VN RPGM Onhold Saria Reclaimed [v0.17] [Velminth]

2.40 star(s) 158 Votes
Jan 29, 2018
the whole "Reworked the whole game from scratch" was definitely NOT way to go for this game.
Taking the normal RPG turn base gameplay and turning it into a card game was really a downgrade.


Mar 24, 2021
I definitely don't hate the new revamp, as I enjoy lewd card games, it was just a bit hard to parse. I haven't played in a while, so I completely forgot the "rock, paper, scissors" combat mechanic and only knew about what the short tutorial told me; that being the specifics of Slash Stance.
Combat isn't bad, it was just somehow more difficult than the sometimes tedious turn-based RPG combat the game did have. I guess in a way it's makes combat go faster, but in practice I spent more time trying to figure out what stance will keep my clothes from being annihilated in 2 turns.
Did anyone else have problems with combat? I may just be stupid.
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Feb 22, 2021
I woke up yesterday to see my notifications stacked with review changes to this thread. lol

I mean, I know it sucks. I myself was hoping it would compete with Karryn's Prison & try to be better.

But based on someone else's post, apparently his patrons wanted this change.

Also, while I dont know much about game dev, perhaps it would be easier to develop in RenPy than in RPGM?

For those who don't like where this game is going, no words are gonna convince the dev otherwise. Either you suck it up or start pretending it doesnt exist. Nothing else's gonna hit harder than the latter especially. & if the dev's donors want the game in its current state, then they shall get the game they deserve.



Active Member
Dec 12, 2020
But based on someone else's post, apparently his patrons wanted this change.
Curious if there's proof of it, or just hear-say, given only Patreon comments are deriding the update and the only poll I know of is Card Based vs Traditional Skill combat results.


Mar 17, 2020
Curious if there's proof of it, or just hear-say, given only Patreon comments are deriding the update and the only poll I know of is Card Based vs Traditional Skill combat results.
Well first we need to see what patreon? Was that before the change to a VN or was the remaining echo chamber that the author seems to have sheltered in.


Nov 2, 2017
Would be cool if reviews weren't just deleted, the influx of negative feedback and criticism isn't unwarranted.
Have they been? Your 1-star from almost a month ago is still up. So are the 1-stars made in the past few days. I assume the deleted reviews, if any, didn't meet the bare minimum requirements of a review.
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Sep 23, 2017
If "Reworked the whole game from scratch" means losing at least 60-70% of the already existing content + many of the core mechanics as restoring willpower and such (if you try it you will see that in v.016 you can't recover willpower, so after few ero attacks your defeated) then we need back the old version ...

Not to mention that cheats in v.016 are also bare bones of what they was they only get Saria in heat but there is no heat meter in game to begin with, so yea dev made a bait and switch and run with all of the supporters money ...

We can assume this game will be with tag "Abandoned" soon which is sad as it had such a great potential.
Jun 8, 2020
holy heavens this is the biggest downgrade I have ever seen in a game here. When people talked about remaking the entire thing they weren't kidding, this 0.16 is a totally different game now, and boy it is boring, I couldn't force myself to play after the second fight.
For me this is a novelty in f9, a game doing such a huge 180 and shooting itself on the foot with uncanny precision.
speakin of shooting in the foot i cant wait for 0.19 to be a unity built 3d first-person shooter


May 20, 2022
I woke up yesterday to see my notifications stacked with review changes to this thread. lol

I mean, I know it sucks. I myself was hoping it would compete with Karryn's Prison & try to be better.

But based on someone else's post, apparently his patrons wanted this change.

Also, while I dont know much about game dev, perhaps it would be easier to develop in RenPy than in RPGM?

For those who don't like where this game is going, no words are gonna convince the dev otherwise. Either you suck it up or start pretending it doesnt exist. Nothing else's gonna hit harder than the latter especially. & if the dev's donors want the game in its current state, then they shall get the game they deserve.

View attachment 3257592
I have definitely missed a lot of the complaints as well as the post about his patron's wanting this change but the Dev made it clear on his patreon that he has his own vision and wouldn't be bought. " I won't cater to anyone but myself regardless of sum or interest. Support is appreciated if you are happy with the direction it's heading in, but that's all there is to it. " directly from his patreon.
I hope he enjoys his creation but he definitely did a 180 from the original concept, I speak for myself but I'm sure some like me came here in hopes for a Karryn's Prison successor with a better/sexier protagonist. Karryn's Prison is a masterpiece and there aren't many if any that are like it so it was a sucker punch to the gonads when the original game took many notes from Karryn's Prison and some from other games to completely trash it for something different almost 2 years later in development.


Sep 18, 2018
For those who don't like where this game is going, no words are gonna convince the dev otherwise. Either you suck it up or start pretending it doesnt exist. Nothing else's gonna hit harder than the latter especially. & if the dev's donors want the game in its current state, then they shall get the game they deserve.
Mind you, I am neither a fan nor do I hate this game, my last post is even saying I'm just confused on what the F the dev wants to take this games direction in, so I'm not specifically commenting about the game here, but rather your stance on it.

Similar to other games the devs donors are most likely kissing the devs ass by just blindly agreeing with him. It likely wasn't a poll pulled up out of nowhere, dev had to complain about previous updates being too hard/unachievable or something along the lines.
Now, I could be wrong and the paying supporters really hated the current gameplay and wanted a "Skip dialogue" game with awful combat mechanics, which completely starts development from the ground up, ruining any foundation it had before except for general story (if there really is any) and Saria herself ig.

People complain and rate a game low to voice their opinion and share a common frustration, whether it falls on deaf ears or not. At the very least the smart people who first look up reviews on other sites than the echochamber of dev discords and what not, will get to see whether they want to support or even play the game. In this case, I personally highly advice against it.

Product isnt finished, let alone has a ground to stand on and except for dark skin muscle mommy Saria:PogChamp:, you don't know what you'll get, if you'll ever get anything outside of more reworks and what not.

Pretending a problem doesn't exist only makes things worse, which is a common life lesson. And it's not gonna hit hard at all because if noones complaining, then the dev will continue to not "give a shit about what others think", despite putting up a poll because his insecure ass can't focus on a single direction to take the game in.


Sep 28, 2019
Maybe this was his plan all along. Build a game like something popular and once he has a good following he'll flip and finally begin his magnum opus using the fame he got so people would actually give his magnum opus a chance. The vision, his vision. He dreamt it one night, it made sense he had to make it and so he did. A grand quest, a quest to piss as many people off as humanely possible. Did he succeed? Did he?
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Active Member
Jan 30, 2023
im actually confused. why has the exploration been taken away? why cant i explore freely, and instead im just clicking between chapters? the UI is confusing, and i have no idea how to explore. i like the art changes. but if this is how the game is now, then i guess thats disheartening, as i liked the premise of exploration, combat and non con. granted it needed a polish and an overhaul to more scenes playing and stuff. but i liked how this was basically a karryns prison kinda game. now theres no exploration at all? am i missing something? i was excited to see the over haul, thinking its routes of an exploration rpg was gonna stick, but maybe you added better scenes and animations? and instead you went from having a gold mine, and traded it in for a generic Visual novel. you clearly missed the spot of why folk loved this game and was looking forward to where it was headed. biggest dissapointment is an under statement. was hoping for an overhaul of its current style with more sex scenes, maybe even anims.


Feb 22, 2021
Pretending a problem doesn't exist only makes things worse, ...
This isn't about a leaking gas pipe or your erectile dysfunction. (just joking, luv. I'd suck it if I was 10 years younger)

This is about a dev depending on continuous monthly revenue stream from people who paid attention to his work. This is attention-based economy; people have different morals about what the dev does, some may like him, others may hate him, but he will keep getting people paying him for as long as attention to his project keeps being generated.

I watched a LOT of Patreon/Kickstarter projects in the last decade, & it's always the same story; devs like Star Citizen's, drag out a project to go much longer than necessary, even with the limited manpower considered. How they kept getting suckers? Simple: Generate attention. For as long as there is something grabbing public attention, there will always be suckers, because there will always be a few people with some extra bucks, who

1. look at the current state of the project & liked what they saw because they literally received content in a single day, that the rest of the community has been slowly dripfed over 36 months
2. look at "haters" in bad light by default either out of genuine good nature or just narcissism

If just 80% of the current community can agree to drop out of this project completely & leave(thus "pretending it doesnt exist"), hardly anyone else gonna realize the game exists.

Even for this thread, if someone can bribe the mod to make this thread not get back up to front page everytime someone posts, lurkers will have to try REAL HARD to find out about this game, & as a lurker myself, I can tell ya I wouldnt have either.

That's why, attention matters for projects of this nature. You wanna force the dev to reconsider, you ignore them.
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Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
Have they been? Your 1-star from almost a month ago is still up. So are the 1-stars made in the past few days. I assume the deleted reviews, if any, didn't meet the bare minimum requirements of a review.
Yes, the game was at 151 reviews yesterday, it is at 127 now. But you're right, a lot of these reviews blatantly broke the rules.

People, if you want to leave a review, spend at least 5 minutes writing it.


Jul 18, 2019
I didn't care for the previous version much, as it didn't manage to keep me. My condolences to those that were thrilled by it.

I gotta ask, is there enough content in this new version, or is there very little content like starting a new game from scratch?
2.40 star(s) 158 Votes