VN RPGM Abandoned Saria Reclaimed [v0.17] [Velminth]

2.40 star(s) 162 Votes


Apr 13, 2018
Allow me to smack my two cents (wall of text, rather) on the whole hate-train for the v0.16.

I've tried the new version, which is more of deckbuilder and VN combination, to see what's left last pages here in such disarray.
It's... not bad. From what I gather, it is currently more of a proof of rework, a build that confirms that he didn't do fuck all the whole time. Which means it's currently super short and empty. Most of the content that was available in previous versions isn't there yet.
Of course, that didn't look good to me too. I've checked the trello, that someone here mentioned he has, and from what I see, the Karryn's Prison's corruption/fetish system will be back with all the related sexy stuff.

I understand that game going from LISA-like Sidescroller RPG, to Sidescroller deck-builder, and then to unusual (at least for me) amalgamation of VN, deckbuilder and some RPG elements on top is weird, and that's not mentioning how one update was scrapped. Several months of waiting for this update didn't help for the dev's image too. From what I've seen, his response wasn't exactly professional to the whole bashing from f95 community. And some people donated for a specific game that is an entirely different one now.
Heck, I, myself, am so sick of seeing boring copypaste RenPy VNs so much, that I just avoid them without even giving them a chance, however bad that sounds.

However, my point is:
As far as I see it, sidescroller RPG wasn't the cornerstone of this game (or at least not solely), but rather the art, setting, and the corruption/fetishes, that you could choose, mix and match to your own liking, to complete the game how your dick sees fit.
Again, it seems like the corruption and fetishes will still be there, at least according to trello on v0.17. Art and the setting are there as well. Deckbuilding gameplay (that mostly went uncriticized, and definitely not as harshly when it was first implemented) will probably be akin to v0.15.
Considering the amount of comparisons drawn between KP and Saria (rightfully so), I am pretty sure that it's the corruption of specific body parts that was one of the (if not the) main appeals, and again (I'm reiterating that for the third time now, please excuse), it seems it will be back.

So, all in all, those who specifically wanted a sidescroller, it seems like you can jump the ship at this point. Those who have specifically donated for a sidescroller game... yeah, that's a very bad sight. Sorry that happened to you peeps. Your anger is understandable.
Developer acted unprofessionally, despite changing the game to this extent (getting donations for one type of game, and then changing it multiple times to something different is obviously gonna be disliked). Though at the same time, receiving this kind of community response would've brought the worst out of any person, methinks.

My verdict? I'd wait for the v0.17.
If it sucks, has weird genre-changing shenanigans or alike, I guess hate-train is justified (though I still feel like some gone overboard).
If the content/systems are back and the game just works - I'd stick around for the game and watch how it goes.

P.S: please no "dev 2nd account" or "paid shill". I just felt like both sides have wronged in some aspects, and wanted to mediate this way.
I think the biggest issue, and why the response has been the way it's been, is the fact that this isn't the second rework the game has endured. It's hard to have any faith in the project long-term when the dev's vision keeps changing every few updates.

Personally I won't complain since at the end of the day, this is free entertainment for me (never subbed, never donated, stolen laptop, neighbor's wifi), but I can't fault anyone from souring over the project.

Do I have any faith the project will ever get the completed tag? Sure, if it's a rushed final version that cuts a lot of features, but I legitimately can't see this game being completed with how it has been going so far. Maybe if more hands get involved in the project, otherwise, I can't say I see an end in sight.
  • Haha
Reactions: CereBros

Gari Fuze

Feb 19, 2020
Honestly, I have tried this game on release, and I remeber how god awful it was. I never thought its gonna be good. I still think it has a decade to go to be anything in the realm of karryns prison, but the author has good art, and he clearly does not give up and tries to get things to become better. As much as the game changes, I think it can still change a lot.

The biggest problem I have with 0.15 is that each new patch started to have meaningless amount of content. The way the game progression is built is that it lacks streamlined gameplay. Even the game map is not very clear where to go and why.


Oct 2, 2021
Okay... First things first... I respect that this is entirely Velminth´s project and he can do watever he wants. And I have to add that I am not a patron of this one...

I have enjoyed this game so much till version 15.2, but this change is something I did not even think would happened... I just wished to have more of the same and the game was 9/10 in that department. But this is personaly something I do not enjoy at all. Just wanted to say that, take it please like constructive criticism, because so far I really loved this game.


Jan 6, 2019
Oh, they were. I was on there the other day. The first one I saw was someone asking what happened to the game. Seem like the dev is trying to save face after this recent update blew up in his face.
It's a little depressing to see the dev deal with feedback this way, even if it's mostly negative or given in a 'rude' manner, disabling comments, insulting users, and generally being barely above a petulant child are not things I would have expected from him since he seemed mostly chilled out tossing memes around in each update poster. Disabling/Deleting the comments on Itch was definitely the most pathetic thing he's done IMO.

Oh well, I'm still moderately hopeful that he's going to make a good VN, but that's assuming that the game direction doesn't change again in a year or so.
Nov 14, 2020
It's a little depressing to see the dev deal with feedback this way, even if it's mostly negative or given in a 'rude' manner, disabling comments, insulting users, and generally being barely above a petulant child are not things I would have expected from him since he seemed mostly chilled out tossing memes around in each update poster. Disabling/Deleting the comments on Itch was definitely the most pathetic thing he's done IMO.

Oh well, I'm still moderately hopeful that he's going to make a good VN, but that's assuming that the game direction doesn't change again in a year or so.
I wish I had your optimism. I don't have any faith in the game's future if the dev continues to act like a massive douche. Plus, disabling comments is honestly a massive bitch move unless the comments are full of bots, which was not the case with Itch.

On a positive note, Future Fragments should be coming out in a few weeks, so there's something for me to look forward to.
Jun 10, 2018
I think a card system is fine in theory, and everyone expecting it to be fully developed right away is being unreasonable. Traditional rpg combat gets dull fast and doesn't mesh with the erotic elements either. I think the cutscene system helps with making bosses feel special, and it makes scripting sound cues, etc easier. Having said that I think most of the content should be from cards and each should have cut-in effects for both Saria and enemies. It would also work thematically that Saria is being corruppted by her opponents and mimicking what they've done to her is how she learns the erotic cards.


New Member
Jun 6, 2020
Guys, does anyone have 0.15.2 save? i'm tired of replaying same shit for forth time downolading this game.


Jun 26, 2020
Traditional rpg combat gets dull fast
It`s not that RPG combat is dull, some devs is dull. If you think about game more than 5 min and look at success JRPGs you can do something like Jack of Nine Tails or ToA. But if you lazy, uncreative and think inside the box, nothing helps to make things more interesting. Card`s random don`t make miracles.


Jun 15, 2018
I don't even understand why most poeople of this comunity is toxic and unsupportive !
Its not even about this game ! I see people arguing wich combat system are better ! Its a damn porn game ! Noone cares!
Noone Forces you to pay them to make the game ! They will do it with or without your negativity !
Or they wont ! Its never your Choice to begin with ! To all people who disagree with that ! Make your own game !


New Member
Aug 2, 2021
I like the new system but I also liked a more RPG approach. To me, the game was good even before the cards were added, but I will support our great EROmanian's artistic vision. Great art in the new update btw.
2.40 star(s) 162 Votes