You seem to have completely missed the point. Obviously he's gonna save them, but five minutes earlier the mother was nonstop berating him and has been a bitch to him her whole life. There's a difference between not letting your family members get killed and instantly forgiving everything they've done, because... what?? There's no reason to do so. The correct response to the situation would be saving them and then telling the women pulling some Tartuffe level shit to piss off.
You're being way too irrational about this...
Like i said i main the Unforgiven route myself so i know full well how Nicole is. Hell you can check through this thread and see what I've said about her for updates now. She wasn't a bitch to him his whole life as she wasn't in his life for half of it. She didn't turn bitchy until after she was rejected repeatedly.
Some of you guys take this unforgiven thing a little too far. I did as well too but some of you are a whole another level. You're mother almost died... If your not mature enough to understand the weight of that and look at how regrettable hating her forever would've been then i don't know what to tell you.
You act like he was all of a sudden hugging and kissing her and telling her he loves her. None of that happened at all and he even still kept her at a certain distance. Him being willing to compromise with her is for the better of his character and the story after a event like that. If you feel like him being an irrational asshole is better after that then we just have different views.
I mean imagine the dialogue in your scenario for a second. Hey mom i saved you now get out of my face bitch, i still don't forgive you and hey, stay out of my life mkay? Hmph! Does that dialogue even remotely sound realistic in that scenario? Sounds like something a immature child would say.
Hell, we don't even know how this all is going to play out next update. For all we know, Nicole could F this up with her usual shenanigans. I'd tell you to wait until next update but at this point you're entitled to your opinions and views so I'll just keep it moving.