People getting upset over this is just a little silly, you know? Like just looking at art and setting aside real world things that actually matter, I was upset when Kentaro Miura died. Am I gonna be upset when an alright porno game I was fond of goes in a different direction? No, getting emotional over that is kinda dumb now isn't it.You respond in the forum focused specifically for porn games and the thread of the porn game itself and don't understand why people are upset and disagree with the authors methods? Since you compared it to reactions of the Fall of Rome it's fair to say that this is the response to the Fall of Rome in a Rome Supporting Thread.
What response would have the best outcome? Rewrite Review of Game with constructive criticism? Check. Pull out of Patreon Sub? Check. Constructive criticism in the Dev's Discord just to be banned for having any critiques on his game. Check. (these don't all apply to me but apply to many in this thread complaining)
You clearly didn't do any research with this Dev, "If you are here regarding Saria Reclaimed, the game is free until an eventual 1.0 release.I won't cater to anyone but myself regardless of sum or interest. Support is appreciated if you are happy with the direction it's heading in, but that's all there is to it." Directly from his patreon. Your comments about monetary incentive are invalid here and yes his patreon has taken a hit, setting him back more than 6 months worth of increased support.
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(99% of his patreon gathering is from the creation of this game, not his original artworks.)
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Invalid since the Dev has zero interest in money and zero interest in what people think about his game(according to his patreon). I believe he couldn't complete the game on his own and the project proved to be too much for him so he dropped the idea completely and opted for an easy way out by switching it to a VN. So it can be viewed as a bait and switch whether or not he meant to. Spend some time reading some reviews of the game, the ones that are more than like 1 paragraph.
And I guess I'm just preeeetty skeptical of people who say "oh I was being totally polite and got banned for no reason!" You know, not like it doesn't happen, I'm sure it did happen to people in this case as an emotional reaction to all the other less polite comments they're no doubt receiving. And if you're one of those people, I'm sure it must suck. But excuse me if I don't accept at face value every claim that all the people getting banned were being totally civil. You know, just past experience.
But that aside, if the dev really didn't care about money, they wouldn't have a patreon, now would they? That part they put in there about not catering to people is just a boiler-plate disclaimer so you don't have those weird rich furries coming in and demanding you add scat and other weird shit because they donated. If they didn't care about people's opinions, they obviously wouldn't be getting so defensive.
The real problem with all the pissy replies, is that it puts the author in a mindset where they're not receptive to criticism. If you've just read through 20 comments telling you to kill yourself in elaborate ways, you're probably not going to be as open to hearing actual advice. If every response to this situation right from the start had been calm and measured, I guarantee the dev's response would be different. But people don't want to admit that because "righteous indignation" is one of the most intoxicating feelings there is. That's why ragebait is so popular. People are always on the hunt for some excuse to feel it, even if it's over something completely trivial.