VN RPGM Abandoned Saria Reclaimed [v0.17] [Velminth]

2.40 star(s) 162 Votes


May 9, 2017
Well yet another promising game went to the trash because the Developer found it easier to just make it into yet another boring VN type card game...guess I'll drop that one as well.
Remember kids only give money for the full product, never support kickstarters because 99% of them just bait and switch.
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Nov 2, 2017
Hilarious to see the dev going further and further down the Yandere Dev rabbit hole in now openly antagonizing and insulting not only us freeloaders, but the people who PAY him to make the game he's advertising.


Oct 10, 2018
Honestly, i don't mind the new revamp, but some majors things left me with doubts.

1: the very limited amount of sex attacks she can take before game over (4-5 and your done, considering the first 3 are always trash talk whatever ennemy you face), with no option to recover willpower

2: sex attacks are always the same order: 3 trash talk, 1-2 of another one (depend on mob), and 1-2 of a third (then game over). there is no variations. i suppose the variety will go up the more you advance the game, so wait and see.

3: Combat unbalance: the last mob have an attack that can literally kill you in one turn, even if not in the weakness, being neutral is enough to kill you. It can use it when his turn is first, meaning that if you ended last turn in wrong position= End

Even better, i started a new battle with him, and he got his turn first and used that attack and litterally killed me before the fight even start lol.


Jun 11, 2019
I don't think it's impossible for the new version to become a good game, but as it currently stands, it's a poor replacement for the previous version. Less content, buggy interface, basic card combat with unclear icons and effects. And the overall vibe has also taken a huge hit.

Without the old intro and the map exploration, the world of the game feels way fuzzier and more undefined. We get some generic exposition about the state of the world and the different kingdoms vying for power, and then the first conversation is with a sexy/cheerful catgirl now instead of seeing how tough of an upbringing Saria had and how brutal of a world she lives in. In my initial review I said that I really liked the world because it felt like a good mix of a Souls game and Kenshi. I don't really get any of that anymore because you don't really experience the world anymore.

It's not exactly a bait and switch like people want to believe. Reworks happen in the background of game development all the time, though in the era of patreon and early access, they're happening in front of paying customers more and more.


New Member
Feb 21, 2020
I wouldn't say he rewrote the game from scratch, but rather that he built a different game and re-used a bunch of assets.

Yes he can do whatever he wants, and he's free to be a condecending prick about it too. But uhh. :censored:
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New Member
Mar 6, 2022
I dunno why everyone is throwing a temper tantrum, it is his game and we get to play it for free. If he doesn't like the way it is developing and wants to change it, that is up to him. I really want to see what he will make that required him to completely remake the game from scrap. Just let the man cook.
i hear you, i understand you, but its still a bummer to see such a promising game get flipped on its head so much.

The Penguin

Mar 1, 2018
Holy fuck bro

« v0.16
I remade the game from scratch :) »

Well then, Imma play that once I finalise my windows reinstall after work... (like fucking 5:30 AM).
2.40 star(s) 162 Votes