Based on the number of upvotes this early in development, I decided to try this out.
The story has good potential and several renders show good artistry (the black and white flash backs were quite nice). However, the story pacing just didn't work out for me.
Based on the premise, I was expecting a 'detective' story where you try to solve your father disappearance - you trained and devoted your entire life to this goal after all. Being a cop should give you access to clues, witnesses, review old files, ability to interrogate people, and slowly unravel the truth. Barely a game play day into your cop's life, you get answers to life, the universe and everything.
The (skippable) sex scenes felt forced in with little to no build up. Fast food DAZ porn may attract patrons, but could also undermine character development.
The script could also benefit from further proofreading. For example:
script.rpy line 1823 and 1827 are duplicated
script.rpy line 2259: "I took over your his research"
Best of luck!