VN RPGM Onhold Saria Reclaimed [v0.17] [Velminth]

2.40 star(s) 158 Votes


New Member
Apr 18, 2020
I think it's kind of okay at the moment. Just a bit rough with the remake, but that'll get straightened out. Honestly a lot of that platforming was kind of going nowhere in itself (good art, and lovely work, but it added unnecessary workload tbh). My only suggestion is consider modifying the current system into an almost dungeon-crawler-esque system rather than simply having discrete encounters of 1 conversation + one fight. Maybe something more like "Unyielding"?

That said I also loved the previous versions, so it's really just a hope this new version can be built up to what was building up prior.


New Member
Aug 1, 2017
I thought id weigh in. I was someone who didn't play the game on 15.1, i just went to the gallery. Instant gratification, yes, a sound game decision no. Now for 16.0, i think everyone is being far to negative. Is the dev being kinda rude atm, sure but its their game and we don't have to support or download it. the combat is a bit getting used to but currenty i am having some fun, i like the modifiers system and perks. I dont feel like the sexual encounter are grinding lvls to get better sex acts, it feels more passive now and less beating my head against a wall. So dev, i do like this version and will keep and eye out for future updates, the negativity is flowing from all sides rn, we all just need to take a beat and let off some steam, because at the end of the day its just porn. This had been my ted talk.
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Jun 25, 2017
I see alot of people fail to understand the old game's scope was way too gargantuan for a single guy lol. Don't blame him at all, art is still good and that's the only thing that matters anyway.
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New Member
Jun 23, 2018
I see alot of people fail to understand the old game's scope was way too gargantuan for a single guy lol. Don't blame him at all, art is still good and that's the only thing that matters anyway.
Do you take that same attitude when you play a game that ends up awful but has really good graphics? This isn't to say the rework is awful but to act like the gameplay shouldn't be part of the equation when evaluating a game seems pretty reductive.


New Member
Jun 17, 2020
I don't care how hard it is to make a game or what issues the developer has, all I care about is the final product. If a hospital bound death bed developer fucks up a game I will rate it the same as if a AAA dev fucks up a game. The dev's personal failings are not my concern as a consoomer.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2022
Haven't seen a game get this many bad review so quickly so had to download the new version to see for myself.

I played the first version and quite liked it, wasn't perfect but was hoping things would get fixed. But after playing the new version I can understand why so many people are annoyed.

First version had a very original atmosphere and feel to it. Now that's all gone and just a boring card game instead. I haven't seen a game change this much before. I guess Light Space Love is the only other Karryn's Prison like game at the moment?
I'm honestly bummed about it. karryn's prison is finished, light space love takes forever for updates to come out (they are pretty good tho), and this was the only other game that scratched that itch, now its gone further down the drain than a Californian gender reveal party.


New Member
May 6, 2020
Disclaimer: I disregard the whole investment vs patronage debate.
I wouldn't mind gameplay, that is a slimmed down version of Library of Ruina, but the new version should be titled as 0.2 at best. A good 'adult' card game is harder to come by than another RPGM title, even one inspired by the top of the class that is Karryn's Prison, because card games have to meet a much higher standard to be enjoyable.
The gameplay of the original game was far weaker than Karryn's Prison, so I don't get the criticism directed towards the genre switch. In my oppinion the biggest problem right now is the loss of content, atmosphere and choice compared to the previous offering. I also believe that the devs greatest strength is the artwork, so changing to a more gameplay focused genre might still prove detrimental in the long run.
On a lighter note: This update finally made me realize that Saria is supposed to be a buff, tan, excessively endowed Angela.
Dec 24, 2020
I don't mind the rework actually. At least in theory. I dislike card games, but asides from that I don't mind the game moving in a different direction.
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New Member
May 21, 2023
I don't know if the dev reads this, but I will just leave this here:

The rework is abysmal. You had an idea which worked fine, had a direction, and you did a complete 180° to whatever this crazy mess is. I really find it hard to understand, why? Why not follow through with something you saw people support and appreciate to something they obviously hate? Don't tell me you find this to work better than the previous approach, you can not seriously think that, and I can't in good faith believe you did not see the shitstorm coming with your own fans reacting the way they are because I won't believe that either. You are either pulling off some crazy ass trolling or are completely delusional. Either way, a bad joke.

I have a hunch this happened due to a copyright strike. If that is the case, don't let it dishearten you, just modify the assets till you satisfy the conditions. But don't COMPLETELY remake the game ffs...


Mar 15, 2020
The game doesn't let me choose the "naughty" options, I don't know if that's how the game is or if I'm having a bug.
2.40 star(s) 158 Votes