So making a living off of your hobby is something bad? If you can't work in the field you like, why even live?
Well, All Apples are Fruit but not all Fruits are Apples.
Notice the word "try", as in "Trying to get away with something"
If you can make a living off of your Hobby, because it's your passion and you love doing it, it is great.
BUT if you only "try" to do it because you are lazy and can't hold a normal steady job and then you pretend to do something but actually never really do anything, it's bad.
If this guys passion really was creating this game then he would have made SOME Progress in the last 2 years. He didn't. He didn't even have the staying power to proceed 1% towards his goal. That's not following a passion and making a living out of your passion. That's being a lazy ass, good for nothing bum and pretending otherwise.
well, it's an underground porn game about rape... really a bit bold to argue with work ethics here, just saying.
What has that to do with anything? A Drug Dealer, Pimp, Dictator or Serial Killer can still have good or bad work ethic. One measure is about morals and the other is about productivity and efficiency.