*Insert intense pondering here*
Ah, don't feel bad about writing so much, at least i got something interesting to read, and got a better idea about why some people love genocide so much better than the "intended" path. most don't even go into so much detail as to why they would execute all of them demons.
and while this will make me a broken record, if anything your posts just prove how much the world and character development is just warped beyond all reason, the game wants to be the pornographic version of undertale, yet makes their main attraction
too freaking dangerous to even entertain the idea of a peaceful solution. the best comparison with undertale can be made with toriel, undertale makes you like the character and then tries to fool you, using your RPG instincts, to accidentally kill her, making you reload the savefile to undo what you did, since you didn't want to kill her.
this game gives you dangerous characters that make no attempt at a peaceful solution, unless your idea of a peaceful solution is death by sex, you see corpses everywhere, and every npc and note left by survivors talk about how dangerous and deadly all them demons are, you feel justified in killing them and before you know it,
you are an asshole for the crime of self-defense. its like the exact opposite.
in fact, the dev themselves hates how many like genocide more than the intended path, nothing against the dude, i still like the game, but if you don't want your players to massacre the demons don't make them so fucking dangerous for everyone involved. we've seen the corpses strewn about.
speaking about a warped world development, to make another comparison, the world of the Monster Girl Enceclopedia works because while the world got some questionable rules going on, the biggest danger the monstergirl there posses is the danger of losing your virginity, being in a loving relationship, and becoming a parent. so in theory even if one where to get caught, they aren't in any danger, the monster there love their partner and make sure they feel they're like in heaven.
...if that would just be the case with this game, i mean, don't get me wrong, i like the game and its characters, but the girls are just too deadly to let your guard down, not helping that 2 of them are into vore, if getting caught and fucked by them wouldn't mean immediate death it and instead just being
really exhausted, maybe it would be less severe, but nope, this world is build on the concept, getting caught means death.
we all can really only hope that the monsters in Shrift2 are more sympathetic and sex-crazy and less murderous maneaters. really, if the devs wants us to spare them, make us want to spare them and not make them a danger to society.