default, it lasts for 48 in-game hours)​
  • Player will be able to clean Sana's vaginal cum by using an in-game object (it will kill all cum objects without waiting)​
  • At first, if player chooses NTR route and Sana gives a blowjob, she will clean the cum inside the mouth pool, at higher stages of lewdness, she will leave cum inside her mouth (This is not done, but I could easily turn this into some heavy cuckold cum cleaning events, completely optional, but I don't know if you guys could be interested in that)​
  • As I said, player will be able to see inside Sana's vagina, mouth and anal in the Stats Menu, as a visual representation of how much cum there's inside.
  • To reduce work-load for the engine, This cum life for each orifice check will be done in a IRL frequency, like 1-2 seconds. So game won't drop to 23 fps when doing a check.
  • Support for Skip Time function.
  • Support for contraceptive devices, if an appropiate device is equipped, the girl won't get cum added to the appropiate cum pool (Ex: Vanilla "Contraceptive Device" object in game will block all AddCum events to the vaginal pool)
I still thinking about supporting visual representation of these cum pools in Sana's body (in-game model pictures, not in Stats Menu), like create cum layers and show 'em dinamically based on the quantity of each cum pool. But I'll have to think how I could implement this without losing my sanity opening Photoshop and creating cum layers for each picture.

This is the one which I spent most of my free time on, reworking (literally) from scratch the simple pregnancy feature this game had, and bring brand new one into the game.
This new system (as for now) will have the following features:
  • Player support in the pregnancy system.
In the vanilla version, player wasn't able to impregnate Sana, neither if player chooses the NTR route or the vanilla route, this probably either because Breast Mafia devs wanted to make it like this or they were just lazy. In this new system, Player will be able to impregnate her wife, but I still wanted to include the original feature.
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, like the Cum Pool Script, this will also use a frequency to check for possible pregnancies and births.
  • Pregnancy support for all female NPCs on this game.
This have both good side and a bad side, the good one is Player/Other male npcs can impregnate the other women in this game, but since this was not planned in the original game, there is no pictures available to show all female npcs pregnancies, I only found Sana pregnant pictures and Rose (The bartender), so I guess as for now, the other girls (Yoko, Margaret, Sana's mom...) will have to use the original images (no pregnant belly), maybe some day I open Photoshop and fix this, but it's not a priority right now.
  • Menstrual Cycle.
This means Sana and all other girls in this game will be affected by a kinda-realistic menstrual cycle, each menstrual cycle for each girl will have variations on the duration of each phase, and there will be 5 phases for all menstrual cycles (Menstruation, Follicular, Ovulation, Luteal and Recover), for example, Sana's menstruation could last for 5 days, but Yoko could last for 2 days and so on, each phase will have a base impregnation probability, so as an example, that means in Menstruation phase it will be VERY difficult to impregnate a girl, but on Ovulation phase, it will be highly likely to impregnate her, and to add a little disparity, a little value (from -5 to +5) could be added randomly to the base impregnate probability. When Sana (or any other girl) gets pregnant, her menstrual cycle will stop and all debuffs removed from that actor.
  • Twins/Triplets support.
There will be a RNG possibility that Sana gives birth to twins/triplets instead of just one kid, to create twins/triplets it will look inside vaginal cum pool for each girl and take a sample, so for example, that means a baby could be from player and the other one from Kyle.
  • Delayed Sana/NPC hospitalization.
In vanilla game, as soon as Sana gets impregnated, she will be sent to that little hospital, now, she will be able to follow player to the battles even if she's pregnant (also pregnant sex scenes could be playable), until it passes some in-days (by default: 5), then she will be send automatically to the hospital and se gives birth (in total: 10 in-game days).
  • Delayed Sana impregnation.
In the vanilla game, impregnation and pregnancy always happened right after sex scene ends, now this impregnation check is delayed up to a day, so for example, if player came inside Sana at the morning and she's ovulating, some cum quantity will be added to Sana vaginal pool, but if later in the game Sana gets fucked by Kyle or other npcs, both player and Kyle will share the same possibility to impregnate Sana after a full day has passed and the impregnation check is done (By default: 24 hours)
  • Debuffs/Buffs during pregnancy and menstrual phase.
Sana (and all npcs) will be affected by a few debuffs/buffs based on the menstrual cycle phase they're on, or if they're pregnant or not, for now these are the debuffs/buffs applied:
- Menstruation: Applied when Menstruation, max life debuff in battle, thats it at the moment.
- Luteal Phase: Applied when Luteal, same as Menstruation.
- Ovulation: Applied when Ovulation, will boost up battle stats and add a special state (Nympho Feeling)
- Special State: Nympho Feeling: When Sana is in this state, she will be hornier than usual (Frustration increases like 20/40 points per day in this state)
- Special State: Pregnant: Applied when pregnant, all battle stats will be boosted up (and I'm also thinking about adding Nympho Feeling too in this state)
  • Pregnancy content unlocked since the beginning of the game.
Any male npc can impregnate Sana at the very beginning of the game, player could impregnate her too, BUT actually player won't be able until the end of the game, since in the vanilla game, player's only able to fuck sana with a condom until player beat up the game, so yeah, npcs can impregnate her at any moment, but player only at the end.
  • No need to sleep (three times?) to make Sana give birth.
As I modified the TimeScript this game had, now I will be able to pass pregnancy times by script (player can skip pregnancy duration by just skipping time at the hospital), and also, Sana's birth won't wait for player to show up, if player's in there waiting and interact with the event everything will be normal and player will be able to see the birth scene, but if player don't interact with that event, player will miss the birth event and Sana will give birth automatically and return to home.
  • Vanilla features still in this pregnancy system.
For the people that might not like this system, I also take care of that and implemented two items, the birth control pill and the ovulation drug, the first one will kill all sperm inside the vaginal pool, thus killing all chances of a possible pregnancy, the second one, will force a pregnancy for the next impregnation check, will ignore completely the impregnationChance of the current menstrual phase, if Sana takes that she will get pregnant even during Menstruation phase, logically, this will only happen if Sana has any cum object inside her vaginal pool.
  • Player able to name kids.
When Sana gives birth, player will be prompted to give him/her a name, (also a random name will be generated if player don't want to give the kid a name)
  • Random genre assigned to the baby.
This point's title says it all, the kid's genre will be randomly assigned. 25 % for a girl, 75 % for a boy.
  • A little option in the menu to check cum inside Sana's vagina.
Check screenshots.

I'm still working on this, basically everything is pretty much done, but for me, coding the UI is really time-consuming and probably one things I hate the most of RPG Maker. Nothing special about this, just a stats system that will collect all of sexy events with Sana that happens in the game (check screenshots).
These are the stats that will be tracked down (copy-pasted from script):
FrustrationValue, LewdnessValue, numberOfKidsTotal, numberOfKidsNTR, numberOfKidsPlayer, sanaIsPregnant, oralTimes, titfuckTimes, vaginalTimes, analTimes, milkedTitsTimes, pregnancyTimes, playercuckedTimes, harassedTimes, sexWithMayor, sexWithMinota, sexWithYoneda, sexWithKylesDad, sexWithKyle, sexWithHoang, sexWithBeachGuy, sexWithFighter, sexWithSun, sexWithYokoChurch, sexWithDoctor, totalSemenInPussy, totalSemenInAnal, totalSemenSwallowed, rapeTimes, climaxTimes.

- Will have a simple Stats window, that will show just a few atributes I listed above (Still WIP)
- Will have a in-depth Stats window, where all atributes will be shown.
- In the in-depth Stats window, player will be able to see all kids Sana gave birth, either NTR or vanilla, and the info related to a specific kid (the father, mother, birth date and genre)

As 1Teddy1 suggested, I wanted to include some sprites to show vagina/anal/Mouth status, so I had to open my dusty Photoshop install and try to do something, but the results aren't that good, gonna upload them here and you guys tell me what you think about them.

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NOTE: I just realized now that I'm uploading the status images that the anus images have the vagina empty, I will need to remove it, and leave the anus alone, but I don't they look good enough, as you can see I'm not a graphic designer at all.
The code it's there, I only need a good sprite to show the status to replace the current ones.

Other little changes
As I stated in the last update post, I was looking into giving player the possibility to stop Player/Sana scene at any moment during the scene, I finally achieved this, player will be able to press ESC key during a few seconds and scene will be abruptly interrupted. I also wanted to give the player yet another choice selection to stop the scene right after cumming before player's sex skill, and I also did this, and I also include a key (By default: SHIFT key) for people that don't like the minigame, if you press that key, it will fast forward the minigame 'til the end. see , also I did a little change, when player fucks Sana and she has a high sizequeen level, she won't moan hot like she used to, it will be more like a mild/boring moan.

As I said, I had to rewrite the TimeControlScript (basically to do the whole CumPool and PregnancySys), now it fully supports quick checking the in-game time in every single script that tries to get it, nothing you guys would notice but needed.

Yesterday, I started coding what smilee2110 said about that timing bar to include it on the Player/Sana scenes, as today I only achieved to replicate the timing bar (as you can see on the screenshots) but got no time to imlement it in the minigame and check how that would work, maybe for next week I could do that and show it here, (yeah, that background is literally taken from the game files, I did that just for testing, obviously, the mod release won't include assets from other games)

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Other little things I cannot remember.

I know this post is kinda big, do you guys who read it have any suggestions?

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curiously, is this implemented? if not then when will it come out


Jun 6, 2017
curiously, is this implemented? if not then when will it come out
I made a devlog thread for the mod, I'm still developing the mod core releasing test versions so the mod is not "technically" out, you can check it in my signature, I don't have a release date though, it will be out once I consider it playable & enjoyable.

The mod in its current state has changed A LOT internally since the last test version released and there's new things that I did not share in the devlog thread. I'll update the thread with everything new when the v0.2 test version is ready for release.


New Member
Sep 14, 2017
I made a devlog thread for the mod, I'm still developing the mod core releasing test versions so the mod is not "technically" out, you can check it in my signature, I don't have a release date though, it will be out once I consider it playable & enjoyable.

The mod in its current state has changed A LOT internally since the last test version released and there's new things that I did not share in the devlog thread. I'll update the thread with everything new when the v0.2 test version is ready for release.

hows the progress?


Jun 6, 2017
hows the progress?
Currently working on:


- Body => Every actor will have the same body parts (genitalia, buttocks...) with a specific sensitivity and size, will influence during sex scenes, specifically on the pleasure points each actor gets based on the sensitivity value of the body part that's currently being used during sex, the more sex scenes an actor participates in the less sensitive the most used body part will be.

- Personality => Pretty much covers the progression of the game and how all actors will behave, every actor will have the same traits (cheater, cuckold, dominant, size queen, sex skill...), the game will be linked to these values, some of them will always influence the sex scene, like sex skill, others will influence based on some conditions (for example, size queen big values will only affect if the giver actor's genitalia's size is tiny) you will be free to play the game the way you want, increasing/decreasing the values accordingly.
All of these traits will change as you play the game.

- Relationships => Covers the relations (currently friendship and love) between actors.

- Arousal => It calculates arousal for every actor, arousal increases/decreases based on how much time has passed that actor does not participate on sex acts.

- Sex Diary => Tracks automatically the statistics for each actor (climax times, pregnancies...)

- Cum Pools => Adapding the script so it works with everything now I'm doing, I added some new cum pools for tracking and better recognition of contraceptive devices (these are already explained on the devlog)

- Pregnancy System => Pregnancy System will behave differently based on the actor's gender, for females it's the same I already said, for males it will behave like the actor's virility, nothing too mindblowing it will just calculate how much that actor can ejaculate based on his current arousal value and the trait sex skill value (personality script).

Deleted member 690333

Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
Currently working on:

View attachment 1993348

- Body => Every actor will have the same body parts (genitalia, buttocks...) with a specific sensitivity and size, will influence during sex scenes, specifically on the pleasure points each actor gets based on the sensitivity value of the body part that's currently being used during sex, the more sex scenes an actor participates in the less sensitive the most used body part will be.

- Personality => Pretty much covers the progression of the game and how all actors will behave, every actor will have the same traits (cheater, cuckold, dominant, size queen, sex skill...), the game will be linked to these values, some of them will always influence the sex scene, like sex skill, others will influence based on some conditions (for example, size queen big values will only affect if the giver actor's genitalia's size is tiny) you will be free to play the game the way you want, increasing/decreasing the values accordingly.
All of these traits will change as you play the game.

- Relationships => Covers the relations (currently friendship and love) between actors.

- Arousal => It calculates arousal for every actor, arousal increases/decreases based on how much time has passed that actor does not participate on sex acts.

- Sex Diary => Tracks automatically the statistics for each actor (climax times, pregnancies...)

- Cum Pools => Adapding the script so it works with everything now I'm doing, I added some new cum pools for tracking and better recognition of contraceptive devices (these are already explained on the devlog)

- Pregnancy System => Pregnancy System will behave differently based on the actor's gender, for females it's the same I already said, for males it will behave like the actor's virility, nothing too mindblowing it will just calculate how much that actor can ejaculate based on his current arousal value and the trait sex skill value (personality script).
again, take your time, had two other games have people pick them up just to drop them 2 months later, I appreciate what you do and take as much time as you need/want
3.90 star(s) 18 Votes