
Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
The Greyhide sexcapades can be a bit involved to trigger, and it has been bugged in the past. The first event you have to trigger is "drinking buddies":

./events/ruler_events_5.rpy:    event('drinking_buddies', triggers="week_end", conditions=('week >=4',), active=False, group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority=pr_ruler, weekend_auto=False, weekend_room="bg21")
What that all means is that the event is triggered when Rowan goes to the tavern ("bg21") where it will show as a button after week 4. So you can't even start until after you have a Tavern up and running and have built the forge, causing you to meet Greyhide. It's not marked as active, because it gets inserted into the event stack during the passage where Andras takes Rowan down to the newly refurbished forge for the first time to meet Greyhide.

During "drinking buddies" there's dialog options where Rowan can suggest whether Greyhide has ever considered men or whether he would like to meet his wife. In the past I think this was the way the followup events got into the queue, and there is indeed a "drinking_buddies_introduce_alexia" that gets set. However, I think this is just stale code since it doesn't get referenced anywhere else. There's also alternative narrative in there where Greyhide mentions meeting Alexia already in the Forge if Rowan had sent her down to work. Considering how late in the game that scenario happens, I wonder if anybody has actually seen that appear.

The next event "greyhide meets alexia" used to be triggered off of that selection, but now it just gets queued automatically after "drinking buddies" has finished:

./events/ruler_events_characters.rpy:    event('greyhide_meets_alexia', triggers="week_end", depends=('drinking_buddies',), group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority='pr_story')
This is a passage where Alexia meets Greyhide outside feeding birds. IIRC this is somewhat new since older releases had the events progress from "drinking buddies" straight to the next in sequence "Greyhide's Table Manners" unless my brain cells are letting me down.

./events/ruler_events_7.rpy:    event('greyhide_s_table_manners', triggers="week_end", conditions=('week >=4',), depends=('drinking_buddies','greyhide_meets_alexia',), group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority=pr_ruler, weekend_auto=False, weekend_room="bg22")
"bg22" is the forge where this event gets triggered by a button that appears after the other conditions are met.

This is the dinner scene that most people have seen when choosing to pursue the Greyhide story. Jezera gets wind of planned social and scurries off to secretly spike Greyhide's stash of FireGrout (implied). Rowan gets called away mid dinner so that things can be brought to a head so to speak. I think in previous versions, there might have been corruption level checks involved, but there are none in the current release. Allowing Alexia to "Ask the Question" and then "Touch It" will allow things to develop and then be brought out into the open leaving a mess that will need to be dealt with.

Next in sequence is "Greyhide shares his people's liquor" which used to be triggered from "drinking buddies" if Rowan asks Greyhide if he has considered male companionship. The comments for the event even still document that this way but as you see from the rule, it only relies on "Greyhide's Table Manners" finishing.

./events/ruler_events_11.rpy:    event('greyhide_shares_his_people_s_liquor', triggers="week_end", depends=('greyhide_s_table_manners',), group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority=pr_ruler, weekend_auto=False, weekend_room="bg22")
Event shows as a button in the forge ("bg22") one or more weeks after "Table Manners".

Rowan goes down to the forge for another round of drinking with Greyhide, so this time Greyhide breaks out his famously spiked FireGrout to reply in kind to the Rosarian wine offered in "drinking buddies". Sexy times ensues if you choose the Kiss option during the narrative.

The next event is the threeway but it is gated behind what I believe to be an absurd set of maximum corruption checks on Alexia and Rowan (both must be less than 20). It will only trigger after Raeve Keep has fallen:

    event('after_drinking_greyhides_alchol', triggers="week_end",
        conditions=('NTR', 'ev_happened("greyhide_shares_his_people_s_liquor")', 'avatar.corruption < 20', 'all_actors["alexia"].corruption < 20'),
        depends=('raeve_keep_visit_goal2',), group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority=pr_ruler, weekend_auto=False, weekend_room="bg22")
I've bitched about the absurdity of this in the past. Why do you both have to stay relatively moral to trigger the threeway? Back then the devs here mumbled something about the whole thing being in the process of being rewritten, but here we still are. The only justification I can think of is that the scene involves Jezera calling the couple to her room for a proper sex shaming of either or both of them for their transgessions while spiking their tea with some more of the wacky torpedo juice. Greyhide also shows up for the "dressing down", and the threesome will only happen if the couple pursues Greyhide back to the forge after he storms out.

If you want to bypass the corruption checks, I've hacked them out of the attached ruler_events_16.rpy file. Park this in your game/events folder. You may need to create the events subfolder if you haven't previously unpacked the rpa archives. I'm not sure if the event mechanism is dynamic to the point where you can do this and start SOC and load a game from on or before the "Grayhide shares his people's liquor" is run. Otherwise you can definitely start with a new playthrough. You can also probably trigger it by hand after that event happens by jumping into the console, verifying that Rowan and/or Alexia have been too corrupted:

(returns more than 20?)
  (where x is however much you need to subtract to get it below 20)
(more than 20?)
  (where x is the amount to subtract)

I mean, you can pretty much change all the variables with the console, though there's always a chance that will mess things up. If you're asking if that would unlock Greyhide/Alexia scenes, I have no clue the requirements for the Greyhide/Alexia scenes but have always assumed they were triggered by Rowan's choices when getting drunk with Greyhide and at the dinner with all three, which would be done with True/False variables, not numbers.

If so, it is...possible to change those, but often a bad idea with the console in this game. It's very possible you miss some variables and make scenes impossible to proc unless you go back in and fix things.

TLDR: Editing variables is easy, but editing True/False stuff can go badly. It's generally best to stick to changing number variables unless you're willing to put in a lot of legwork.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
I just verified on a playthrough after editing the script that it works. I loaded a save after Raeve Keep capture where I had put off starting "drinking buddies" at the forge. By the time I got to "Greyhide shares his people's liquor", both Rowan and Alexia had already been too naughty (39 and 23 corruption respectively) that the devs would have literallly cockblocked the threeway. Instead it fired off a few weeks afterwards much to everyone's delight.


Feb 5, 2018
You know I'm kind of surprised by how their is no rape tag for this game considering the theme. That and there is a rape scene like that with the tentacle monster. Wonder if Rowan will eventually get involved in that type of stuff too if I corrupt him enough. But really I just want him to get revenge on the siblings and maybe a bit of netori would be nice.


Active Member
May 5, 2020
Hi Everyone.

What is the end point of the current update?
I'm asking as I replayed again and as with most replays, I flew through the game.
The problem is now I don't know where the current game actually ends and my faulty memory isn't sure where the previous update ended. See my problem.
Ok, my current ending is Jazeera turned the high priestess into a statue and there's nothing else added to the game except Alexia and the Merman.
I would've swear the ending I got happened in the previous chapter before last....or have bad lifestyle choices finally caught up to me.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
Hi Everyone.

What is the end point of the current update?
I'm asking as I replayed again and as with most replays, I flew through the game.
The problem is now I don't know where the current game actually ends and my faulty memory isn't sure where the previous update ended. See my problem.
Ok, my current ending is Jazeera turned the high priestess into a statue and there's nothing else added to the game except Alexia and the Merman.
I would've swear the ending I got happened in the previous chapter before last....or have bad lifestyle choices finally caught up to me.
Many updates don’t actually add content to the current endpoint of the plot, they add content elsewhere. You can find the full changelog for this update (and several earlier ones) in the OP.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
The "threes company" event where Alexia meets Lurial for the first time could use some rebalancing love.

 event('threes_company', triggers="week_end", conditions=('liurialSex == True',),  group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority=pr_ruler)
The first problem is that the event setup only has a trigger of Rowan following the time honored tradition of banging his secretary the first time she throws herself at him. It's only until we are inside the scene where we start seeing code checks for a minimum level of Alexia's corruption being 51 before the threeway becomes possible (Rowan's offer to share Lurial when he fesses up to sexing her). A check of the NTR flag is nowhere to be seen here either, yet that gets checked for the Grayhide threeway event.

In all of my playthroughs to date, Alexia has never been corrupt enough to allow for a little swinging fun here. In my latest where I kept a keen eye on things while figuring out what was needed to get the Greyhide threeway, Alexia was only at 26 corruption when "threes company" fired a few weeks after the Greyhide threeway is triggered. I've always had to jump into the console to force her up to hotwife levels and avoid the spat and relation drop that occurs otherwise. With her at 26, I had to do:

to almost double her levels up to 51. I suggest either cutting that check in half to be just more than 25 or to keep it at over 50 but also have another check of whether the couple chased after Greyhide in order to have that threeway even though they both knew that Jezera had spiked their drinks again. Cut the corruption check in half in that case and add some more to the passage where they talk about discovering a new found interest in swinging.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
The "threes company" event where Alexia meets Lurial for the first time could use some rebalancing love.

event('threes_company', triggers="week_end", conditions=('liurialSex == True',),  group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority=pr_ruler)
The first problem is that the event setup only has a trigger of Rowan following the time honored tradition of banging his secretary the first time she throws herself at him. It's only until we are inside the scene where we start seeing code checks for a minimum level of Alexia's corruption being 51 before the threeway becomes possible (Rowan's offer to share Lurial when he fesses up to sexing her). A check of the NTR flag is nowhere to be seen here either, yet that gets checked for the Grayhide threeway event.

In all of my playthroughs to date, Alexia has never been corrupt enough to allow for a little swinging fun here. In my latest where I kept a keen eye on things while figuring out what was needed to get the Greyhide threeway, Alexia was only at 26 corruption when "threes company" fired a few weeks after the Greyhide threeway is triggered. I've always had to jump into the console to force her up to hotwife levels and avoid the spat and relation drop that occurs otherwise. With her at 26, I had to do:

to almost double her levels up to 51. I suggest either cutting that check in half to be just more than 25 or to keep it at over 50 but also have another check of whether the couple chased after Greyhide in order to have that threeway even though they both knew that Jezera had spiked their drinks again. Cut the corruption check in half in that case and add some more to the passage where they talk about discovering a new found interest in swinging.
It's going to be a heavy subject of my focus when we get to the Liurial finale.


Jan 10, 2018
The "threes company" event where Alexia meets Lurial for the first time could use some rebalancing love.

event('threes_company', triggers="week_end", conditions=('liurialSex == True',),  group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority=pr_ruler)
The first problem is that the event setup only has a trigger of Rowan following the time honored tradition of banging his secretary the first time she throws herself at him. It's only until we are inside the scene where we start seeing code checks for a minimum level of Alexia's corruption being 51 before the threeway becomes possible (Rowan's offer to share Lurial when he fesses up to sexing her). A check of the NTR flag is nowhere to be seen here either, yet that gets checked for the Grayhide threeway event.

In all of my playthroughs to date, Alexia has never been corrupt enough to allow for a little swinging fun here. In my latest where I kept a keen eye on things while figuring out what was needed to get the Greyhide threeway, Alexia was only at 26 corruption when "threes company" fired a few weeks after the Greyhide threeway is triggered. I've always had to jump into the console to force her up to hotwife levels and avoid the spat and relation drop that occurs otherwise. With her at 26, I had to do:

to almost double her levels up to 51. I suggest either cutting that check in half to be just more than 25 or to keep it at over 50 but also have another check of whether the couple chased after Greyhide in order to have that threeway even though they both knew that Jezera had spiked their drinks again. Cut the corruption check in half in that case and add some more to the passage where they talk about discovering a new found interest in swinging.

If Rowan says "I need to keep her loyal", Alexia only needs a corruption of 30 to go along with it; failing that, it still passes so long as she's been unfaithful in the past (using the "AlexiaUnfaithful" flag). If Rowan says "She was in trouble, and needed protection", it's an autopass so long as you've slept with Jezera (it uses the "AlexiaJezeraSex" variable instead of the NTR flag), and again passes so long as your corruption is over 30. The only time you need to be over 50 is if Rowan says "You can use her too if you like".

Basically, so long as Rowan at least tries to justify it, and Alexia isn't low corruption (or has strayed a bit), you go to the threesome event.
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Lostworks Dev
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
I remember hearing that the Alexia-Andras event didn't make it into the last update? Is that going to be in this next one? Or we gotta wait till May?
Jan 23, 2018
Is there an ending planned where Rowan takes power without being too corrupted? Not like he has to be completely pure or anything just that he doesn't go full demon.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
But that "use her too" line is the swinging option which should have a much lower entry bar if the couple has done the threeway with Grayhide. Also with the new Xzaratl content in place, those choices should also come into play in lowering the bar.


If Rowan says "I need to keep her loyal", Alexia only needs a corruption of 30 to go along with it; failing that, it still passes so long as she's been unfaithful in the past (using the "AlexiaUnfaithful" flag). If Rowan says "She was in trouble, and needed protection", it's an autopass so long as you've slept with Jezera (it uses the "AlexiaJezeraSex" variable instead of the NTR flag), and again passes so long as your corruption is over 30. The only time you need to be over 50 is if Rowan says "You can use her too if you like".

Basically, so long as Rowan at least tries to justify it, and Alexia isn't low corruption (or has strayed a bit), you go to the threesome event.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
I talked with winter recently about how all these threesome relationships should interact with one another. It's a bit of a conundrum, especially when it comes to liurial and helayna, where alexia isn't an active participant at the start. We will revisit the logic behind liurial threesome once the details are fleshed out.


Jan 10, 2018
But that "use her too" line is the swinging option which should have a much lower entry bar if the couple has done the threeway with Grayhide. Also with the new Xzaratl content in place, those choices should also come into play in lowering the bar.
I don't really agree. Greyhide is their friend, whom they both know and trust, and even then it was a big issue for them at first; X'Zaratl is subtly using succubi powers to remove inhibitions and make them trust her, and isn't keen on doing that for anyone else. These are distinctly different situations.

Rowan isn't offering anything similar with that option; he's describing Liurial as an object of pleasure for Alexia's use, without anything sort of emotional component. He outright describes her as "more of a possession" and tells Alexia "what's mine is yours", as though Liurial's opinion was irrelevant.

There's a big difference between letting in a third person that you know and trust (simply adding a physical component to what was already a close relationship) and just doing whatever feels good because it's convenient and you've already been given a green light.

And, well, Rowan kind of comes across as a pretty big dick in that option. It'd be weird to me if it was persuasive with an Alexia who wasn't pretty well corrupted.

It'd be one thing if there wasn't another way to progress through that event, but there are two other options the player can take which lead to the same result. I don't see much issue in taking one of those options instead.

I could sort of see adding a fourth option, about how Liurial was someone that Alexia would like, but... Not with Rowan having gone ahead and slept with her before Alexia even met her. That seems like something that non-highly-corrupt Alexia should take issue with regardless.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Now that we have more of a story arc with Xzaratl, the old "Xzaratl Guilt Solution" should get looked at for a rewrite. This is the event where the succubus lets Alexia have a little fun with a bullwhip if her husband is game.

event('xzaratl_guilt_solution', triggers="week_end", conditions=('week >=4',
        "castle.buildings['sanctum'].lvl >= 1", 'avatar.guilt > 10'), depends=('xzaratl_s_advances',), group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority=pr_ruler)
For whatever reason this didn't trigger for me on my latest playthrough until even well after "Demon Bastards" had run. It was jarring to go back from the couples "hey, why not" attitude I choose for them when interacting with Xzaratl to the early game stage "it's evil thing!" all over again.

I guess this event got missed when the initial introductoin to the succubus involving some stalking and basically kidnap was rewritten as a more cordial seduction followed by head scratching afterwards.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Now that we have more of a story arc with Xzaratl, the old "Xzaratl Guilt Solution" should get looked at for a rewrite. This is the event where the succubus lets Alexia have a little fun with a bullwhip if her husband is game.

event('xzaratl_guilt_solution', triggers="week_end", conditions=('week >=4',
        "castle.buildings['sanctum'].lvl >= 1", 'avatar.guilt > 10'), depends=('xzaratl_s_advances',), group='ruler_event', run_count=1, priority=pr_ruler)
For whatever reason this didn't trigger for me on my latest playthrough until even well after "Demon Bastards" had run. It was jarring to go back from the couples "hey, why not" attitude I choose for them when interacting with Xzaratl to the early game stage "it's evil thing!" all over again.

I guess this event got missed when the initial introductoin to the succubus involving some stalking and basically kidnap was rewritten as a more cordial seduction followed by head scratching afterwards.
It's being rewritten for the next release.


Jan 10, 2018
Speaking of Liurial... I had an idea.

So, Liurial works as Rowan's secretary because he promised to protect her, while Jezera threw her to the wolves after getting bored with her, yes? And Jezera would probably consider her a decent asset now that she's in a sensitive position, yes? And depending on your choices, Alexia can become her friend, yes? And also depending on your decisions, Alexia can become Jezera's follower/toy/pet/agent, yes?


Wouldn't it make for an interesting event if, as part of later Jezera NTR events, she trains Alexia in the art of cultivating assets by having her bring Liurial back into the fold? First by meeting up with her as part of a normal-ish affair (only one actual scene, but with a longer relationship implied), and then with an unexpected threesome with Jezera; one where Jezera apologizes for the "test" she put her through by abandoning her, praises her for her fortitude and cleverness in thriving on her own, rewarding her for her efforts, and ending with an implied threat if Liurial chooses not to see her again.

And of course, it works (somewhat). Liurial, recognizing the delicacy of her position, decides to share minor things that don't particularly matter, or provide paperwork proof of things that are already widely suspected but unproven. To begin with, at least. Because don't these kinds of things always start with the promise that you're only going to do "a little bit"? But, well, Jezera does know just how to reward someone like Liurial when she's brought something she likes...

And so Rowan continues going out every week, never suspecting that the two people closest to him are sharing everything they know with his captor. The only hints he ever learns are occasionally being praised and scolded for things that Jezera should have no way of knowing - but Jezera always learns things she should have no way of knowing, and loves to taunt him with it, so that's just normal, right?

In my imagination, it's a series of three events, and "canonically" would end at the "just a bit" of information sharing stage for the sake of convenience; that would ensure it doesn't break anything storywise, and prevent a bunch of unnecessary branching.


Aug 3, 2019
In regards to Liurial, I would love to some more of Alexia dominating her. We have only one (although great) scene so far, during maid job. Alexia is in a very uncomfortable position, surrounded by perceived enemies and dangers. It would be only logical that frightened and at least slightly corrupted Alexia finds solace in asserting her dominance over those of weaker status than her. Liurial, who basically becomes Rowan's fucktoy, and also acts submissively towards Alexia - would be perfect for that. Through time spent in Bloodmeen, Alexia learns typical "might makes right" mentality. Those stronger, like Jezera or Andras (and even some of the castle NPC) need to be adored, whereas those weaker, like lesser servants, slaves or Liurial, need to be dominated. It would be really enjoyable to see Alexia changing her mindset into typical "might makes right" attitude.
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