3.90 star(s) 109 Votes


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2019
There is more story to tell, yes. Which will continue in a sequel like I said. And if I decide not to do a sequel for whatever reason, I will do a DLC that continues the storyline and ends it in a more complete manner.

I keep saying it over and over, but the game is NOT done. Neither is Picture Perfect
It's your game, you do what works for you.

Is the Epilogue meant to be a stand alone or will it be integrated into the "complete" game? (if it's going to be integrated I'll wait to check it out, if it's a stand alone I may look sooner)


Engaged Member
Sep 26, 2020
Probably the Patreon versions. Also the OP is a bit confusing: The first links are the main game with the "old" endings as before. The second one marked as "Epilogue only" are the new additional scenes, but it's an own game (I think SW said he had to do that because of steam, they do not allow it to make a full game again on Patreon).

Info: Koga has already a new mod version where he integrated the epilogue to the main game
do yoiu think i can download that versaion and continue from my last save wich was before the beta (wich is the main link)..hope there are all girls ending at least..and nothing left in the air..thanks


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2021
on two seperate projects now you have done identical things.. set up a good story then rushed the endings.. even if there is going to be more in this 'anthology' wouldnt it make sense to build on the popularity of your established work and actually deliver on the plot points put in place instead of and eg here for Secret summer.. in the previous update each character (almost) had their set up plot rushed and time skipped through instead of taking the time to give each story its dues.. there was no reason to fast track any of them tales with the exception of the pregnancy but even that could have been spread out or saved for the epilogue with more content for that story put in the gap between.. the game competition again rushed with no real conclusion that didnt feel like it was put in as a fast way to bring the story to a close.. EVERYTHING about these last couple of episodes has felt rushed and like you just couldnt be bothered with the characters or story any more and i know this isnt the case as your a good writer but your closing skills for both PP and this are terrible.. it makes all the fun of the reading of this VN suddenly feel like a giant pin was stuck into it and an almost immediate deflation occured leaving the reader feeling like they have just been massivly let down by what (both times) looked to be a very interesting story


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
All I can say about "endings" and such is, if you have plans to epilogue, make DLC, tie-in's or sequels, it's probably a good idea to share those plans in one way or another. Ideally in-game, kinda like Dragon Age Inquisition with Solas, pre-Trespasser. I don't think you're charging more for the extra ending stuff, so that won't be an issue like it was for the Trespasser DLC, which basically gave Inquisition its true ending. Or Mass Effect 3 and its rather abrupt and awkward original ending, which had to be fixed later on with in-story edits and an epilogue. People seem to like epilogues.

If you don't share those plans and the ending are kinda abrupt and/or don't tie up all loose ends, people will notice and get frustrated.

Just my two cents.
Jul 2, 2022
All I can say about "endings" and such is, if you have plans to epilogue, make DLC, tie-in's or sequels, it's probably a good idea to share those plans in one way or another. Ideally in-game, kinda like Dragon Age Inquisition with Solas, pre-Trespasser. I don't think you're charging more for the extra ending stuff, so that won't be an issue like it was for the Trespasser DLC, which basically gave Inquisition its true ending. Or Mass Effect 3 and its rather abrupt and awkward original ending, which had to be fixed later on with in-story edits and an epilogue. People seem to like epilogues.

If you don't share those plans and the ending are kinda abrupt and/or don't tie up all loose ends, people will notice and get frustrated.

Just my two cents.
Did you play my epilogue? That's basically what I did lol. All the storylines are in a new place one year later. You and Coral working for the IM devs, you have a child who Irene now, etc. The next installment would have these elements.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Oct 31, 2017
Here's the thing about feedback that most likely many people don't realize, feedbacks aren't created equal, they come in all sizes and types, and people hardly realize that there are useful and useless feedbacks too.

"This game sucks" is a negative feedback, obviously useless feedbacks on its own, having negative impact on the principal like depression, frustration.

"The game is awesome" is a positive feedback, not so much useful feedback on its own, not completely useless feedback because at least it gives positive reinforcement to the principal for example boost morale, motivation.

Negative feedbacks either trigger no response or negative responses (like stfu, facepalm etc.), vice versa positive feedbacks either trigger no response or positive responses (like getting a like, heart, etc.).

The developer loves to and will benefit a lot by reading about those constructive feedbacks ergo useful feedbacks. Even those negative feedbacks if supported with relevant information like (but not limited to) "what do you hate about it?", "what don't work?", "what worked poorly/terribly?". "what's wrong?", "why x is like this or that?", "this should be like that" etc. will be highly appreciated.

Whereas, those positive feedbacks if supported with relevant information like (but not limited to) "what do you like about it?". "what work well?". "what can be improved further?", "what you want?", "what you want more?" etc. will be highly favorable and appreciated.

While feedback is good it is also a double edge sword, it is beneficial to the developer but not necessarily beneficial to the players because even if they have provided ample useful feedbacks, that does not mean or translate into them being implemented or acted upon by the developer, which kind of make them feel "what is the point of giving feedbacks in the first place?". I guess it is what it is, it has its upside and it has its downside. If everyone give their best effort, naturally there will be an equivalent best outcome.

Unfortunately, players will always be players, some are outstanding member of the community and some are deplorable, some feels they are entitled to everything, some assume everyone can read minds and understand what they meant by just a word, and so forth. Just can't expect the best possible useful feedbacks all time. Vice versa, the developer is also just a single guy with limited resources and constraints which will ultimately hinder him from reciprocating all those feedbacks. Hostilities on either sides brings nothing but discord (not the platform or app btw).

One thing that I still don't understand is when some people (in general) post a single/simple that they don't like something (or some game for example) and that's pretty much about it. I mean why? Why do we need to know if you don't like it? For example, if you don't like pop music or Justin Bieber, why do you need to tell that to everyone? Why should everyone knows about that? It's not like we are close friends or anything, we are strangers. What even weirder is why go and post that to the fans of what you don't like (for example to the fans of pop music or Justin Bieber)?. There are people that even post (to the fans) they don't like a non-incest game because the game doesn't contains incest, in the non-incest game thread, how absurd is that.

Personally, I would like the developer to stay away from engaging intense debacle on this thread and instead focus his time and energy towards productive work. However, since he is willing to take his time engaging with the fanbase, I hope he will have the strength and willpower not to be distracted by minor dissidences.

How about that, I apologize for the lengthy post for someone who had not followed any discussion on this thread at all. Also, the thing about feedback is not limited to just this game but it is more generalized and can be applied to other things as well. I just got here wanting to try this game and haven't found the answer to my enquiry yet. I guess I just have to try and find out, download the latest release & epilogue, and then play.

P/S: Is there a default name for the MC? Will there be funny dialogues if MC name is John or John Holmes?

Guyin Cognito

Gentleman Pervert
Feb 23, 2018
Just to add my 2 cents to this argument about "unconstructive criticism" in the comments:
I don't think this is the place for constructive criticism in the first place, otherwise why do we even have the Reviews tab? Sure, it would help if the comments are useful and positive, but I don't think people need to be called out because they typed something like "gaem suxx xD" without offering any useful feedback. If they act like some entitled clown then yeah call them out for that, but not on the reason of "Your comment have no value" or "Why aren't you offering good feedback?"

If it's the opposite reaction, like a comment saying "Oh I really like this" we aren't gonna start asking them to write out what exactly that they like now are we? It is not off-topic because they are talking about the game, it just that their comment boiled down to a Yes/No answer. They aren't beholden to anyone to explain themselves.

While I don't agree to the comment claiming the game to be trash, I can't agree to SuperWriter's respond and setting that expectation on every user of this site either. No objectivity? Only promote things you like while trashing things you don't like? Wow, it's like they are humans with bias or something. But I'm certain this is something that only happen in pirate sites like this one, and not on every other platform out there.

So yeah, that's it from me. Sorry for the rant.
I see what you're saying, and to an extent you do have a point.

However, if someone gives middling approval such as, "This is fine, it's pretty good, there's nothing wrong with it," etc. there's really not much to expand on. You can't really ask or expect anything more from that kind of mild praise. If someone came in and said something more like, "This game is absolutely perfect! It's the best AVN ever, and everyone should play it! It has no flaws!" then quite frankly, we should question that and ask them to expand on why they are giving it such high praise.

In the same way, is someone came in and said, "Meh, I didn't really like it, I didn't think it was anything great, I found it boring and disappointing," that's relatively mild criticism that doesn't really draw any further questions. When some says, "This game is utter trash," that's some intense hate that deserves to be explained.

It's not a perfect comparison, but I would also like to compare it to defamation. If someone publicly says, "John Smith is awesome, great, and wonderful. Woman want him and men want to be him," no one is going to take that speaker to court over it, because there's no harm done by praise. When someone says, "John Smith is a psychopath that eats babies, rapes koalas, and murdered JFK," then that speaker better have evidence to prove they have some reason to be saying that or their ass is gonna get sued, because publicly defaming people is considered bad form and is not generally accepted by society.

EDIT: Forgot a point. Part of the reason I feel this mentality should be upheld when discussing someone's work or art is that if everything is good, there's no need to change anything. If something is wrong, then there is something that needs (or at least could) be done about it. So, it's more important and useful for someone with a negative opinion to explain it than for someone with a positive opinion to explain it. It's kind of like how we learn more from failure than success, but that only works if we actually learn something from the experience.
Jul 2, 2022
Here's the thing about feedback that most likely many people don't realize, feedbacks aren't created equal, they come in all sizes and types, and people hardly realize that there are useful and useless feedbacks too.

"This game sucks" is a negative feedback, obviously useless feedbacks on its own, having negative impact on the principal like depression, frustration.

"The game is awesome" is a positive feedback, not so much useful feedback on its own, not completely useless feedback because at least it gives positive reinforcement to the principal for example boost morale, motivation.

Negative feedbacks either trigger no response or negative responses (like stfu, facepalm etc.), vice versa positive feedbacks either trigger no response or positive responses (like getting a like, heart, etc.).

The developer loves to and will benefit a lot by reading about those constructive feedbacks ergo useful feedbacks. Even those negative feedbacks if supported with relevant information like (but not limited to) "what do you hate about it?", "what don't work?", "what worked poorly/terribly?". "what's wrong?", "why x is like this or that?", "this should be like that" etc. will be highly appreciated.

Whereas, those positive feedbacks if supported with relevant information like (but not limited to) "what do you like about it?". "what work well?". "what can be improved further?", "what you want?", "what you want more?" etc. will be highly favorable and appreciated.

While feedback is good it is also a double edge sword, it is beneficial to the developer but not necessarily beneficial to the players because even if they have provided ample useful feedbacks, that does not mean or translate into them being implemented or acted upon by the developer, which kind of make them feel "what is the point of giving feedbacks in the first place?". I guess it is what it is, it has its upside and it has its downside. If everyone give their best effort, naturally there will be an equivalent best outcome.

Unfortunately, players will always be players, some are outstanding member of the community and some are deplorable, some feels they are entitled to everything, some assume everyone can read minds and understand what they meant by just a word, and so forth. Just can't expect the best possible useful feedbacks all time. Vice versa, the developer is also just a single guy with limited resources and constraints which will ultimately hinder him from reciprocating all those feedbacks. Hostilities on either sides brings nothing but discord (not the platform or app btw).

One thing that I still don't understand is when some people (in general) post a single/simple that they don't like something (or some game for example) and that's pretty much about it. I mean why? Why do we need to know if you don't like it? For example, if you don't like pop music or Justin Bieber, why do you need to tell that to everyone? Why should everyone knows about that? It's not like we are close friends or anything, we are strangers. What even weirder is why go and post that to the fans of what you don't like (for example to the fans of pop music or Justin Bieber)?. There are people that even post (to the fans) they don't like a non-incest game because the game doesn't contains incest, in the non-incest game thread, how absurd is that.

Personally, I would like the developer to stay away from engaging intense debacle on this thread and instead focus his time and energy towards productive work. However, since he is willing to take his time engaging with the fanbase, I hope he will have the strength and willpower not to be distracted by minor dissidences.

How about that, I apologize for the lengthy post for someone who had not followed any discussion on this thread at all. Also, the thing about feedback is not limited to just this game but it is more generalized and can be applied to other things as well. I just got here wanting to try this game and haven't found the answer to my enquiry yet. I guess I just have to try and find out, download the latest release & epilogue, and then play.

P/S: Is there a default name for the MC? Will there be funny dialogues if MC name is John or John Holmes?
Lol, no default name from what I can remember.
But I do think the Steam version default is AVERY. And you make a lot of good points here, definitely.

I do what to engage with you guys because the only way I can get better is by learning. And I'm definitely learning to be more clear about endings not actually being true endings, and how to treat them lol.

Honestly, I'm just thinking about calling this season 1, so I don't have to explain every time, Even though there is an ending message saying that there will be a sequel.

Anyway, thanks again for your comments.

Benn Swagger

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2016
SuperWriter First of all, congrats for completing this project ! Great f*cking Job !:love:(y)
A finished games are x1000 far superior than popular but unfinished or worse, abandoned games.

Now for the future, you're need to up your game in animation, Sensei.
Your writing proven, your scene by scene good, some ups and down, but overall is good.
Yet I've something to say in sex scene department, especially lacking animated sex scene.
Sex scene in porn games are the cream of the cake. If the cream tasted sour, the whole cake are fucked up.

That said, looking forward to your next project ... Sensei !:giggle:
And more blonde hair and pink titties gals, please ?:ROFLMAO: ... but not bimbo's :mad:, bimbo bad.


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2021
seriously.. 'your post has been edited, deleted etc' so much for free speech.. the truth must hurt when someone point out valid flaws in your work
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Active Member
May 17, 2022
I just downloaded this story game yesterday from the mega download site, and I get this when trying to run it
View attachment 1921324
This is why I haven't used AV crap in 10+ years, too many false positives and other annoying shit. Have only had 1 actual virus during that whole time as well (just don't go dl'ing random porn from browsing google images/videos, duh). OS restore from a backup takes care of everything you can possibly catch, including ransomware.
3.90 star(s) 109 Votes