
Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
I know this is just a meme post, but real talk though, the twins could have potentially won me over to their side if they weren't so capriciously over-the-top cruel. The current order is shit and needs to be replaced. And Jezera talked a good game early on about freedoms and meritocracy and such. But the only freedom they seem to care about is the freedom for them to do what ever they want and the only merit they seem to care about is what benefits you can offer them. And every time I start to think working for them might not be so bad they pull some unnecessary cruelty for the lols.

I would hesitate to call Jezera a builder. I think they are both destructive, Andras is just destructive in the most obvious ways. If this was a family Andras would be the physically abusive father and Jezera would be the emotionally abusive mother. Their abuses are very different but they both lead to broken children. Neither twin is interested in actual leadership, they just want to have the ability to do whatever they want, whenever they want, consequence free. It is pure entitlement plain and simple.

It is pointed out several times by denizens of the castle that while the twins are ostensibly in charge, Rowan is the one that really runs everything. Of course if a Twin shows up you must pay all respect and follow any orders. But if you need anything you go see Rowan not a twin. The twins are only interested in themselves. Sure you could try to phrase your request in a way to appeal to that twins interests and if they see some benefit or entertainment in it they may do something for you. But they are just as likely to punish you for wasting their time if you fail to interest them or turn it around on you just for cruelty's sake. Rowan on the other hand has a vested interest in making sure everything is running smoothly and everyone is more or less taken care of. The twins want the benefits and effectiveness of a well regulated organization, but they aren't willing to put in the work for it and they want to be exempt from it rules. They why they put Rowan in charge of almost everything, while at the same time holding absolute control over him.

It's not even necessarily their fault I imagine that all beings of chaos inherently have difficultly maintaining any type or order. It's likely that the reason they revere the might-makes-right structure is simply because it is the only type of order they are inherently able to maintain.
When I say build I don't mean she builds things. Jezera is the one who negotiates alliances, puts spy networks together, and so on and so forth. She's still ruthless, she's still a killer, she's still a petulant brat but she recognizes the need for more than just wanton violence and devastation. Jezera is the one who, once the dust settled from Rowan conquering the realms for them, would set about rebuilding the necessary infrastructure to rule. Jezera, when not showing herself as an easily offended child, is the one most likely to hatch a plan, put that plan into motion, and get the best result. She may not be hammering nails into boards, but without her there would be absolutely no framework for Andras to work in and he'd probably never ascend to anything more than the leader of a small territory of orcs that would eventually get routed out by a hero.


May 1, 2021
When I say build I don't mean she builds things. Jezera is the one who negotiates alliances, puts spy networks together, and so on and so forth. She's still ruthless, she's still a killer, she's still a petulant brat but she recognizes the need for more than just wanton violence and devastation. Jezera is the one who, once the dust settled from Rowan conquering the realms for them, would set about rebuilding the necessary infrastructure to rule. Jezera, when not showing herself as an easily offended child, is the one most likely to hatch a plan, put that plan into motion, and get the best result. She may not be hammering nails into boards, but without her there would be absolutely no framework for Andras to work in and he'd probably never ascend to anything more than the leader of a small territory of orcs that would eventually get routed out by a hero.
I never thought that you mean literal building. I'm just saying that once all the fighting is done and they've conquered the entire world, I still can't see Jezera stepping up to be a leader. From my understanding of her, Jezera doesn't plan so much plan as she plots and schemes. Just as Andras will still feel compelled to fight even when there is no one left to fight against, Jezera will feel compelled to scheme even with no one left to scheme against. Instead of overseeing stuff like redistricting and food distribution she would do something along the lines of provoking infighting among her court while convincing each party that they have her favor, and watch them squabble for her amusement while she secretly escalates the conflict when it starts to get dull. The actual planning, leading, and making sure everything runs would be foisted on someone else. Maybe Rowan if he is still around, maybe someone else that caught her fancy otherwise. But I can't imagine her doing it herself.

As different as the twins are I also see them as being very much the same. They are less opposites and more two sides of the same coin.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
As different as the twins are I also see them as being very much the same. They are less opposites and more two sides of the same coin.
An useless coin if you ask me, their major merit was to trap the so call "Hero" who supposedly match their Father and won not only because of his force but his intelligence, that was the more easy catch i've ever seen X'D. And with his wife working in the library, how it is possible that she isn't interested in study magical artifacts?, to.. you know, break the magic upon them and her husband rape the twins spirit until they got erase from existence...
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RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
And that is why Rowan may have a change (in the future) to destroy the twin demons' plans. Andras mostly only cares about brute force and Jezera while looking more subtle is very quick to anger.

Meanwhile Rowan can be doing alliances for himself with some of the factions and characters he meet on his journey as the twin's main general.
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Jun 14, 2018
As different as the twins are I also see them as being very much the same. They are less opposites and more two sides of the same coin.
First, I would like to say that when Arioch created the twins, he did not invent the wheel.
This is this trope of two siblings who have both there own failings but compliment each other and inseparable.
They two against the world the world fuck them so now they fuck the world...again its a trope.
Basically that's why no one gonna kill Andras (sorry Monk).
The hole idea is to have not one evil dude but two flowed villains who will evolve with the captured hero.
They self aware enough to understand their failings that's why they captured Rowan in the first place.
The dynamics of twins relationships with Rowan is main story line and him slowly growing power base and eventual overshadowing twins.
So again no there will be no fast overthrowing Twins in Season 2.. i mean Act 2.


Dec 29, 2018
Seeds of Chaos Extended Scene Replay Mod
by MonkOne
  • Add all scenes in Walkthrough file to scenes replay.
  • Option to filterout NTR and/or gay scenes in scenes replay.
  • Attachment
  • Extract downloaded archive into game folder(where executable file is).
Version 0303M:
  • Update to game version 0.3.02a. All new scenes with cg and new cgs added to replay.

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Preview View attachment 1144925
I wish the scene in the photos I attached was a scene in this mod

04_cum.jpg 04.5.jpg 04.5_motion.jpg 05_01.jpg 05_02.jpg 04_.jpg
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May 1, 2021


Jun 17, 2018
Can't make a new Mac version myself since Renpy 6.99 crashes on startup. Anyone able to make one?
4.00 star(s) 162 Votes