Guess my thoughts will be opposite to the rest, but I'll still add them. I actually really hated this update. The whole update was one major sidetrack. As a writer, this completely feels like either a writers-block or not knowing how to continue the story in a believable fashion from the point it left off. Sure it might be planned from the beginning, but it feels like just another deus ex machina which could have been easily incorporated into a more coherent story. And JUST when the story was actually getting interesting. This update also introduces characters I don't care about and starts taking the game which had a tight story and a tight cast into the broad, shallow, and murky waters. Sure, they are alt versions of the characters I am starting to care about, but for me they are just new characters whom the MC doesn't have any sort of involvement with. Like if you had a GF and then half a year later met her twin. You have zero connection to the twin and she is just a random nobody, same as everybody else. This update completely relies on you just copy-pasting your emotions onto the alt versions of the girls, otherwise it just falls apart.
Add to this that I am really, REALLY, uninterested in Daisy, both versions, (and thank Christ I FINALLY got the option of turning her down) and the result is really not something that can keep my attention. It also makes me think we are going to start getting much less in the updates from now on, since now we have to split the story into two worlds, meaning the characters are going to get much less development done individually, add to that the requirements for sex and I'm positive each update will have a sex scene which is not fully developed squeezed in.