3.30 star(s) 24 Votes


Active Member
Feb 26, 2018
Looks promising, great renders (a bit of funny/weird) faces,but its ok. Waiting soon for more updates


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
nice render quality and nice female mc. (yay female mc!) but can/does she have fun with old guys too?
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Jul 27, 2020
Will this be a game with ntr but strong characters? By strong I mean the husband won't be a sissy cuck with tiny penis like from Wife at all cost but actually a chad with a penis that can pleasure a woman but the female protagonist will still cheat and fuck around him?


Storia di Stef
Game Developer
Dec 25, 2019
Will this be a game with ntr but strong characters? By strong I mean the husband won't be a sissy cuck with tiny penis like from Wife at all cost but actually a chad with a penis that can pleasure a woman but the female protagonist will still cheat and fuck around him?
Wife at all costs is a completely different story from this one.
In this game over the radio I talk about an impending crisis. What will happen next?
How will the husband behave? What happens to a family that no longer has an income? And above all, what is it willing to do?
In these questions you will find your answers.

I want to clarify that there will be a lot of corruption and very particular situations and you will decide the path to take.

Thanks friend for watching the game I hope to hear from you again soon


Storia di Stef
Game Developer
Dec 25, 2019
[QUOTE = "nn2017, post: 5684931, membro: 306486"]
¿Prossimo aggiornamento?
A Wife & Moder same developer or just copycat same story shit ??
Is it worth to try 90mb of nothing ??
See you in 5 years.
Look honestly they are two completely different stories.
Then I think that Wife and Mother is a masterpiece and not a shit story.
But everyone is free to think how they want.


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
okay played it and i have to say:

good english
many choices (good!)
female mc has a really lovely face and nice legs but her tits look a bit strange imo
the postman scene was quite hot and even the shower scene even i want to be more the cheating girl
for me too much boy scene
no "i will have sex with the boss that you can stay in your job" thing? very sad cause i would have liked to see more boss than little boy personally

looks interesting will keep an eye on it
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Active Member
Aug 14, 2017
I liked the MC. She's not only hot, but also her expressions and attitude towards her daughter's boyfriend (too bad it's not her son instead; it'd be perfect.
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Engaged Member
Jul 11, 2018
okay played it and i have to say:

good english
many choices (good!)
female mc has a really lovely face and nice legs but her tits look a bit strange imo
the postman scene was quite hot and even the shower scene even i want to be more the cheating girl
for me too much boy scene
no "i will have sex with the boss that you can stay in your job" thing? very sad cause i would have liked to see more boss than little boy personally

looks interesting will keep an eye on it
im on your side there. we don´t need little boy crap. why they always go that way? a wife and mother killed it with that twat dillon and his group of virgin friends. we need more real man.


Jul 27, 2020
You mean masterthief ??
Masterpiece is something that I would write and not lie ppl 5 years.

But as you say, if you view others work as an ''masterpiece'' you will never succeed in anything cause you not value own work or love yourself. I would never say for others shit they are better even if they are really master piece (and believe me, W&M is not) , it's copycat of many retro movies for xample :

That bar scene where teacher of Dylon force Sophia to play game with panties :

- Tinto Brass used in 1994 Voyeur his movie
- prior that SLIVER 1993 Baldwin force Sharon Stone to play same scene in Bar

...sooo as u can see, it's not a masterpiece. It is a copycat bullshit of shallow liar Developer.
But we the old age fans of 80's and 90's erotic movies - you can't fool us.

My note to you :

Value your work. Not praise other craps.
I believe in you. You need to believe in yourself.
Funny guy. Viewing other people's work as masterpiece means not valuing yourself?? If that's what you really think then you have self-confidence issues. You can appreciate people's work and see them as their worth while also striving to make your own work good or even better. If the author views AWAM as a masterpiece, then so be it. That's his opinion. And frankly, AWAM is one of the best games there are on this site. It has high quality renders and was able to provide good pacing. I know currently people are criticizing the author because they want more work to be done in a given span of time, but that is outside the quality of the work.
By the way, ALL works has had something done by someone else in the past already. You can get a specific scene of any game and there will be a work in the past that contains something similar. Just because a trope was already done before, doesn't mean that the work is a copycat. Past works influence present works, whether you are aware of it or not.

"Value your work. Not praise other craps.
I believe in you. You need to believe in yourself."

LOL. If that's your perception of the world, then you must be living in a very sad and pathetic life. You must be very a envious person if you hold that view.

"But we the old age fans of 80's and 90's erotic movies - you can't fool us."

:ROFLMAO: Just how old are you, senile decrepit man? You're THAT old but you're still on this porn game site complaining? Holy crap this is even sadder that I thought. Just how sad is your life. No self-esteem and now THIS?


Jul 27, 2020
Is that your best pathetic try to insult me ?? Wadda soft pussy.

But I will answer it :

Most of smart developers are my age .

Guy from Croatia who developing '' ADVENTURES OF WILLY D '' is my age, so fig out...

But u must be degenerated imbecile 2faced faggot .

You play games from old folks and then you shit on elders.

I bet you hate your parents cause they spawned disrespectful faggot like you without brain, cojones and dick.

But it's ok we both know you gonna cry to admin now like every faggot soft millennial pussy does.

I dunno what is more pathetic :

developers who steals other works ...or developers who use burner accounts to protect their shitty games.



Fucking pussies.
Oop old man is triggered - and I'm not even trying. What is even sadder is that this old man becomes a 12 year old when he becomes angry. Is that all you've learned in your age? Your best way of insulting people is just to call them faggot? "Faggot - ooooh - ooooh I'm a boomer, I'm so scared of gay people ooooh - ooooh" It would be understandable if it is a child who makes those unoriginal, unimaginative insults - but an old man? What have you been doing your whole life? Were you just masturbating and complaining on porn sites that you've never expanded your vocabulary?
Cry to admin? Nobody's crying other than you. Are you projecting your wounded ego to others? Nobody (at least no young people) would report something this petty. Only boomers and karens like you would report on stupid things like this kinda like how you would go "wHerE is yOur maNaGer, i neEd to sPeaK to yoUR mANageR" when your entitled ass gets handled in public spaces. Are you so hurt that your old brain got insulted? The fact that you would think that only games made by other boomers are great says a lot about your boomer brain. Everyone creates works in all ages - what is sad is an old man complaining to a porn game in a porn site. By the way, the game you're praising has such shitty renders, poor coding, and it's not even on Ren'Py, making it inefficient. But I guess you gotta leave it to boomers to have poor taste and to suck the dicks of other boomers for creating shitty games.


Aug 18, 2020
Imagine how pathetic imbecile you need to be to TAG SOMEONE FIRST

then say how you triggered somebody. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:

Imagine level of monkey brain. Nobody even tagged ya, and monkey says : I triggerd you.

Level 9999 monkey
Said the one who was triggered by "Stolen" work. :FacePalm:

Maybe you shouldn't, speak. Like at all, you don't seem to be very good at it.
3.30 star(s) 24 Votes