I'm starting to get the feeling I should just ask for a save, even a non-100% one that's just relatively further ahead, instead of trying to find my way through this labyrinthine mess.
Honestly, even with all the rough edges it's not a bad game. The grind could use some serious polishing, but it's manageable with cheats.
However, the problem is that what the game does bad it does reeeeaaallllyyy bad; that being the amount of twists and turns you have to go through to progress a minuscule amount in an event. The game doesn't even tell what you could be missing at a certain point in time you'd be forgiven for thinking it bugged out on you. Sure there are walkthroughs; but sometimes they're just either confusing or pretty vague even outside of the rough english. And since a lot of the events are either on a weekly basis or can only be done a couple of times a week, it can cause the illusion of a lot of time being wasted.
But really, I feel this game will truly shine with some tweaking of the event flow and schedule or maybe a way to track flags and their requirements. Currently, it's both impressively large yet severely restrictive at the same time.