The game isn't that far, and the core focus of the game is a more grounded transition (i.e: just presentation, eventually identity)
i think it's a great-strenght, it make the build-up of the antagonist's corruption more natural and much more satisfying
i don't like how the few games with sissyfication done to someone else than the MC are always based on drugs or hypno/magic-app stuff
not only it's irrealistic, which kinda break the point of corruption in my opinion, but it's also break character-developement
i think corruption should is at it's best when it's a slow build-up with smallers but many milestones
it make the character-developement much more fluid and much more rewarding by the end
i'm speaking for the trap-route here, but i love how it progress
you start making the antagonist wear female-underwear, telling him it's fine since no-one will see them anyway
then you tell him to start wearing really light makeup, telling him no-one will probably realize it if it's low-key enough
i think it's great because the point is to slowly get him used-to crossdress to the point he will actually want to do it
it's also great because it feels real,
and it's the same with his personnality
you slowly warp his/her mind into giving you exactly what you want by slowly turning the antag into your lover/sub
and will include the potential for HRT or something late-game. Something like plastic surgery or something less realistic isn't planned, but could be included in post-game content if there is demand for it once the core game is done.
on the point of Plastic-Surgery, yeah it's a bit-much, but adding HRT seem like a good-idea
it might also be a good idea to add the possibility of making the antag follow somes diets/exercices
you could tell the antag to start following a low-testosterone/high-oestrogene diet and some daily light-exercices like squats
it wouldn't be out-of-place and it would be much more realistic than plastic-surgery and/or HRT right from the bat