
Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
every critique i ever got with the game was built upon. every time theres been a demand for more or complaints involving a system, we rushed and focused on that system and meeting those request while also maintaining the current work load. the only complaint i can think of that we ignored was "we want a male protagonist" when the games development was already heavily strained with a massive work load. the point is, outside of a very few request or demands for specific content, or features, we dont get feedback, at all.

we are isolating and focusing strictly on the games development BECAUSE of the lack of feedback, its almost strictly silence on this end.
I feel like the reason your game isn't working out the way you want it to boils down to a couple of factors. The first is that when you take a look at your game, it appears to be dead. It's been that way for a while. You're last subsribstar post was Jan 25th, which is just shooting the red flag of "yeah guys, it's dead". Whether private subscribstar posts don't even appear in the public section unlike patreon I have no idea but it doesn't really matter because like I said from the public's eye it looks dead. Whether your discord is alive or not I don't know, but who is going to join the discord of a game that looks dead. It's overall pretty silent in this thread. Questions get answered but there are no development updates of any kind and communication is pretty scarce most of the time. You take a look at the successful games and the general common point is that developers are engaged with their audience, and frequent updates (news and otherwise). There's a lot of adult games, so if a game looks dead, it's only going to survive for so long without people putting it on the back burner or moving on. My advice then to you guys is to start updating everyone, the public included, frequently. And I'm not saying actually version updates, I'm saying "hey guys we're doing blank". Put out art teasers constantly, everywhere you can, because the art is generally what pulls people in first. I was honestly convinced for a long time that this game was text based with practically no pictures because I only saw the one picture of the slime eating the dragon girl out and the rest was text screenshots. I saw no art for it anywhere.

The second problem is maybe your scope is too big. Like I said before, scrap the animations if it's taking too much of you or if it's slowing development time. It's doing both, so cut them. They look great, but they are a blood sucker. -->
we put more effort than most projects do, to the point it was taxing my health and despite this, and constantly expanding our tech to make better and better stuff, we garnered no support
If you take the time to make 2 cg scenes instead of one animation, I feel as though that is going to be much more pleasantly received. So you're spending lots of time on feature updates and animations when you could be putting in more substantiated content. I literally just typed up like a week ago a giant carefully worded message about why a particular game, WHO HASN'T EVEN RELEASED A SINGLE VERSION, should not be adding a GIGANTIC list of features to their game including but not limited to a weather system and a clothing system. And the people in the comments are eating it up. Let me tell you something, you're not going to be eating it up when the game updates once a year. Could it work out? Sure. Is it likely? Not from what I've seen. Everyone wants a game with 30 intricate long routes, a morality system, booty jiggle physics, 500 animated cgs with voice acting okay, but it can't be done. If you have divine blood in you or you have a large team and you can do it, then hell yeah do it, but the majority of us mortals can't make it work; the scope is too big. Most people just care about sexy scenes and a good story. "every critique i ever got with the game was built upon. every time theres been a demand for more or complaints involving a system, we rushed and focused on that system and meeting those request while also maintaining the current work load", hold on what? Listen I've been browsing a lot of threads for a while, and at least 50% of suggestions are fucking stupid. If you want to make some content suggestions, you know "hey can you add a gallery" or "hey maybe this type of sex scene would be nice to see", but some people come in here with laundry lists of nonsense. Like features that would obviously take years to implement because they apparently have no concept of anything (never do multiple protagonists ever. Do you hear me in the back? Never. Stop asking. It doubles development time at least. Stop asking for it. I don't care if that one game did it very well. For the majority of development teams it's too much.). So starting saying no to ridiculous requests.

As another point with the whole patreon thing, for one thing it's inconceivable to me that this game isn't allowed on patreon when games like Roundscape are. I don't know if this is just patreon being cockroaches or if there is some hidden content I haven't seen yet, but maybe it's time to tone things down a bit. Yeah I'm sure your artistic vision is great, but you obviously care about funding received enough to paywall it (no shame here. you want to make money from your game. that's fine), so make the concession: cut some things.

I have to be honest with you, I don't want to make this post. I don't really care if you wanna go subsribstar only and I don't like coming here criticizing, but you guys have been seeming to be struggling for a while, and I don't really think a game of this high of quality should be struggling this much. And I don't think me coming here and dumping sugar on you is going to help anyone. Your game is really high quality, but maybe it could use a little more prioritizing and marketing adjustments.


Active Member
Jan 27, 2019
your post is wasted.
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I dont think any post that is so neutral in intent can be considered wasted, however to each their own, text especially on the internet is often perceived one of 2 ways.

Regardless i dont think the point here was a critique on you or you stance, its seems more like people are outlining the reasons as to why support is low. Taking a low support project (that publicly) appears dead with garner no traction. Sure the odd person might hop into the discord and get a better understanding of the situation or maybe find their way to this thread and overlook the walls of text. This is completely up to you and those who work alongside you but to come to this "public" thread and say the things you've said is an exercise in arbitration. The way F95 works is that threads that seem to get regular updates attract a lot of attention as they pop up the list on the updates page and such, i cant speak for anyone else nor other sites but i would not have found this game nor others had they not received this treatment (a lot of which are not managed by the devs of the games). Choosing to stop public updates seems like a sure fire way to lock out potential growth but hey what do i know

I support quite a few developers regardless of their "throwing shit together in twine and stealing assets". Some draw CGs other use gif and stolen media the end result is still a project regardless of how you judge the effort used to create it, look at flappy birds success, the point being you cant justify the comparatively poor model by belittling others creations

This isnt meant to be an attack nor am i questioning your decisions, you do what you feel is right for your project but you cant respond to a fair criticism (which you claim you haven't received, possibly because not everyone who follows the project will speak out and others are happy with the road map that you put forward).

RHFlash explained what everyone seems to be saying in a pretty well explained manner, just adding my two cents.


New Member
Feb 1, 2020
Gooood mornin' all. So, I don't know if it's intentional or not but you can't report bugs or get support from the "Support" button without paying a small fee of $3 measly dollars to a website I'm not entirely sure of and not sure if I trust with my credit card quite yet, especially with the seeming fact that it's based out of Russia. Buuut, here I am. To report a thing.

Dunno really what happened, but I cannot seem to fix it which makes me think there is another directory outside of the one in appdata/local, but here's a short list of what happened.

-Minimized game to check discord and facebook as a small break.
-Game started playing music 2x the normal speed.
-Game stopped responding and had to use Task manager to forcefully shut it down after a good 5-10 minutes.
-Re-opened game and tried to continue playing. Turns out, my stat menu will show anywhere in the game BUT the actual cave to raise my stats!
-Tried wiping all the data from the local appdata folder and deleting the game form my desktop before re-copying from the zip file.
-Still happened.

I am not sure how important stats become exactly because I was pretty early on into the game, but I looked through each page and haven't seen anything regarding it. I even tried rebooting my computer in there somewhere and nada. I don't seem to have crash data on the failure either, which is odd.. But hey, go figure. If there's no work-around then I'll figure it out, but I figured I'd at least put this somewhere you guys would see it. Kinda.. A problem. Here's hoping for some help, or at least an eye on this in the future!


New Member
Feb 1, 2020
the "support" button was there if someone wanted to support us. you report bugs here, or through our discord. we never locked communication, especially on the state of the game behind subscribestar. as for subscribestar itself, most developers banned from patreon go there, its why you see a fair number of well known developers/animators using it.

as for the bug you reported, the version you have is likely fairly outdated, i vaguely remember the issue of the stat box not showing in the cave a while back being corrected.

i need your version number as well as your system specs.
Sorry if that came off as snippy, it was meant to be more joking outside of the not quite trusting that platform yet. I use the "" when it comes to options or selections, not as sarcasm for opening when wanting.. Y'know. Halp. But uh.. Yeah. I guess at 2am in the morning I thought the support button meant... Reach here for support, not.. Support us. Whoops. I'm a technician, forgive me for that mistake, lol. I also seemed to have missed the discord in the beginning of the post. Blech.

For the other end on subscriber star.. Not entirely.. I jumped out of the community a few years back, so I haven't seen this trend yet. I've just kinda been supporting the ones I still do on Patreon. This is the first time I've seen subscriber star and I haven't quite seen any names I know outside yours which I hunted down after.. .07? I think that was the last build I played before this. WhiteMantis I think was the only other name I may have recognized, but not sure from where. It's still new to me though, and I'm learning a bit more about it at my own pace.

As for the information;

Shattered Lands V0.40
Win 10 Pro x64
Intel Core I7-7820X 3.60GHz 8-core 16-thread
MSI Nvidia 1060 6gb
32gb DDR4 RAM
WD Blue 2TB 7200 - Main/Location
Java 1.8.0_241 x86_x64
Last edited:


Aug 14, 2017
Not sure why you don't get more support. I think linking your subscribestar here would be a good idea though. I'd also say that it's better to use Patreon if they'll let you, more people have credit cards already connected to that and are more likely to support. Perhaps you should try advertising in more locations? Like the Fenoxo forums, Reddit, and especially on Newgrounds. Apparently people have had a lot of success getting supporters from there. I'd recommend getting the word about the game to as many places as possible in general really.

I'd make posts in subreddits like these advertising your game:

Upload your game or a demo to newgrounds:

(As you can see they get a lot of views, so this is a great way to advertise!)

Here are some forums


Maybe you could also try to collaborate with other developers, I think that works sometimes.

Good luck.


New Member
Oct 25, 2019
Anybody else having problems with the game freezing and constantly crashing whenever an animated scene starts specifically the Aurora scene


May 6, 2017
Blue_Eclipse Do you have a road map or area focus for your dev cycle?? like week to week you focus on getting one area's story and sex scenes done before moving on, or do you just work on what ideas you have day to day?


May 14, 2020
This looks good and I will download and try it when I have some free time :)

Just a question, is there any console codes / cheats in the game ?

Keep up the good work :)


May 7, 2020
idk if a link has been provided, but since the title isnt updated there is a new version

Link will be in the pinned post v.45
Subscirbe Star post:

Please dont ban me, idk if im suppost to do this, just trying to help
  • Like
Reactions: Jax085


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
idk if a link has been provided, but since the title isnt updated there is a new version

Link will be in the pinned post v.45
Subscirbe Star post:

Please dont ban me, idk if im suppost to do this, just trying to help
Next time use the Report tool on the OP and post the link there. That way a mod/uploader will be alerted to it. Don't worry about a ban, you didn't do anything wrong.


Active Member
Apr 4, 2018
quick question can you raise your stats eg DEX and STR?
Developer says:
Once you have done a few quests and gained some lust you just go into the home cave and press T to open up the statbox. You can click the plus signs to increase your stats from there
Is there a Patreon or something where I can support the developers?
They don’t have a patreon anymore. You can support them here:


Nov 27, 2019
we shut down our patreon so we would not have to censor the game, since im not willing to cut content or compromise on the games vision. also the only reason the subscribestar is not shut down is because i cant until all the users unsub on their own, at this point i just self fund and dont care about support from outsiders anymore

on a side note, i need to replace the loading screens disclaimer, as it no longer applies, everything in the game including incest is canon now, regardless of how taboo it is
I didn't play your game too much but I have mad respect for you for sticking to your principles. A lot of people making these kinds of games cave in to patreon's demands and erase content from their game to fall it with pareon's fascism, for example, the creators of corruption of champions and trials in tainted space.
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