Everything you got buddy, very good points. The way it works, the way I did it is actually very simple. I went for the YES and NO approach. Sounds very basic sure but that does almost works like two separate scripts, not like in
OurFate but it doesn't mean I wasn't considering it or this system won't end up in any of my future projects

In sotp with Jack* I know who he is, what happened and where this will lead him. I shaped his personality and the world we will be living in and locked it. Now..each char and his/hers story/personality will be kinda taking jabs at that little box, like hyenas wanting to get their piece. So, story goes as planned but like in real world
(example of real world situation: you meet a girl, in whatever, invite her on a drink and situation might end up in hotel room, if that happens there is no 3-4 updates where u kiss-touch-get a bj - and in the last sequence u are disturbed by child\parent\fire! That shit doesn't happen in 99% of the cases. NO, if you get yourself with the girl alone we are going through all bases) there are things that we have power to change and some that are shaped because of our decisions, but there are also those moments where we have no control over, so in the end that YES&NO system has some depth to it. This is where chars and their stories come into play, we will be able to decide if we want to get involved or not and that might shape our path.
PS. The example of taking a girl behind the dumpster doesn't mean it's the way it will actually happen or there won't be any teasing or working for it sections but ye you should get the point.