It is sad that people review more developer, than a game itself. Actually, Velminth started his project as a hobby, so he wanted just to deliver his personal projects to people without any seriousness. It is worth to keep in mind that he is not really dedicated game developer, and just an amateur. After that wave of hate, his hobby become a nightmare, I can understand him. Nobody wants to work under pressure, especially if it even not his job, and just a hobby.
I disagree with your first point, while yes the product should always be front and center in a review, it's also important to consider who is making it. Once again, this game was being made by someone who shifted the gameplay two different times, called criticisms of SR "
downs-syndrome borne accusations" in some now deleted comments or even the comment I referenced in my review where he was mad at someone for the VN change and said "
You are the guy that has been upset for more than half a year now about the game, and yet here you are in every other page, still here, gurgling my balls like a little dog 
". I'm not going to say what he was responding to here was necessarily warranted but Velminth also didn't need to respond, he could've just taken it as another person who isn't happy with the direction of the game.
It's great that Velminth started this as a hobby, but when you
peak at making $1538 USD a month out of 753 paying members, you should at least TRY to come across as professional to some degree. Also, if that many people are giving you $1538 USD a month, the bare minimum you can do is deliver on a product.
Seeing as we're on the topic of, may I ask your opinion on Velminth's Patreon? At the time of writing this he is currently making 564.33 USD out of 297 paying members, and he hasn't done anything since April. No commissions,
no mention of him cancelling Cogito Line which he did in July, not even a mention that he is working on a new game (that we don't know the title of, assuming a name exists).
Do you want to know another dev who is an amateur? The creator of City of Secrets, TheDarkLight. The game itself isn't relevant but what is is that TDL has less dev experience than Velminth, who has a bit over 3 years of experience, and isn't rude to people who criticize his work (worse he did say was towards someone had a "stupid take" where all art should be added as the game progresses i.e the first dungeon should come out with all art and pixel animations finished, disregarding how much work that truly is).
Finally, and I promise this is not a slight against you in the least,
Velminth doesn't care about you, your opinions, or your money in the slightest. You can comment on the wave of hate and how working on the game became a nightmare for him, but he handled things in the worst way, instead of buckling down, filtering criticisms into relevant and irrelevant or the reason why people would say what they're saying, he just attacked everyone.