
Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Jacques has no idea that his coup is going to be hijacked by demons, though? He had most of the pieces in place without Rowan (though he needed Astarte to weaken Marianne enough to make it feasible), and when he did work with Rowan, he thought he was only working with his own countryman. He didn't find out about the demons until the coup was already over, and he was being told to submit to them or watch the city be razed.

Really, it's more a case of "A country weakened by internal strife ends up conquered by a rival power keen to take advantage".
I haven't played Jacques' route in almost a year now, so maybe my memory of it is a bit fuzzy, but my impression was that he was being at least a little willfully ignorant of some people he was associating with to get his coup going (forgot the name of the demon lady Jezera already had infiltrated in Rastedel), if he really received less external help than I imagined then I can't really fault him too much, although it still was a power struggle between two powerful groups rather than a popular revolution and it recklessly exposed the kingdom to foreign invasion, but hindsight is 20/20.
It reminds me of the Mandate of Heaven; my revolution against the old dynasty clearly proves they have lost Heaven's favor (as well as the natural disasters that happened around that time, which are clearly a symptom of the mandate's loss and not, say, the reason why a bunch of peasants are now starving and angry), and the fact that I triumphed over them is proof that I've won the new mandate.

I guess it did work out in our own history at one point, then?... /joking
Rowan is one perfect d20 roll from becoming the new emperor of China.
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Jan 10, 2018
I haven't played Jacques' route in almost a year now, so maybe my memory of it is a bit fuzzy, but my impression was that he was being at least a little willfully ignorant of some people he was associating with to get his coup going (forgot the name of the demon lady Jezera already had infiltrated in Rastedel), if he really received less external help than I imagined then I can't really fault him too much, although it still was a power struggle between two powerful groups rather than a popular revolution and it recklessly exposed the kingdom to foreign invasion, but hindsight is 20/20.
We don't know a lot about Ameraine, but there's good reason to believe that she's been around for a while now; she knew Karnas back in the day and she was the one to reach out to Jezera later. Presumably, she was already in Rastadel when Jezera came to her attention, or Jezera would know more about her recent activities.

Plus, Jacques always kept Ameraine at arm's length, much to her annoyance - she wasn't even allowed in the back room where all of the coup talk was happening.

Though in a broader picture, I'd also have to argue that "popular revolution" and "conquest" are weighted a bit differently in a medieval society. When villages barely know what's happening in the next village over, let alone the country as a whole, it's extremely difficult to get a real revolt going - they're always going to be at the strings of someone stirring them up, else they'd be a series of easily put down riots instead of a proper revolt. "Conquest" differs greatly as well; it's one thing when it's England sucking away your country's wealth and demanding you plant cash crops instead of food, but it's quite another when you've never actually spoken to your lord, and the only thing that changes is what tax collector shows up during harvest season.

The idea of national identities in general only really became a thing outside of the broadest of strokes after mass media, truthfully. Until there were books and papers being spread around in a shared language, and people were literate enough that it mattered, there wasn't that much in common between a peasant in Cologne and a peasant in Magdeburg. Had history broken a little differently, it wouldn't have been that strange if one of them had ended up speaking French or Dutch a few hundred years later instead of German.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
I also am of the opinion that sovereignty alone is not an acceptable sole measure of a revolution.

See, I'm from a group of people who have a history of being stateless. There's a pretty big history of "Genuine Revolutions" leading to purged of perceived others.

Do the nature of the victims of revolutionary violence effect the morality of it?

Even when some of the targets are more legitimate, the behavior of revolutionaries is a thing of moral import. A bloodless revolution is not morally the same as one that emerged through intense civil war and purges.

I also think there's a pretty big moral consideration of "will it work".

Is it moral to engage in a bloody revolution when it has no chance of working and would just cause violence?

Is it moral to partake in revolutionary violence for a system that would collapse right after?

I think any deontological answer to the question would need to be exceedingly complex in order to account for the challenges.
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Jan 10, 2018
Hm, I'm just going to tie some of these questions back to the game to ground them a bit better....

I also am of the opinion that sovereignty alone is not an acceptable sole measure of a revolution.

See, I'm from a group of people who have a history of being stateless. There's a pretty big history of "Genuine Revolutions" leading to purged of perceived others.

Do the nature of the victims of revolutionary violence effect the morality of it?
In my opinion, it does; if the victims are "deserving", that better reinforces the idea that the conduct that lead to the revolution is a Bad Thing. So in this context, if the victims are primarily the useless nobility, that helps enforce the idea that nobles need to properly fulfill their social function in order to avoid future revolts; if they're the nobility in general, that's less ideal, but helps reinforce the idea that there are personal consequences when things go pear-shaped; and if it's the lower classes that suffer the worst of it, then that's counterproductive to the intent of the revolution.

I also think there's a pretty big moral consideration of "will it work".

Is it moral to engage in a bloody revolution when it has no chance of working and would just cause violence?
No. Even if you're up against the Nazis and other such despicable people, inflicting pain purely for the purpose of inflicting pain is never the moral choice - it just makes the world a slightly worse place, even when you're targeting admittedly terrible people.

But, this does depend on how we're framing "no chance of working". Does it increase the odds of others defeating the ones you're rebelling against, accomplishing your goals indirectly? Does calling attention to the people revolting encourage the ruling class to change their behavior to reduce tensions, accomplishing part of your goal? In cases like these, it can still be worthwhile - but, it does also change the scope of how much damage can be caused before the costs outweigh the benefits.

In this particular case, empowering the twins, raising an army of orcs, and sacking major cities... Success is essential to justifying things, I believe.

Is it moral to partake in revolutionary violence for a system that would collapse right after?
It depends; is the revolution a response to the current system being manifestly terrible, or in pursuit of a more specific dream?

If it's the former (like, say, Russia during WW1), then I would say that tearing down the old system is enough. If it seems clear that things will never improve under the old regime, then a period of anarchy is still preferable to what came before, if undesirable.

If it's the latter (like, say, a less-successful French Revolution), then I would say that it is not; if you can't deliver what was promised, then the blood shed is wasted. It doesn't need to be perfect, but it does need resemble what they're rebelling for.

In this case, I would say that "a response to the current system being terrible" applies; few of the people fighting share the same vision, just a desire to be free of Solansia's order. Each appears to interpret that their own way. Though, we're also not working with many humans, and those that are... Um, Didn't really choose to. So "rebellion" might not really be the right framing for this point, outside of Answer 4 Rowan.


Though, that said, I tend to adhere to a more utilitarian philosophy; if the new system works better than the old, and lasts enough generations to pay for the misery caused by the war, then it's justified. If it doesn't, then it's not. In some ways, this makes the question more complicated; how do you know that people will be happier afterwards?

But in others, it makes things simpler; if you see the people leading the country feasting during a famine and finding themselves forced to launch competing coups while an enemy army is at the gate, you can be pretty sure the country will be better off without them in charge.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
We don't know a lot about Ameraine, but there's good reason to believe that she's been around for a while now; she knew Karnas back in the day and she was the one to reach out to Jezera later. Presumably, she was already in Rastadel when Jezera came to her attention, or Jezera would know more about her recent activities.

Plus, Jacques always kept Ameraine at arm's length, much to her annoyance - she wasn't even allowed in the back room where all of the coup talk was happening.

Though in a broader picture, I'd also have to argue that "popular revolution" and "conquest" are weighted a bit differently in a medieval society. When villages barely know what's happening in the next village over, let alone the country as a whole, it's extremely difficult to get a real revolt going - they're always going to be at the strings of someone stirring them up, else they'd be a series of easily put down riots instead of a proper revolt. "Conquest" differs greatly as well; it's one thing when it's England sucking away your country's wealth and demanding you plant cash crops instead of food, but it's quite another when you've never actually spoken to your lord, and the only thing that changes is what tax collector shows up during harvest season.

The idea of national identities in general only really became a thing outside of the broadest of strokes after mass media, truthfully. Until there were books and papers being spread around in a shared language, and people were literate enough that it mattered, there wasn't that much in common between a peasant in Cologne and a peasant in Magdeburg. Had history broken a little differently, it wouldn't have been that strange if one of them had ended up speaking French or Dutch a few hundred years later instead of German.
I must have misremembered Ameraine's involvement, thought she played more of a part in getting the pieces in place rather than just being Rowan's handler.

I don't recall mentioning a national identity, just a shared culture in the form of similar values, which peasants from Magdeburg and Cologne would have, given the similar environments, religious background, and other historical similarities. It would be one thing if a tax collector came wearing a different crest and nothing else changed. It would be another if the tax collector came demanding different forms of tribute, criticizing the practices of the peasants as heretical, and generally deviating from the expected social contract (which could be the case depending on how intrusive the demon occupation will be).

In the context of the game, Rastedel is a bit of an anachronous mega-city in a still mostly medieval setting, I would consider it a "popular revolution" even if it only included the population of the city itself.
I also am of the opinion that sovereignty alone is not an acceptable sole measure of a revolution.

See, I'm from a group of people who have a history of being stateless. There's a pretty big history of "Genuine Revolutions" leading to purged of perceived others.

Even when some of the targets are more legitimate, the behavior of revolutionaries is a thing of moral import. A bloodless revolution is not morally the same as one that emerged through intense civil war and purges.
I did try to say that sovereignty was part of heuristical approach, not the sole measure, and that violence should always be a last resort. I apologize if it did not come across properly.

I'm interpretating a "revolution" as being the use of violence to enact societal changes (in the absence of violence I would call it a reform).

I believe sovereignty to be an important criteria when defining the type of the revolution, because if people are going to be inserted into a state of unrest, the bare minimum for this to have a chance of being just is that they had a say in it.

The societal changes achieved by the revolution also need to have their merits analyzed. If the goals of a revolution are cruel and spawned from a mob mentality rather than the well elaborated needs of the population, then of course this will count against the moral character of the revolution

And of course the expected damage needs to be considered, ideally the damage caused by the revolution should be minimized to the point where it is below the damage that will be caused by the continued existence of the old system.

Those are all things that I would factor when trying to pass moral judgement over a revolution, but the later two are more useful in a consequentialist framework, because it is normally impossible to know those things in advance with any degree of certainty. They can be incorporated into risk assessment, but that is never an easy thing to analyze, while sovereignty is more easy to observe in a preliminary analysis.

I do not think there ever was a "perfect revolution", even in the times there was popular participation, more often than not the participation was of the population turning into a mob and commiting extreme cruelty against scapegoats for ill-conceived reasons, not for the real benefit of anyone nor taking actions thought out to address the real issues. Ironically enough I suppose most of the better revolutions were ones with not much direct popular participation as those were more likely to be contained to a small scope and so the violence wouldn't spill beyond where it was intended to be. But there were many "revolutions" that were done in a similar fashion, and while they weren't imediatelly destructive, the societal changes enacted by them were intentionally in detriment of most of the population (i.e most of the military dictatorships implanted in South America during the Cold War). Ideally I still think a revolution SHOULD have the participation of the people, but we'd have to figure out a way of stopping that participation from turning into a mob, which I'm not sure if we're capable of doing yet.
I also think there's a pretty big moral consideration of "will it work".

I think any deontological answer to the question would need to be exceedingly complex in order to account for the challenges.
I understand "deontological" as meaning "moral independent of the circumnstances", if you start analyzing the situation, you're no longer operating in a deontological framework but in a consequentialist framework, which is why to me a revolution would always be moral to an uncompromising deontologist once less violent alternatives were exhausted, because not revolting would result into the acceptance of immoral behavior, independent of the circumnstances.

I am not endorsing such a way of thinking, I'm just estabilishing that's how the extremes would look like to me: a consequentialist would always be looking for an ideal but practically impossible to find answer, a deontologist would simply say that if the cause is just then the price to be paid does not matter.
Do the nature of the victims of revolutionary violence effect the morality of it?
Ideally violence would be kept only to what is strictly necessary, so the victims should only be the direct opposition that blocked every attempt of a non-violent reform.
Is it moral to engage in a bloody revolution when it has no chance of working and would just cause violence?
As long as it does not harm third parties and it doesn't involve goading people into fighting with false hope, I wouldn't condemn fighting even if it wouldn't imediatelly ammount to more than symbolic martyrdom or token resistance in desperate situations. And even if the hopeless fighting causes future retaliation on those that weren't involved, I would not consider that a moral burden of the martyrs, I don't think it is fair to hold them responsible for the cruelty of their oppressors.
Is it moral to partake in revolutionary violence for a system that would collapse right after?
I am a bit confused on the meaning of this, if we are talking about a situation exactly like the one in the game, I would say it would only be immoral if they had fair reason to believe there was a risk of the collapse happening. If they had no knowledge of the risk and it was extremely unlikely, I can't blame them for having terrible luck with the timing. But if they had an idea that it could happen, and they still chose to go take a fight instead of saving their resources to protect people from the bigger threat, then yeah it was immoral.


Jan 10, 2018
I don't recall mentioning a national identity, just a shared culture in the form of similar values, which peasants from Magdeburg and Cologne would have, given the similar environments, religious background, and other historical similarities. It would be one thing if a tax collector came wearing a different crest and nothing else changed. It would be another if the tax collector came demanding different forms of tribute, criticizing the practices of the peasants as heretical, and generally deviating from the expected social contract (which could be the case depending on how intrusive the demon occupation will be).
Let me approach this from a different direction, then. At one point Rowan remarks that he barely knows any nobles from outside his duchy (and bear in mind that he's seen more of Rosaria than most commoners). If there was a peasant uprising in a different duchy that was to intended to force Baron Casamir to change kingdom-wide policy... On what grounds could we consider that legitimate? Most of the country has no idea what these nobles did to anger the peasants so, yet their way of life will be changed as well.

If there's no actual common tie between villages, no shared identity, then a "popular revolt" isn't really a concept that can be applied to the setting in my opinion - just a different regional uprising.

Though to return to the cultural argument - the important point here is that in medieval times, someone living in Magdeburg had about as much in common with someone living in Megeve as they did Cologne. Religion was the common cultural touchstone at the time, rather than who ruled their lands. So pretty much any war contained within Europe during the time period (England/Normandy excepted, because that's the one example I can think of where they actually did attempt to enforce cultural change) would find that the effects would largely be limited to changing tax collectors; as such, what makes conquest during the time period so horrible? As the scale of wars increased, and as the ability to extract wealth from the population grew, certainly it became an increasingly terrible thing, but back in the day... A lord putting down a peasant uprising could easily do more harm than a war would have.

This is why I question the utility of your heuristic as applied to the setting - I can see the rationale for a post-WW1 environment, but many of the underlying assumptions don't seem transferable to earlier eras.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
Let me approach this from a different direction, then. At one point Rowan remarks that he barely knows any nobles from outside his duchy (and bear in mind that he's seen more of Rosaria than most commoners). If there was a peasant uprising in a different duchy that was to intended to force Baron Casamir to change kingdom-wide policy... On what grounds could we consider that legitimate? Most of the country has no idea what these nobles did to anger the peasants so, yet their way of life will be changed as well.

If there's no actual common tie between villages, no shared identity, then a "popular revolt" isn't really a concept that can be applied to the setting in my opinion - just a different regional uprising.

Though to return to the cultural argument - the important point here is that in medieval times, someone living in Magdeburg had about as much in common with someone living in Megeve as they did Cologne. Religion was the common cultural touchstone at the time, rather than who ruled their lands. So pretty much any war contained within Europe during the time period (England/Normandy excepted, because that's the one example I can think of where they actually did attempt to enforce cultural change) would find that the effects would largely be limited to changing tax collectors; as such, what makes conquest during the time period so horrible? As the scale of wars increased, and as the ability to extract wealth from the population grew, certainly it became an increasingly terrible thing, but back in the day... A lord putting down a peasant uprising could easily do more harm than a war would have.

This is why I question the utility of your heuristic as applied to the setting - I can see the rationale for a post-WW1 environment, but many of the underlying assumptions don't seem transferable to earlier eras.
I think I understand where you are coming from. I think something I failed to express is that I was speaking of conquest in the context of it being a source of societal change (as related to revolutions). I agree conquest between independent, but culturally similar kingdoms, could lead to a change of rulership without any cultural impact on the population at large. And so a "domestic" revolt conducted by only a small part of the population could potentially be more "invasive" and "disruptive" than a technically "foreign" conquest.

But I think there are plenty of examples of attempted cultural change in medieval europe's history, Umayyad conquest of Hispania (and consequentially the Reconquista), Byzantines and Lombards disputing the italian peninsula, the crusader kingdoms, etc. If you're willing to look post-renaissance then you could add european colonization of Africa, India, the Americas, etc.

In the context of the game, I think the conquest of Rastedel by the Twins is much more comparable to the more invasive conquests, rather than your trivial neighbouring german kingdoms affair. So I think it will be a conquest that will be source of deep societal changes, akin to a revolution in that sense, and while some of those changes can potentially be ones the people of Rastedel could welcome as positive (like more social mobility), it is also very likely that the conquerors will trample on many other aspects of Rastedel's culture that the local population will not appreciate, in particular the ones associated with Solansia, which to me is the most damaging way of causing societal changes to a people, forced by outsiders with a very different world vision.


New Member
Jul 22, 2019
Hi everyone.
Since registering, I have only read, but now I need an answer so much that I broke my silence. What needs to be done to get scene with all-four - Andras, Jezera, Alexia and Rowan? I saw screenshots somewhere and got very nervous. I conquered Rastedel, I was sure that it was a "feast after victory", but I did not see anything like it. What is the sequence of actions?

There are no new scenes in the old Walkthrough, although there were many additions. Will it be updated or is there any other secret walkthrough than the one on the first page?

I have a Steam version (what if it's important?).

Sorry if something is wrong, google translate FTW.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
Hi everyone.
Since registering, I have only read, but now I need an answer so much that I broke my silence. What needs to be done to get scene with all-four - Andras, Jezera, Alexia and Rowan? I saw screenshots somewhere and got very nervous. I conquered Rastedel, I was sure that it was a "feast after victory", but I did not see anything like it. What is the sequence of actions?

There are no new scenes in the old Walkthrough, although there were many additions. Will it be updated or is there any other secret walkthrough than the one on the first page?

I have a Steam version (what if it's important?).

Sorry if something is wrong, google translate FTW.
We have not made such a scene and no scene with all fours exists in the game. I am aware of a piece of fan art that has that combination, but it wasn't comissioned for us.
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New Member
Nov 26, 2019
No the twins are not capable of it on Ther own . Rowan got started with a weak army to sack Ravins Keep And had to sack villages earn money, recruit Orcs because the Spy route is not optional anymore. The sacking of the capital would not have happened either without Rowan. It would have turned into a Siege War and the twins forces would have probably suffered the same fate as their fathers Army .the sacking of the capital is not finished yet you still have the opposing Church to deal with to get a slightly better ending. This is just speculation on my part but I don't think Rowan's cover can be blown at the end of this chapter and you still need to recruit goblins to take on the other Realms. The story is a well-crafted work of art and a labor of love I can't wait for the next update


Active Member
Oct 6, 2020
How does one become a noble in Rowan's realm (if there's any difference between realms)? Is a family chosen by the gods, appointed by a authority figure (King / pope ... ) and if so, how do they decide to make one family a noble? Because if it's by meritocracy, ie someone who did great service/deeds to the country, then wouldn't Werden be hypocrite for being so against Rowan rising above his station?
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 4, 2017
Do someone know how to modify Corruption / Infamy / guilt value with the console ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Here's a fix for buildings.rpy in 2.62b where it looks like the dev forgot to initialize their Dark Sanctum and Forge structures properly again. Also I was right that my building.rpy fix for an older version cannot just be thrown in here since they have indeed been working on the code base. Drop this in game/core. Note you may need to create the core subfolder if you haven't unpacked the archive.rpa. Also note that I haven't play tested this yet since I simply did a code unpack and edit so far to see what everybody was complaining about.

Dark Sanctum: (line 342)
        'sanctum': {'name': 'Dark sanctum',
            'cost': 150, 'income': 0, 'maintenance': 4, 'morale': 0.2, 'research': 0.5, 'capacity': 5, 'recruitment': 1,
            'up_cost': 300, 'up_income': 0, 'up_maintenance': 0, 'up_morale': 0, 'up_research': 0, 'up_capacity': 10, 'up_recruitment': 1,
            'bld_class': DarkSanctum, 'troop_type': 'cubi'},
I changed up_recruitment from 0 to 1 since the point of the facility upgrade was to increase capacity but not change recruitment rate.

Forge: (line 349)
        'forge': {'name': 'Forge',
            'cost': 150, 'income': 30, 'maintenance': 10, 'morale': 0, 'research': 0, 'capacity': 5, 'recruitment': 0, "flavour_text": ["Iron converted to equipment per week: [3]", "(level 1 only) Increase to orc military score with equipment: +[5]", "(level 1 only) Equipment is automatically added to the best available soldiers. Unused equipment is sold at the end of each week.", "(level 1 only) Money per excess equipment sold: [5]", "(level 1 only) Money per excess iron sold: [1] (not tied to forge itself, but useful to compare with equipment)", "(level 1 only) (NPC effect) Increases iron converted per week: +[2]"],
            'up_cost': 600, 'up_income': 0, 'up_maintenance': 15, 'up_morale': 0, 'up_research': 0, 'up_capacity': 7, 'up_recruitment': 0, "flavour_text": ["Iron converted to equipment per week: [3] -> [6]"],
            'bld_class': Forge},
The hint suggests the upgrade increases production capacity by +2 per week so I changed up_capacity from 0 to 7.
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Apr 28, 2017
Do someone know how to modify Corruption / Infamy / guilt value with the console ?
There's a list of console commands in the linked post in my sig, though currently I don't have Infamy/Guilt in there. Assuming it isn't too hard to find a command for either (I don't think it would be), I'll try to add commands for those within an hour or two.

Edit: Aaand, command list updated.
Last edited:


Apr 16, 2018
please help , scene replay stucked with 4-5 scenes (messed with the gallery unlock trick :( ) wich file should i delete to reset that ? i wasted my weeked and unlocked like 90% but dint saved


May 31, 2020
I did a few playthroughs, and got about half the CGs. Then cheated the rest open, and now i must ask:
1. Are all those CGs implemented in scenes achievable in game?
2.How do i get those events with Fae, and
3.Do i simply need to always pick correct choices to corrup alexia and then let her work as maid to see all of her whoreish acts.
Also where do i get the spidergirl scenes?

nvm somehow missed the scene walkthrough in OP even with using the other walkthroughs to play...

edit edit: I cant seem to get visit options at all even after the fey ambassador arrives and rowan speaks on their behalf.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
You may want to unpack the archive.rpa first to see the rpy source files for guidelines on how much to muck with things and what sort of levels of each are necessary to trigger whatever events you want to play through. The script dev seems to be familar with Python and object oriented programming in general so the casual gamer won't just want to go around mucking with directly setting variables.

For Rowan, you want to call a utility function change_base_stats in the console to modify what you want. The easiest way to explain this is to use an example in the events/ruler_eventsxxxx.rpy files where Draith asks Rowan if he can use Drider guards as an experiment in villages.

    "Allow Draith to experiment with drider guards in an occupied Rosarian village.":
        $ released_fix_rollback()
        ro "Alright Draith, you have my permission to start your experiment."
        show draith happy at midleft with dissolve
        dra "Excellent! This is why I love having you as a boss. I'll start arrangements at once!"
        hide draith with moveoutleft
        "A moment after the dark elf departed, Rowan slumped in his chair a bit. Even if all went well, what exactly was he condemning h
is countrymen to?"
        #Set flag for drider guard test to 1
        $ drider_guard_test = 1
        $ activate_event('drider_guards_resolution')
        $ set_event_timer('drider_guards_resolution', 'after test', 5)
        #Lose 2 driders
        $ castle.buildings['pit']._driders -= 2
        #Rowan gains a little guilt and infamy
        $ change_base_stat('g', 2)
        $ change_base_stat('i', 2)
        #Gain some Draith relationship
        $ change_relation('draith', 2)

    "Refuse Draith's proposal.":
        $ released_fix_rollback()
        ro "No Draith, my countrymen are not test subjects for this crazy experiment."
        dra "It isn't a crazy scheme! Do you have any idea how much we can benefit from this? I can guarantee that as soon as we've had 
some test research I can-"
        ro "This discussion is over. The answer is no."
        "Draith stared angrily at Rowan for several moments, then turned and walked away. His posture was stiff and indignant as he left
 the room."
        ro "(At least I spared them this horror.)"
        #Rowan loses a small amount of guilt.
        $ change_base_stat('g', -2)
        #Lose relationship with Draith.
        $ change_relation('draith', -2)
If you pick the menu option to allow the Driders, change_base_stat gets called to increase Rowans guilt and infamy by 2 points. Then it calls change_relation to make Draith like him by another 2 points. If you pick refuse option, it decreases Rowans guilt and relationship with Draith by 2, but doesn't change infamy.

The other two things you can modify with change_base_stat for Rowan are 'f' for fame and 'c' for corruption. Look at core/utils.rpy line 278 to see the Python function definition for it.

Changing Alexia's stats is a bit different. Here's a code snippet from events/alexia_corruption.rpy where she boinks Jezera and thus falls under her influence and gets more corrupted:

"This left Jezera, hovering alone in the room. The scent of her visitor and their activities together still hung in the air. A reminder 
of her most recent conquest."
"The moment Alexia walked through the door, Jezera’s smile faded. She walked slowly over to a game board on a side table that had been s
et up long before. The pieces were already arranged in a complex formation. It was well into the match."
"There was no opponent, no rival in sight. But, Jezera still studied the board as though she were facing against a skilled foe. After qu
ite some time staring impassionately, Jezera reached out and moved one piece."

je "Satisfactory."

#bonus to maid job TODO
$ change_actor_num_flag('alexia', 'jezera_influence', 3)
$ change_corruption_actor('alexia', +5)
$ alexiaJezObedient = True
$ alexiaUnfaithful = True
$ alexiaJezeraSex =+ 1
The change_corruption_actor and change_actor_num_flag functions are generic setter functions for characters other than Rowan to modify their attributes.

You will need to look at the individual events rpy files to find event(.....) functions calls setting the triggers for events you may be interested in. Those will tell you what you will need to set to force an event to get triggered.

Do someone know how to modify Corruption / Infamy / guilt value with the console ?


Apr 16, 2018
can someone help me ? i unpacked the game in new folder and fresh restarted with no saves but still shows the saves i have and these scenes unlocked only
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