Hello, mate. I do not believe that Niels Bohr and Max Born would be all too pleased with your attitude, but Erwin Schroedinger and his pussy would most certainly adore you, providing of course that pussy survivedI must admit that i don't understand how you can say that there "in all likelihood there is little actual graphic content" when the graphic content isn't subject at all to any "likelihood." What's there is there, what's not is not. It's not quantum porn that doesn't resolve existence/nonexistence until each person plays an instance of the game.
This is an adult game, not a porn game. The emphasis is on the game, not the porn. If you want porn linked by feeble story threads, you are in the wrong thread. Having said that, this game is hot as hell at times. Just not all the time.
On more serious note, to all concerned - there is quite a lot of visual content in this game, and I am hungry for more of our beautiful damsel in distress/semi private dick (pun inappropriate) Selena solving problems in pervy dystopian cesspool of Ogre City. This game possesses incredible charm and I strongly hope for more.