
Mar 25, 2019
I really hope we get some news soon. And this be good news, of course. I hope Serio is doing well and will contact us soon again. It would be a total loss if the game will be abandoned. :-/
Hear, hear. I was deeply saddened learning all the misfortune that has befallen Serio. I think I speak for all of us when I wish him very best of luck. Lad really deserves a good break. And of course, Selena is a lovely game, it would be such a waste to abandon it.

Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
Serio seemed to have a lot of fun making the game and spinoffs, so I am fairly confident that he will return to it at some point. Since I don't have a lot of skin in the game (i'm a low-level patron in lots of games), I can afford to be patient, and am. If I was a high-level patron, I would be considering my options, though...


Mar 25, 2018
Serio has returned! From his Patreon today:

I'm finally back from my sister's house. It was a painful experience and I'm mentally drained.
I had to leave my job but my boss is awesome and gave me the same job again, so I'm back at it starting today. I wanted to move to my sister's city, but she told me not to risk my situation since I'm finally in a good place with a decent job, and since I kept paying the rent, I'm back at home.
That means that the project is no longer in hiatus and I'll start again where I left. I didn't expect to see that so many of you are still here, thank you so much for your support and I hope that you enjoy my future works!
My next objectives are:
- The mini game of Filian the paladin
- Next chapter of Selena: OHA
- Continue the Naked at School series.
This is what I'm going to devote my free, I really need something to occupy my mind.
And a big apology for not being in touch, I thought that I would be back way sooner, but things got worse and had to stay more than I expected.
Those who have a pending reward please contact me via PM please.
That's all the relevant stuff that I had to say. It will take me some time to have a decent work routine, but I'll make sure that it's worth it. I'll be more active in a few days when everything is in order.
- Serio

PD:(This can be a bit depressing so you can skip this part, it's not relevant for the project)
I think that we all can agree that we can take care of our own pain, but when the one suffering is someone that you love and really care about, it's 100 times worse. I'm sure that most of you know that sensation of feeling impotent, unable to do anything to help someone you care about. My sister suffered a very late miscarriage or a stillbirth and I went to her house to support her and her husband.
After almost two weeks, when things where more calm, I had to call an ambulance because she was in a lot of pain and started to bleed. They had to operate her for almsot four hours, and before going home they told her that she won't be able to have children anymore. Having a big family was always one of her dreams, so you can imagine how she felt after losing her child and knowing that she can't have another ever again. It's too hard for a 23 years old girl.
In the end I stayed with her for almost two months trying to console her and just being there for her. It was her the one who made me come back to continue with my life. At least our aunt will stay with her until december. She lives at 300km (185 miles) so I can only visit her the weekends. I don't know how things are going to be for her from now own, but I'm really worried since she was still depressed when I left, but her husband and our aunt are with her.
Sorry for making you read me unburden and don't worry about me, I'll try to focus in more positive things, I know that things will get better.


Mar 25, 2019
Serio has returned! From his Patreon today:

I'm finally back from my sister's house. It was a painful experience and I'm mentally drained.
I had to leave my job but my boss is awesome and gave me the same job again, so I'm back at it starting today. I wanted to move to my sister's city, but she told me not to risk my situation since I'm finally in a good place with a decent job, and since I kept paying the rent, I'm back at home.
That means that the project is no longer in hiatus and I'll start again where I left. I didn't expect to see that so many of you are still here, thank you so much for your support and I hope that you enjoy my future works!
My next objectives are:
- The mini game of Filian the paladin
- Next chapter of Selena: OHA
- Continue the Naked at School series.
This is what I'm going to devote my free, I really need something to occupy my mind.
And a big apology for not being in touch, I thought that I would be back way sooner, but things got worse and had to stay more than I expected.
Those who have a pending reward please contact me via PM please.
That's all the relevant stuff that I had to say. It will take me some time to have a decent work routine, but I'll make sure that it's worth it. I'll be more active in a few days when everything is in order.
- Serio

PD:(This can be a bit depressing so you can skip this part, it's not relevant for the project)
I think that we all can agree that we can take care of our own pain, but when the one suffering is someone that you love and really care about, it's 100 times worse. I'm sure that most of you know that sensation of feeling impotent, unable to do anything to help someone you care about. My sister suffered a very late miscarriage or a stillbirth and I went to her house to support her and her husband.
After almost two weeks, when things where more calm, I had to call an ambulance because she was in a lot of pain and started to bleed. They had to operate her for almsot four hours, and before going home they told her that she won't be able to have children anymore. Having a big family was always one of her dreams, so you can imagine how she felt after losing her child and knowing that she can't have another ever again. It's too hard for a 23 years old girl.
In the end I stayed with her for almost two months trying to console her and just being there for her. It was her the one who made me come back to continue with my life. At least our aunt will stay with her until december. She lives at 300km (185 miles) so I can only visit her the weekends. I don't know how things are going to be for her from now own, but I'm really worried since she was still depressed when I left, but her husband and our aunt are with her.
Sorry for making you read me unburden and don't worry about me, I'll try to focus in more positive things, I know that things will get better.
How sad. Poor Serio, poor little sis. What a piece of rotten luck. It is a good thing our dev is continuing with Selena, hopefully it will lift his spirit. I also cannot forgo hope for his sister. Maybe there is still some chance for offspring, some medical procedure, I don t know. All the best to them both.


Apr 20, 2019
Serio has returned! From his Patreon today:

I'm finally back from my sister's house. It was a painful experience and I'm mentally drained.
I had to leave my job but my boss is awesome and gave me the same job again, so I'm back at it starting today. I wanted to move to my sister's city, but she told me not to risk my situation since I'm finally in a good place with a decent job, and since I kept paying the rent, I'm back at home.
That means that the project is no longer in hiatus and I'll start again where I left. I didn't expect to see that so many of you are still here, thank you so much for your support and I hope that you enjoy my future works!
My next objectives are:
- The mini game of Filian the paladin
- Next chapter of Selena: OHA
- Continue the Naked at School series.
This is what I'm going to devote my free, I really need something to occupy my mind.
And a big apology for not being in touch, I thought that I would be back way sooner, but things got worse and had to stay more than I expected.
Those who have a pending reward please contact me via PM please.
That's all the relevant stuff that I had to say. It will take me some time to have a decent work routine, but I'll make sure that it's worth it. I'll be more active in a few days when everything is in order.
- Serio

PD:(This can be a bit depressing so you can skip this part, it's not relevant for the project)
I think that we all can agree that we can take care of our own pain, but when the one suffering is someone that you love and really care about, it's 100 times worse. I'm sure that most of you know that sensation of feeling impotent, unable to do anything to help someone you care about. My sister suffered a very late miscarriage or a stillbirth and I went to her house to support her and her husband.
After almost two weeks, when things where more calm, I had to call an ambulance because she was in a lot of pain and started to bleed. They had to operate her for almsot four hours, and before going home they told her that she won't be able to have children anymore. Having a big family was always one of her dreams, so you can imagine how she felt after losing her child and knowing that she can't have another ever again. It's too hard for a 23 years old girl.
In the end I stayed with her for almost two months trying to console her and just being there for her. It was her the one who made me come back to continue with my life. At least our aunt will stay with her until december. She lives at 300km (185 miles) so I can only visit her the weekends. I don't know how things are going to be for her from now own, but I'm really worried since she was still depressed when I left, but her husband and our aunt are with her.
Sorry for making you read me unburden and don't worry about me, I'll try to focus in more positive things, I know that things will get better.
Atlast you got free. Can't wait for your work. Make it better and
Serio has returned! From his Patreon today:

I'm finally back from my sister's house. It was a painful experience and I'm mentally drained.
I had to leave my job but my boss is awesome and gave me the same job again, so I'm back at it starting today. I wanted to move to my sister's city, but she told me not to risk my situation since I'm finally in a good place with a decent job, and since I kept paying the rent, I'm back at home.
That means that the project is no longer in hiatus and I'll start again where I left. I didn't expect to see that so many of you are still here, thank you so much for your support and I hope that you enjoy my future works!
My next objectives are:
- The mini game of Filian the paladin
- Next chapter of Selena: OHA
- Continue the Naked at School series.
This is what I'm going to devote my free, I really need something to occupy my mind.
And a big apology for not being in touch, I thought that I would be back way sooner, but things got worse and had to stay more than I expected.
Those who have a pending reward please contact me via PM please.
That's all the relevant stuff that I had to say. It will take me some time to have a decent work routine, but I'll make sure that it's worth it. I'll be more active in a few days when everything is in order.
- Serio

PD:(This can be a bit depressing so you can skip this part, it's not relevant for the project)
I think that we all can agree that we can take care of our own pain, but when the one suffering is someone that you love and really care about, it's 100 times worse. I'm sure that most of you know that sensation of feeling impotent, unable to do anything to help someone you care about. My sister suffered a very late miscarriage or a stillbirth and I went to her house to support her and her husband.
After almost two weeks, when things where more calm, I had to call an ambulance because she was in a lot of pain and started to bleed. They had to operate her for almsot four hours, and before going home they told her that she won't be able to have children anymore. Having a big family was always one of her dreams, so you can imagine how she felt after losing her child and knowing that she can't have another ever again. It's too hard for a 23 years old girl.
In the end I stayed with her for almost two months trying to console her and just being there for her. It was her the one who made me come back to continue with my life. At least our aunt will stay with her until december. She lives at 300km (185 miles) so I can only visit her the weekends. I don't know how things are going to be for her from now own, but I'm really worried since she was still depressed when I left, but her husband and our aunt are with her.
Sorry for making you read me unburden and don't worry about me, I'll try to focus in more positive things, I know that things will get better.
Atlast you got free. Can't wait for your work. Make it better as you usually do..
We all are counting on you


Engaged Member
Jan 23, 2018
Technology and medicine is getting better every day. I hear sometimes of miracles where women are able to have children when they once thought they couldn't. My cousin and his wife are an example. My cousin's wife had 2 miscarriages on their first 2 attempts at having children. The doctor did some procedure that allowed her to have children. They now have 2 bys, and she is pregnant again. So, keep the faith. Miracles happen. Technology and medicine are getting better.


Dec 23, 2017
I'm stuck at the point in the walkthrough where it says Side Case: Maid "Training" at Cassandra's.
When I go to Cassandra at the police station she doesn't say much.
When I visit her apartment, nothing happens.
When I go to Melissa's Store, the maid outfit is reserved.

I'm pretty sure that you can miss this event. I finished the game and when I go to Melissa's to buy the outfit she says that it's reserved. When I try to go to the bar Cassandra's sister works at it says that I don't need to go there right now and talking to Cassandra just points me towards the forensic lady's area.. so, bummer.
Is that real? Is there no way I can retake the quest?

The only route I found to get to Cassandra's apartment was to take 2 photos of Cassidy's panties in the very first mission. That sets up Cassidy's revenge in Club A7. Then later when you talk to Cassandra at the station for her approval to be level 3, the quest starts to get the maid outfit at the mall and go to her apartment. You lose 1 -morality point in the first case by doing this, but you gain -2 in Cassandra's apartment.
Can I change those event choices with some kind of script editor without replaying the whole game?
Or is there some other way around it?
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Jun 24, 2017
I'm stuck at the point in the walkthrough where it says Side Case: Maid "Training" at Cassandra's.
When I go to Cassandra at the police station she doesn't say much.
When I visit her apartment, nothing happens.
When I go to Melissa's Store, the maid outfit is reserved.

Is that real? Is there no way I can retake the quest?

Can I change those event choices with some kind of script editor without replaying the whole game?
Or is there some other way around it?
I have no idea. Script editing is where I am quite the novice . I know there are quite a few people on here who are much more familiar with it. I would just wait for one of them to reply.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2018
I'm stuck at the point in the walkthrough where it says Side Case: Maid "Training" at Cassandra's.
When I go to Cassandra at the police station she doesn't say much.
When I visit her apartment, nothing happens.
When I go to Melissa's Store, the maid outfit is reserved.

Is that real? Is there no way I can retake the quest?

Can I change those event choices with some kind of script editor without replaying the whole game?
Or is there some other way around it?
He may have fixed that in newer versions, but it was an issue at one point.
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