These are the newest posts from earlier today:
[12:03 AM]
Hey all, just a heads-up so people don't panic: I'm pausing the Patreon again. This isn't because I'm not working on it or stopping or anything like that, just because I don't want to take another month's money without the release out there. The plan is for the release ASAP (as it has been, as you are all no doubt keenly aware) and that isn't changing. I keep putting it off telling myself "I'll get it out before then!" but it's clearly not going to be this month either, so I'll do the pause and hopefully unpause again next month after the release. Thanks again for putting up with the seemingly endless delays, and as always, if anyone does want a refund for their backing, even just until the release is out, just say the word. I totally get it.
[12:03 AM]
So tl;dr: release still soon™, pause until release.