So what's new in the new area? Just a new stage?
Also, I don't normally ask for saves, but I 100%ed this game in the previous version then deleted it, and I don't really feel like replaying the whole thing just for one new stage, so if anyone has one. Preferably set directly before the new content (end of old version?) then that'd be perfect.
edit: Actually there is what seems to be a save-file in the game download itself, (hidden in another folder) so I'll see if that works instead.
edit2: Seems to be a blank save. Tried to edit it to unlock all the levels, but I think I fucked it, since i have zero orbs. Gonna have to start over.
edit yet again: Oh. I'd thought there was new content. I'm sure I read that somewhere. It looks like it's just bugfixes an the last new content is 1.07, which was stage-four, from last year.
There's no changelog for anything between 1.07 to 1.12 (latest) but 1.12 just says 'bugfix' so...
Nothing new?