VN RPGM Onhold Saria Reclaimed [v0.17] [Velminth]

2.40 star(s) 158 Votes


Aug 13, 2017
Velminth Thanks for the christmas update.

@ clowns in this thread berating the dev, you r*****s need to stfu. its literally a FREE game. I know for a FACT if you were actual patreon supporters or paying players you wouldn't be complaining on a god damn adult game PIRATE website. I do not understand why yall are acting so entitled when uv given the dev nothing in return.

I will say new direction is interesting. I feel the game has been made easier but the game still requires skill and thinking which i enjoy. The story is much more direct and understandable than before and i appreciate it.

A few things to consider:
  • The new method of being able to pick any card from your deck really diminishes the deck BUILDING aspect of the previous version. was this done to make the game easier?
    • an "improvement" would be to have a hand that you draw cards to and from.
      • from here you pick what to play into which slot
      • you can limit hand size to ease rendering or make it a value to be changed
    • at the moment this feels more like a turn based rpg with the active time battle mechanic.
      • the cards are a stand in for easily changeable skills. meaning the cards do not need to be cards.
      • the domination stat influences how often you go in battle.
        • an explanation of how this stat works would be very helpful.
  • info on strengths and weakness of each stance would be very helpful. If i could hover over the stance and it tell me what it is strong and weak to would be nice
    • i think the stances limits the design space. you may want it to be that each card makes you weak (2x dmg) and strong (.5 dmg) to certain dmg types. these can be shown as red and blue pips on the card. this way you can have a card like guard with only blue pip(s) as a defensive option or a card with no pips implying neutral.
      • this will allow you to reduce the amount of interchangeable defense statuses like guard and dodge.
      • this also greatly increases your design space.
    • consider cards which change the opponent's stance? this will involve grapping so mood increase?
  • I feel the combat UI is too vague. The game actually requires skill and I appreciate that but it feels burdensome to play skillfully
    • all the information is hidden so i have to click around to understand the enemies turn
    • the stance weaknesses and strengths are totally hidden. the tutorial only tells you "slash stance takes double slash and .5 blunt dmg" and you have to remember this and guess for the other stuff.
    • if the cards can have some animation on who they are targeting that would be helpful. nothing complicated just a simple "punch" in the target's direction.
    • some indication of the fetishes proc-ing would be helpful
    • instead of simply stance badges can you instead but the effect half of the card in the bottom so its easily read without having to click into it?
    • a detailed battle log (fetish, card, stance, dmg, mood, i.e. everything that changed) would be EXTEREMLY helpful
    • also the sometimes 3 energy or 2 energy of cards i can play made no sense to me. can you clarify that?
  • An explanation of things like mood, corruption, and the fetishes would be helpful
    • I couldn't find a bar or value indicating what saria's mood is or what the mood means.
    • are the enemies suppose to have a bar that can be used to seduce and then incapacitate them?
    • i would be very sad if seduction lead to a defeat.
  • Last but not least the animations seem to lag for me when i click thru them quickly. I have a pretty capable computer so i doubt its me. Is this a js engine limitation? consider godot? its pretty good for 2d games and the coding language is very reminiscent of python. (MOAR REDESIGN!!!)

Anyway thank you so much for making this. I wrote this up to be constructive. I mean no hate. I can tell you really care about the project and I appreciate it! Feel free to pm if you want to me to clarify anything or discuss something.
Have a Happy Holidays!
Remember to block out the haters
View attachment 3199499
Yeah, except I WAS a supporter and I NO LONGER support due to the rudeness of the dev and the direction of the game changing. The criticisms go on deaf ears when suggested, claiming I needed to get good.


New Member
Apr 4, 2023
Everyone, thats saying "oh F95 is just being F95 again" or this is toxic and entitled behavior and clearly hasn't been reading replies and only cherry-pick replies. This game was compared to games like Lisa and Karyn from the early start of the development process, and we can even see the inspiration in his work. Even a game called Ruina which I've never played before the MC looks entirely like her and has some of the same card elements. This isn't a problem with the fans, it's a problem with the Dev. This game was too ambitious from the start and it's having an identity crisis. If it was just a Karyns Remake with a LiSA setting that would have been enough to set it apart from what its competitor, forerunner, or game it's compared to(whichever term you chose) Now the entire format of the game changes. Forget settings and inspirations, but now it's a VN game. What next real-life board game? Ova, handheld fighter? I'm in the discord for this game an Im actual supporter I can confirm that most of the time it's just an actual echo chamber or people just trying to appease Vel for whatever reason.

I feel like the abrupt gameplay changes and format in versions are enough to be critical. If the dev is foul-mouthed and insults supporters/fans then he shouldn't be surprised when/if they give him that same energy. Can we please stop acting like this Developer is being cyberbullied or run off the internet? some of his messages earlier in this thread (present and deleted) are more than enough proof that that isn't the case.


Mar 24, 2021
If "Reworked the whole game from scratch" means losing at least 60-70% of the already existing content + many of the core mechanics as restoring willpower and such (if you try it you will see that in v.016 you can't recover willpower, so after few ero attacks your defeated) then we need back the old version ...

Not to mention that cheats in v.016 are also bare bones of what they was they only get Saria in heat but there is no heat meter in game to begin with, so yea dev made a bait and switch and run with all of the supporters money ...

We can assume this game will be with tag "Abandoned" soon which is sad as it had such a great potential.
Oh yeah, the willpower thing was another problem I forgot to post about. I almost beat the big drunk guy, but he assumedly burped in my face and slapped my ass a few times and I lost :LOL:
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New Member
Mar 23, 2019
So using the restaurant analogy; the dev opens up a restaurant that sells porkchops, to the interest of both customers (supporters) and the homeless (f95 in this case). He grows an audience around these porkchops, tempering his skills, adding different spices, improving its quality, and becoming liked for his quality meals. Then one day, for reasons largely unimportant to this example, he decides to start selling porkchops but diced into cubes. Everyone is a bit confused; some complain, some stop eating there, some offer criticism and worry over the change, etc. But overall the consumer base, if a bit smaller than before, remains present. Then the dev started selling chicken and stopped selling pork, and now everyone is up in arms.

Regardless of the reasons behind the changes, the dev initially gained popularity for selling porkchops. He has a decent following of fans who enjoy his porkchops. His talents and skills were originally developed when making porkchops. Now he's starting from scratch and needs to rebrand, and whether or not he serves the chicken burnt, raw, or cooked he's still not selling porkchops.

I'm not reading the rest of the comments, nor am I gonna judge whether each criticism is fair or braindead, rebranding from porkchops to chicken, with an audience that came here for porkchops, is a strange move that throws everyone for a loop.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2019
Doesn't matter if he's talented or if he's the only one who can cook chicken if all he does is burn it. It's effectively the same for the end user, who does not get a properly cooked chicken whether he's involved or not.
It's not same, you can get burned chicken or get nothing at all, you not in position to choice if you so like to lurking around this chief.


Jan 18, 2019
It's not same, you can get burned chicken or get nothing at all, you not in position to choice if you so like to lurking around this chief.
The point is, the customer is expecting a properly cooked chicken. Whether he's a good chef or a bad chef, whether he's the only chef or there's no chef, no matter which way you slice it, a properly cooked chicken is not coming.


Aug 26, 2018
You know, regardless of what you think internally about the situation, speaking openly and so rudely about those who supported you for so long is simply stupid.
It's so difficult to have a little tact and I don't know, to invent some wall of text that in short says "The project surpassed me, my time and private life no longer lend themselves to something so extensive, so I'll change the focus for something more Modest, I am very sorry for those who wanted to see this complete game but unfortunately it will be impossible for me to finish"?
I mean, it probably wouldn't be enough, but at least you'd have a larger audience on your side and public trust wouldn't drop as low.
I mean, you don't need to have a master's degree in marketing to understand something as simple as not becoming the enemy of your audience.


Jan 18, 2019
Your expectations are your own problem. Accept this as an adult, not as a child.
It's a problem to expect what you were told to expect by the chef? That's news to me. Accepting it as an adult is in fact leaving feedback for improvement, as well as warning others who are not aware of what the chef has done.

Vel marketed this, and worked on it, as a battle fuck RPG for 2 years. It's not childish or unreasonable or anything like that to have expected a battle fuck RPG from him.


Active Member
Dec 19, 2019
The other half of the equation is that even for the people who do like the new direction the game is going in, what happens when Velminth decides he doesn't like this direction either? He's already proven he's willing to tear up the foundations once, he could just as easily do so again.


Active Member
Jun 7, 2018
Yeah, we're all aware that the current market is all for scammers to start a promising project only to drop out a quarter of the way through development, which is spread across 1-6 years. So are you saying it's a good or a bad thing? Because it sounds like you're trying to justify the dev dragging this project out and scamming clueless people who just didn't know any better.
Generally I agree with your comment, but to me it's obvious it is not a scam, strictly speaking.

Think about it, a scam is fundamentally about money. In the context of patreon-funded games a scam is about getting as much support as possible with as little labor spent as possible. A radical rework, of all things, is absolutely ruinous for that goal. It requires more labor, and it, predictably, pisses of tons of supporters. A scammer would never ever do such a thing, they would simply release very little new content, and delay updates as much as possible. I know of a certain creator that is making $1300 a month without a single release in two years . Oh wait, it's '24 already, so no content updates in three years. THREE YEARS. All you have to do for that to work is to garner initial support, and then make excuses, excuses, promises, excuses, and promises.

This dev, however, is doing a lot of stuff that directly causes loss of money. Realistically, we can say a) velm does not know what the game is supposed to be, and b) he's full of himself, unable to respond to criticism, unable to assume any responsibility.

Being a self-absorbed asshole is not uncommon among "artists". But a self-absorbed asshole without any creative vision is, well, what we're seing in action. And it is a glorious, glorious trainwreck.


Jul 11, 2023
I played it for a bit, dont think this new direction is inherently bad. All the pixel art was probably really time consuming. But still the way it is now is just disappointing. The game should start in some sort of hub area like a town, represented by a series of static images that you navigate via menu and can talk to some characters to obtain quests and with that access to new locations. Once you are done you leave town and are presented with a world map where you choose where to go. That way the player would have more agency rather than doing things in such a linear fashion and it would also be visually more interesting. Also some of the new art is very wonky like the one of naked saria covering her breasts during combat.
Also is the whole "fuck-battle" aspect of the game permanently gone or just undergoing reworks?

I prefer the current version in some ways, If the dev continues working on it and improving it, the negativity surrounding the game will dissipate. But he needs to stop being so sensitive and lashing out at people. This was a drastic change that caught people off-guard so the strong reactions are somewhat understandable.
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2.40 star(s) 158 Votes