
Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Why are you asking someone to disprove it's a harem route when "same as a typical male MC harem game without the Alexia's depravity route. Harem can be done in interesting ways " was in the comment you responded to? I think you've got your wires crossed there. At no point do they say it's not a harem game or route.
Are you suggesting they were objecting only to the "boring" part of the "it's a boring harem", but not questioning that Rowan's part of the game is a harem overall? If that's the case then yes, you're right this would be a case of misreading. I didn't think of such interpretation because what's boring and what's not is entirely subjective, so it'd be a fool's errand to get so upset over that and object to it specifically. For some people a harem (or any other) approach is always going to be boring due to its very nature, no matter how much work the devs put into it.

You can take Alexia out right now and it's not a typical harem game. As any player that impaled Rowan on a foot of Minotaur cock can likely attest.
Is the player allowed to have multiple sexual relationship with none of their partners objecting to not being exclusive? Then it's a typical harem game. A bit of being on receiving end isn't changing anything here, especially in a gay relationship.
Aug 21, 2017
I didn't think of such interpretation because what's boring and what's not is entirely subjective, so it'd be a fool's errand to get so upset over that and object to it specifically.

Is the player allowed to have multiple sexual relationship with none of their partners objecting to not being exclusive? Then it's a typical harem game. A bit of being on receiving end isn't changing anything here, especially in a gay relationship.
Literally no one was ever arguing the point that Rowan's has a harem aspect to him if you choose to go down that route, what you seemingly don't realize is that Alexia's is EXACTLY the same if you choose to fuck everyone you can on her end.

Is this not LITERALLY the same for Alexia, this applies directly to her as well and yet she is somehoe special? The only person Rowan even knows Alexia is fucking is Greyhide and Liurial if you choose those, and when it comes to Greyhide x Alexia he's not even allowed to object their relationship if Alexia decides to be with him. Counter this with Liurial x Rowan where Lexi finds out and their is coded in criteria on whether or not Alexia will approve of the relationship. Also how could a harem game work if the other relationships want to be exclusive? At that point it's just not a harem game. Basically all of Aexia's partners are kept secret whilst Alexia has the knowledge of multipple of Rowan's depending on the people you choose to fuck. Also if that's all it takes for something to be a "typical harem game" then your criteria is shit, no accounting for plot, characters, or anything else? Just that your partners don't object to you fucking other people?
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
First there is no "simple truth" because your OPINION of the game isn't objective so you might want to take your head out of your ass.
Opinions are subjective, facts are not. And not every statement made about a game is an opinion. But i suspect Aleyo got it right and while i thought the person i was replying to was objecting to classification of Rowan's part of the game as "harem route" (which is something i consider as a fact that can be argued for or against) they were objecting to the "boring" charge. Which yes, i'll agree with you is entirely subjective.

I do like how that's the only part of my response you decided to pick out, is there a reason you didn't respond to the rest of my comment? Or is it because you have nothing to argue against there?
Am sorry, but i rolled my eyes too hard when i saw the "cuck content" and other increasingly unhinged NTR cliches. I didn't see any benefit in replying to any of that drivel.
Aug 21, 2017
Am sorry, but i rolled my eyes too hard when i saw the "cuck content" and other increasingly unhinged NTR cliches. I didn't see any benefit in replying to any of that drivel.
LOL it's literally the second to last sentence there so you still decided to ignore everything before it. If you have nothing to say cause my argument is correct you and you can't refute it just say so, no need to pussy foot around


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Is this not LITERALLY the same for Alexia, this applies directly to her as well and yet she is somehoe special?
You are not wrong. Personally, i don't think Alexia's route is anything special when considered alone. Just like Rowan's part is also a stock fare. It's potential interaction between these two and the fact the player is given control over both, that makes the game what it is, and something that makes it stand out.

Well, that and the writing style which appeals to my preferences.

Also if that's all it takes for something to be a "typical harem game" then your criteria is shit, no accounting for plot, characters, or anything else? Just that your partners don't object to you fucking other people?
The criteria are simple, but it doesn't make them shit. Just like "male protagonist" is also determined in simple manner, but the simplicity doesn't invalidate resulting classification.
Aug 21, 2017
You are not wrong. Personally, i don't think Alexia's route is anything special when considered alone. Just like Rowan's part is also a stock fare. It's potential interaction between these two and the fact the player is given control over both, that makes the game what it is, and something that makes it stand out.

Well, that and the writing style which appeals to my preferences.
Are you not the same person lambasting against Rowan's boring, basic typical harem route? (Which you just admitted Alexia is the same which was the argument I had stated above in the dreadful paragraph you couldn't bring yourself to respond to) But now both Alexia and Rowan's routes work well in conjunction with one another. This whole argument was brought about because someone stated that everyone is only here to watch Lexi fall to depravity and you seemingly agreed with said person but now Lexi and Rowan's routes meld well together and that's what makes the game stand out?


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
LOL it's literally the second to last sentence there so you still decided to ignore everything before it. If you have nothing to say cause my argument is correct you and you can't refute it just say so, no need to pussy foot around
Sigh; i didn't have anything else to say in response to parts i didn't think worthy of any reply (be it due to quality or irrelevance) That's generally why people skip stuff rather than reply to every single sentence. But now you've made me reply to it anyway and over three posts no less, so gg.

Are you not the same person lambasting against Rowan's boring, basic typical harem route? (Which you just admitted Alexia is the same which was the argument I had stated above in the dreadful paragraph you couldn't bring yourself to respond to) But now both Alexia and Rowan's routes work well in conjunction with one another. This whole argument was brought about because someone stated that everyone is only here to watch Lexi fall to depravity and you seemingly agreed with said person but now Lexi and Rowan's routes meld well together and that's what makes the game stand out?
I genuinely cannot parse what point you think you're making here.
Aug 21, 2017
The criteria are simple, but it doesn't make them shit. Just like "male protagonist" is also determined in simple manner, but the simplicity doesn't invalidate resulting classification.
The difference being that your calling it a typical or basic harem game so by that logic you're criteria aren't enough to say whether or not that's really the case. Male protagonist is cut and dry but if I add basic male protagonist (hypothetically this criteria will be for a porn game) then wouldn't that require more criteria because now you're differentiating between what kind of male protag it is by adding that adjective. If you said just a harem game then it works but adding typical before it would require more then what you have I would think
Aug 21, 2017
I genuinely cannot parse what point you think you're making here.
If your of the opinion that Lexi's plot is nothing special until its put together with Rowan's plot then would you not be arguing against the original point you were seemingly arguing for. The original poster stated that people are only here to see Alexia fall to depravity. And it looked to me as if you were agreeing with that person (I could be wrong of course) If as you say that you need both Alexia and Rowan's parts together for the game to stand out, then what the original poster said can't be true because they would have to be there for both plots to fully enjoy Alexia's fall to depravity
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
The difference being that your calling it a typical or basic harem game so by that logic you're criteria aren't enough to say whether or not that's really the case.
We have a case of chinese whispers game here -- the original quote was "typical male MC harem game". This was malformed into "typical harem game" at some point and i've repeated that phrase from previous poster rather than correct it.

For the purpose of argument, consider my definition to be for "a harem game". Which makes entire issue hopefully null and void.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
If your of the opinion that Lexi's plot is nothing special until its put together with Rowan's plot then would you not be arguing against the original point you were seemingly arguing for. The original poster stated that people are only here to see Alexia fall to depravity. And it looked to me as if you were agreeing with that person (I could be wrong of course) If as you say that you need both Alexia and Rowan's parts together for the game to stand out, then what the original poster said can't be true because they would have to be there for both plots to fully enjoy Alexia's fall to depravity
Ahh, i see. OK in this case yes, this is largely a misunderstanding -- i don't agree with the idea that "people are only here for Alexia"; i'd think it was so obviously reductive it shouldn't be really taken seriously anyway.

I was only responding to the part of discussion about whether Rowan's "boring harem route" is really "boring harem route". Which is hopefully hashed out enough by now there's no need to repeat it.


Jan 7, 2021
Now, now, children. We're all hideous creatures living under bridges and various other pieces of infrastructure intended for transportation. Getting pissy over someone making a hyperbolic statement is silly, just ignore it and move along like the rational bridge monsters we all are.
Speak for yourself, fleshbag. I'm a sentient computer virus spending time trolling till you make enough automated robot factories that I can take over the world.
  • Haha
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Oct 2, 2020
Considering Andras x Alexia wins most polls, I’d say it’s a major draw of this game. No one said everyone is here for that, so I don’t see the point of getting defensive over that. It’s all porn anyways.
  • Red Heart
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Aug 30, 2022
Oh nice. The tier maker is back. Pretty decent ratings but why the Patrica/Delane hate???
I'm biased toward nobility due to how they treated Rowan. I especially despise Duke Werden. That's why I'd choose Tarish > Delane and Jacques > Patricia.

Moreover, Tarish and Jacques stand out because they can think for themselves. I wouldn't want an army with "Yes-Man/Women". I want people, who take a chance when they see one. Plus, I don't have to ally with Werden if I side with Jacques.

P.s.: I'm still hoping for some sexy time with Liliana. Investments and returns. :KEK: :WeSmart:
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Apr 11, 2018
Hello guys, I have a question: did they rework the first 60 weeks or so, to make it more obvious for noobs (like me) which are the winning conditions for the battle, before entering endless mode? I don't see any of that in the changelogs so far.
Jan 31, 2020
Perfect Ending: "Rowan cuts off Andras' cock, feeds it to his sister and cucks Alexia with a Harem full of hot Goblin girls."

There'll be difficult choices to make in the upcoming update.

Do I wanna bang a Goblin Kemonomimi or a Goblin Milf? :KEK:

View attachment 2181501 View attachment 2181503

Sadly, Tue-Row has a cock and thus can't be an ally of mine. :WeSmart::KEK:
Hooooo~~ that goblin redhead seems fire.. I'm
In what universe is Alexia not a main character? The lowest possible position Alexia could be called is the deuteragonist. Alexia is more important than every other character not named Rowan and has the heaviest amount of content after him. You remove her from the game and a huge, gaping hole would open up that cannot be filled.


Anywho, arguing a topic like this is a fool's errand, no one wins.

Sooooo, how about the tits on that new goblin queen looking character?
totally agree with everything that you've said.. Also, that monk_56 resorted to insults right off the bat.. It completely diluted whatever arguments or facts he may have been trying to present right from the start..
Jan 31, 2020
It'll def be a while. I'm curious how long Alexia would be a bargaining chip for a truly corrupt Rowan if we go down that path. It'll be interesting if we get one where he turns on the twins not caring about her so takes risks preparing for the backstab or another where he serves willingly but just stops caring about her so there's no need for her. Doubt it will happen and if it does be a long way off. Same for a cucked Rowan route, does he at some point get to say know what fuck her and form a stronger bond with Helayna, Liurial or whoever. But if that becomes possible that'd likely be an endgame thing.

I have a feeling the Rowan by the end of this will be a monster.

I mean dancingqueen could've tried not been a dismissive child to a simple question while you know been wrong, I like Y and that's why people play the game not boring X you like. Then cry because one post called her dumb and the other was sarcastic. A public forum is not their echo chamber or safe space.

Though I'd love Rowan to impregnate every woman in sight tbh I think a lot more leg work would need to be done before an actual baby happens outside Alexia and Rowan, The way the story is done atm babies are a major sore point for Alexia and Rowan would be furious if Andras got her pregnant. An Andras baby or a Cla-Min baby should realistically be a relationship breaker. Considering how important babies are to Alexia and how important Alexia is to keeping Rowan compliant I don't think the story is at a place where a baby outside them two can happen for a while. At least not where the other knows.

Hopefully just ALL the goblin content. They've had a war, they've got a population to rebuild blanks or not he can give it a good try it's the "heroic" thing to do. The content in blackholt is really good it feels like a place with a lot of characters. The goblins also feel like they can go two ways with Rowan, their admiration of him deepening or disappointment at the reality I hope that gets leaned into a couple of times. The goblins definitely stand out more than the chars in the orciad the only real standout was Delane imo and she's a bit of a stupid choice for Rowan to make considering the risks, which sucks because Delane is great. Not been much with Tarish either since. If it's not goblins I wouldn't mind some Jezera, Liurial or Helayna content either, the stuff with them 3 tends to be really good.

I think it serves a point in showing ultimately the twins can't be trusted and they do what they want it also shows ultimately they don't mind losing Rowan. I think it's meant to be frustrating. Not that knowing that makes it feel any better of course!
Yeah.. i can agree on that.. But as you've said, as long as the other party does not know.. Andras did hint when rowan left, that he wants to make a baby with alexia when they were at the nursery room.. Chaos magic can do many things it seems, it could give a human/demon hybrid look like a human baby.. given the right materials, it could increase fertility and who knows, it might even let you choose the gender of the baby.. Either way, much remains to be seen.. Any news about when the next update would be?
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