To be honest, the whole pointer thing in CE confuses me quite a bit. One thing that has worked for me in some games, though, is to use the "Find out what writes to this address" option on a found address. It will ask you if you want to attach the debugger or something. Confirm, then let the value get changed in the game (e.g. get hurt, spend money, decrease ammo, etc). In the debugger window you open previously you'll see a lists of all the occurrences where that specific address has been written to, including a count of how many times the value has been overwritten. You can then right-click and "add to the code-list", which opens up yet another window. Right-clicking the entry you just added, you can then select "Replace with code that does nothing". If you're lucky, this will simply get rid of the code that reduced your health, ammo, whatever. If you're experiencing weird behavior, glitching, enemies not getting hit (happens when the same hit-function is being used for pc and enemies), etc - simply right-click the entry again and "restore original code". I haven't tried this specific game but this method has worked in a bunch of games for me. Should also carry over when you're changing levels and would normally have to search everything again. Mind you, the addresses you found in the first place will still be invalid.