Jul 5, 2017
Alexia totally considers that—it’s why Rowan and Alexia’s marriage doesn’t end at that point. The fact that there’s an attractive younger woman living in Rowan’s room and constantly begging for his dick is still something of a hurdle for Alexia to get over, regardless of the circumstances, and Alexia has plenty of reason to be stressed—over her marriage and just in general—even before that point.
the thing is, one of the first sex scenes you can potentially get after getting captured is her cheating on him. This is before they are knee-deep in depravity and he's just nice to her. like it isnt even that long after they get captured even, but she hops on that dick immediately with very little prompting.
Jul 5, 2017
Considering every single thing she does is something you choose to have her do, hating her for it is a curious mindset. Do you feel the same about your male MC if you choose to fuck other women behind your wife's back and never tell her?
I consider the choices you make not as your choice but as an alternate version. also, i think you're missing the point. its the hypocrisy. She acts completely loyal but is the first to hop on another dick with very little prompting and not being exposed to depravity yet. but gets absolutely butthurt when he saves someone very close to him from being an orc fleshlight because their captors chose to completely fuck with her mind.

She does it willingly with very little prompting pretty much right away because was nice to her. he did it to give someone he cares about some scrap of dignity.

if she was ok with it, i'd have no problems with her on this, but shes a hypocrite to the worst degree given she's potentially the first to cheat.
Aug 21, 2017
the thing is, one of the first sex scenes you can potentially get after getting captured is her cheating on him. This is before they are knee-deep in depravity and he's just nice to her. like it isnt even that long after they get captured even, but she hops on that dick immediately with very little prompting.
Well I believe Andras and Alexia's first scene is being rewritten, but I'm guessing the last time you played was a while ago? Because the game explicitly states that months have passed during the time it takes for Rowan to travel to Bloodmeen and also the time he spent down in the dungeons so it has been quite a while since they've been captured. This also means that Alexia has been locked in a room by herself with only Andras coming in occasionally as any kind of contact. So her warming up to him does kinda make sense, and also if Alexia were to believe what Andras says about Rowan how he has been fucking around instead of saving her then that would mess her up. So I'd say the ground work for the sex scene is fine, also take into account that this is a decision YOU are making. It isn't as if you are forced to watch as Alexia succumbs to Andras because he's the only one shes talked to for months, thats your decision. My biggest issue with the sex scene is just when it takes place, it doesn't make much sense for Alexia to hop on Andras's dick right after he's been lying to her for months but again as I said it's might be getting rewritten so maybe that'll change.
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Aug 21, 2017
if she was ok with it, i'd have no problems with her on this, but shes a hypocrite to the worst degree given she's potentially the first to cheat.
Well firstly you have to take into account the kind of character that Alexia is, she's a village farm girl who's been captured and is essentially the shackle keeping her husband in service to demons (at least during the beginning) she super insecure about her powerlessness and now her husband is fucking some other girl who is essentially "better" than her in several aspects. Also again YOU as a player have the choice of having Alexia cheat, it's not like you have to default to Alexia fucking Andras every time, so it's not in every case that Alexia is being hypocritical here. I'd also say that this argument doesn't really hold up when considering Greyhide and how Rowan has the opportunity through the player's choice to get pissed at Alexia for fucking Greyhide even when Rowan at this point could've fucked many others. I'm a bit confused on how you expect Alexia to just be ok with her husband fucking another girl in their bed, sure you can say Rowan didn't have a choice and he had to do it to guarantee her safety but at the end of the day Alexia still has every right to be upset. That isn't something you just shrug your shoulders and say "Oh whatever, no big deal". IMO Alexia honestly takes it about as well as she can, and once Winter is able to get back to writing Heylana this will definitely be expanded upon.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
She does it willingly with very little prompting pretty much right away because was nice to her. he did it to give someone he cares about some scrap of dignity.
Let's be brutally honest about one thing -- you don't get a hardon because you want to give someone a scrap of dignity. You get it because you want to fuck them. Rowan (and the player both) can justify it to themselves this way, but at the end of the day it wasn't compassion that made it possible, but the lust for that tight ass.

And Alexia well realizes it, because she's not stupid. Her disappointment/annoyance at Rowan's action is not unfounded. "I just wanted to save her."? Sure. And am sure Rowan (and the player both) would be just as willing and capable to go that extra mile to save the dignity of some 80+ year old dude he personally hated, if he was presented with the same conditions.

Interestingly enough, Alexia gets a variant of this kind of choice with Andras, during his bath scene. He tells her she can save lives of many villagers if she just gives him a blowjob. Makes you wonder how many people who claim fucking a girl was nothing but giving her some scrap of dignity and as such shouldn't upset your spouse... are as understanding if Alexia chooses to sexually service a demon to save many more people?
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Sep 6, 2020
Just because you choose to do something in a videogame doesn't necessarily mean you morally agree with it. This goes for both Rowan and Alexia.

This is a bit frustrating, especially the "saving Helena and then Alexia gets mad" part. I 100% understand being upset at the sexual infidelity, but it's like Alexia doesn't even consider the moral aspect of the situation, that abandoning Helena means her losing her autonomy, possibly forever.
Because it is scripted in the story i think that Alexia have suspicious of Rowan that he in secret loved Helayna, and because of that he cuck her instead of believed that he "saved her"... It would be good if that could be changed if we can make use of diplomatic or whatever social skill that we can raised to make her believe what we wanted in the first place.
I consider the choices you make not as your choice but as an alternate version. also, i think you're missing the point. its the hypocrisy. She acts completely loyal but is the first to hop on another dick with very little prompting and not being exposed to depravity yet. but gets absolutely butthurt when he saves someone very close to him from being an orc fleshlight because their captors chose to completely fuck with her mind.

She does it willingly with very little prompting pretty much right away because was nice to her. he did it to give someone he cares about some scrap of dignity.

if she was ok with it, i'd have no problems with her on this, but shes a hypocrite to the worst degree given she's potentially the first to cheat.
As far as i can remember, you can make Alexia a whore before that event happened (not high corruption because it is too early but is possible for her to cuck Rowan), you just need to actually agree with Andras when you choose for her every time without Rowan even noticing, then Alexia acts in the most hypocrisy ever seen, because knowing that she cucked Rowan she still wait loyalty in Bloodmeen.

And that happened because i think this event is scripted, you can't make use of social traits to make her believed what you wanted, it is what it is, but still a justify scripted event, because it is later that we know that in some way Rowan and Alexia had marriage issues, and in that event precisely she confirms her suspicious about Rowan had some loved for her more than just an act of save Helayna...
Well firstly you have to take into account the kind of character that Alexia is, she's a village farm girl who's been captured and is essentially the shackle keeping her husband in service to demons (at least during the beginning) she super insecure about her powerlessness and now her husband is fucking some other girl who is essentially "better" than her in several aspects. Also again YOU as a player have the choice of having Alexia cheat, it's not like you have to default to Alexia fucking Andras every time, so it's not in every case that Alexia is being hypocritical here. I'd also say that this argument doesn't really hold up when considering Greyhide and how Rowan has the opportunity through the player's choice to get pissed at Alexia for fucking Greyhide even when Rowan at this point could've fucked many others. I'm a bit confused on how you expect Alexia to just be ok with her husband fucking another girl in their bed, sure you can say Rowan didn't have a choice and he had to do it to guarantee her safety but at the end of the day Alexia still has every right to be upset. That isn't something you just shrug your shoulders and say "Oh whatever, no big deal". IMO Alexia honestly takes it about as well as she can, and once Winter is able to get back to writing Heylana this will definitely be expanded upon.
That depends on the point of view... She can be as hard and stoic like a immovable mountain by saying no to Andras (something i really piss off because Andras could just take her right there), the thing is, if she can face a Demon that have her prisoner with her husband and said "no" to him every time he wanted to seduce her, she isn't exactly in the role of a insecure person... Meanwhile, if we choose for her being a NTR whore, she still isn't insecure, because there is an scene when she is in medium-high corruption when she confronts Orcs for called her a "Whore", she convinced Andras to do a lesson and he complies, then later the Orc ask for her pardon and she doesn't accepted by criticize the Orc for being too Beta to comply his Master Andras. In a way or another, she doesn't look for me an insecure girl of a village, she can be a saint (and if we can play like that in the next two Arcs i waited for her to being the mortal reincarnation of the Goddess of Order or some kind of shit like that :ROFLMAO: )or a complete whore (for God's sake, at the showed corruption she can achieved in this Act I, if we can play like that at the end of Act III she'll be some kind of Morgoth :ROFLMAO: ) that's your choice.
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Apr 26, 2021
only playing as the female, there is a different experience however having to also play as the male while sexy demon wants to steal her a way from the Male MC is degrading as hell. By the by do any of the Human MC's transform into demons in the long run?
No, the MCs stay human for pretty much the whole game.
His wife can grow a cock with the help of X'zaratl and fuck him with it. Or she can grow huge tits in two scenes.
There will be a future scene where his futa wife fucks one of his girlfriends as well- its on the docket.
That is it for transformation content with the two MCs afaik.

If you're hoping for Rowan to have a demonic aesthetic eventually so he can be more attractive and compete with Andras a little bit aesthetically you are probably shit out of luck.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
No, the MCs stay human for pretty much the whole game.
His wife can grow a cock with the help of X'zaratl and fuck him with it. Or she can grow huge tits in two scenes.
There will be a future scene where his futa wife fucks one of his girlfriends as well- its on the docket.
That is it for transformation content with the two MCs afaik.

If you're hoping for Rowan to have a demonic aesthetic eventually so he can be more attractive and compete with Andras a little bit aesthetically you are probably shit out of luck.
I don't know if you remember or played the event where Rowan and his most closely "allied" in the library found a cave with Dark Magic of the Dark God in it, if there would not be physical transformation, but a mental, moral and spiritual can be a path for Rowan i think in the more lowest point to him. But of course, far way beyond Act I, maybe for Act III when Rowan just give in to the Darkness.
Aug 21, 2017
That depends on the point of view... She can be as hard and stoic like a immovable mountain by saying no to Andras (something i really piss off because Andras could just take her right there), the thing is, if she can face a Demon that have her prisoner with her husband and said "no" to him every time he wanted to seduce her, she isn't exactly in the role of a insecure person... Meanwhile, if we choose for her being a NTR whore, she still isn't insecure, because there is an scene when she is in medium-high corruption when she confronts Orcs for called her a "Whore", she convinced Andras to do a lesson and he complies, then later the Orc ask for her pardon and she doesn't accepted by criticize the Orc for being too Beta to comply his Master Andras. In a way or another, she doesn't look for me an insecure girl of a village, she can be a saint (and if we can play like that in the next two Arcs i waited for her to being the mortal reincarnation of the Goddess of Order or some kind of shit like that :ROFLMAO: )or a complete whore (for God's sake, at the showed corruption she can achieved in this Act I, if we can play like that at the end of Act III she'll be some kind of Morgoth :ROFLMAO: ) that's your choice.
Yea but you have to realize that the only reason Alexia is mouthing off to Drokk is because she has Andras backing her up now and is protected by him. So she is still an insecure character, she's hiding behind Andras's strength and that is what gives her the courage to act up. It's just the squabbling of someone weak, Alexia knows that without Andras she wouldn't be acting this way. (Also the reason Andras doesn't just "take" Alexia is obvious, it would ruin their plans to have Rowan join because obviously without Alexia they have nothing on Rowan to keep him in service so Alexia would obviously tell Rowan what Andras did.) Not sure why you think Alexia saying no to Andras would somehow make her not insecure? Those don't have anything to do with each other and are very different from her husband having sex with a woman in their own bed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
No, the MCs stay human for pretty much the whole game.
His wife can grow a cock with the help of X'zaratl and fuck him with it. Or she can grow huge tits in two scenes.
There will be a future scene where his futa wife fucks one of his girlfriends as well- its on the docket.
That is it for transformation content with the two MCs afaik.

If you're hoping for Rowan to have a demonic aesthetic eventually so he can be more attractive and compete with Andras a little bit aesthetically you are probably shit out of luck.
No I was just wondering, because when the demons capture the humans, I would think they would at least try to convert the female & get rid of the male. And I do not mean turn her into a Futa. "grimace". The Demons look really sexy. My only worry was the whole stealing girlfriend from male MC and get her to cheat practically on a whim. While playing as the Male MC, I would put that under the humiliation and NTR genre "cringe". If only playing as female,it is a different experience, maybe guilt. "Forgotten Paradise" kind of started that way,however I am glad I continued because Karma caught up to the wife. Cheers. The Art is amazing in this game especially for the demons which is also another reason it would have been neat to see how the female MC would look like as a demon herself.
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Sep 6, 2020
Yea but you have to realize that the only reason Alexia is mouthing off to Drokk is because she has Andras backing her up now and is protected by him. So she is still an insecure character, she's hiding behind Andras's strength and that is what gives her the courage to act up. It's just the squabbling of someone weak, Alexia knows that without Andras she wouldn't be acting this way. (Also the reason Andras doesn't just "take" Alexia is obvious, it would ruin their plans to have Rowan join because obviously without Alexia they have nothing on Rowan to keep him in service so Alexia would obviously tell Rowan what Andras did.) Not sure why you think Alexia saying no to Andras would somehow make her not insecure? Those don't have anything to do with each other and are very different from her husband having sex with a woman in their own bed.
I don't get your point of view about Alexia being insecure... In the same scene but the couple being loyal, Alexia relies on Rowan for the same problem, the Orc ask for pardon and she does give it in return iirc. What i mean is, Alexia knows that she can't match against an Orc, she's like any of us writing here without a weapon and without any sort of training nor any skill for self-defense. So, a person that can't match against a threat like in the case of Alexia is an Orc, will just rely in a figure of authority, in our case a police, in the case of Alexia, she relies in an Authority Figure that she confides more, if the couple is loyal then is Rowan, if not then is Andras. She's like any other person, with her virtues and vicious, and with the desire to live with some respect so, knowing her disadvantages inside Bloodmeen, that we could compare barely to live in some dangerous ghetto (in terms of security for "normal persons"), she would rely in the police or in the gangsta that would just put in his sack the boy (if u know what i mean). Do you really expect Alexia confront the Orc directly? she wouldn't stand a chance if the Orc just fight back without words, which tbh is possible.

Now, about raping Rowan's woman, being Andras i wouldn't see the problem, i just tell him if he served us he can commands our armies in a position of power, not kill his wife and have the right to save as much the people he swore to protect... The threat is still open in favor for The Twins against Rowan. Regarding Alexia being insecure by still saying no to Andras to later experiment the betrayal of her husband, because she make it clear, she doesn't believe in Rowan whatever option you take, is scripted but justified, she believe that Rowan had love feelings for her, both (Rowan & Helayna) knew each other, perhaps before Rowan married Alexia and he could never stand a chance because of his position in life as a commoner, the same is for Helayna, in her story she reserved her feelings because of their own position as a noblewoman. So, imagine that the woman you had feelings in your youth is about being brutally rape and her chance to avoid it is if you instead rape her, but still, she in her youth had feelings for you, both never confessed because both in social terms lived in worlds apart, you only could known her because of a work you did for her family, and now in your actual situation you're married, will you stand there to see and hear how she's brutally raped before you?. That's more or less the situation Rowan is... Apart from the options you can take, iirc, the story in a resume of the triangle Rowan, Alexia and Helayna is like that.
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