
Jul 3, 2021
Waouh ! Encore un objectif mensuel d'abonnement atteint... C'est assez clair ce que cela signifie, n'est-ce pas ?

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Je tiens à vous remercier tous pour l'intérêt que vous avez porté à mon roman jusqu'à présent, pas seulement mes abonnés, mais aussi les gens ici qui m'inondent de commentaires positifs et de choses à améliorer. Cette petite idée idiote de faire un vrai roman visuel que j'avais en tête depuis de nombreuses années et qui n'est devenue réalité qu'avec Sinful... Elle pourrait en fait devenir plus grande et plus importante que je ne le pensais, et en un temps record ! Et ça fait à peine six mois, bon sang...

Je vais continuer à travailler dur pour ne jamais abandonner ce projet et continuer à fournir des mises à jour cohérentes et de bonne qualité sur notre charmant trio alors qu'ils descendent lentement dans les désirs d'inceste les plus vilains et la dépravation pécheresse... :diabolique:(pas de conneries de propriétaire ou de demi-frère ici, désolé pour vous les normies sensibles qui aimez ces conneries insensées :p)

Mais sérieusement, merci encore ! Ne vous inquiétez pas si vous ne pouvez ou ne voulez pas me soutenir financièrement même si vous aimez le roman, car le simple fait d'écrire des commentaires gentils pour me motiver est déjà suffisant <3 <3 <3

Je n'utilise pas les réseaux sociaux habituels, mais si vous souhaitez discuter avec moi de manière plus décontractée ou d'un certain aspect de mon roman, vous êtes toujours le bienvenu pour m'envoyer un message ici, ou rejoindre le niveau gratuit et m'envoyer un message dans SubscribeStar, ou même rejoindre le discord public ! Restez à l'écoute pour en savoir plus.
Ça fait trois mois que je souscrit et je vais continué ❤❤
  • Like
Reactions: Ahsl


Feb 25, 2022
Am I the only one who can't wait to see mom licking the cum dripping from her daughter's pussy?
yes me too, but to be consistent with the character I think it should be more difficult to corrupt the mother, obviously it is a xxx game so it is obvious that surreal things happen in the story, but we are always talking about an adult character and therefore with a more mature way of thinking (my opinion), I love this game :p
  • Red Heart
Reactions: rudy007 and Ruykiru


Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
Am I the only one who can't wait to see mom licking the cum dripping from her daughter's pussy?
Believe me, I want to see it more than you haha. I don't want to blueball too much :p
As for the corruption part, well,
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Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
I'm running a little poll in my subscribestar, including the FREE tier if you want to vote...

I love Helga's body but I not so much the face. She never really looked like a MILF in my opinion. The facial features were literally the same as Lyna's (and with that I mean the numbers I tweak), but without much difference otherwise, making her basically adult Lyna with wrinkles, different hair and a different body type.

But may I present you, this baddie:


Do you mind a makeover of Helga by this point in the story to make her look more like, well, a mother and not just an adult Lyna? The twins would stay the same.

You can vote for the real decision in my SubscribeStar poll (FREE tier too) but I'd also like to hear the thoughts of my followers here.

Option 1: Left Image -> I like consistency. Keep the original model and leave big changes for future characters or games.
Option 2: Middle Image-> I don't mind a few changes. Improve the original model textures a bit but still using the same face features.
Option 3: Right Image-> I love the new MILF. Use the new face from now on. This doesn't mean to go back immediately and remake all images (but maybe in the future)

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Engaged Member
Mar 17, 2021
I'm running a little poll in my subscribestar, including the FREE tier if you want to vote for real...

I love Helga's body but I not so much the face. She never really looked like a MILF in my opinion. The facial features were literally the same as Lyna's (and with that I mean the numbers I tweak), but without much difference otherwise, making her basically adult Lyna with wrinkles, different hair and a different body type.

But may I present you, this baddie:

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You can vote for the real decision in my SubscribeStar poll (FREE tier too) but I'd also like to hear the thoughts of my followers here. So you can also react to this message with emojis if you feel like giving me your opinion too.

Do you mind a makeover of Helga by this point in the story to make her look more like, well, a mother and not just an adult Lyna? The twins would stay the same.

Option 1: Left Image -> (angry emoji) I like consistency. Keep the original model and leave big changes for future characters or games.
Option 2: Middle Image-> (like emoji) I don't mind a few changes. Improve the original model textures a bit but still using the same face features.
Option 3: Right Image-> (heart emoji) I love the new MILF. Use the new face from now on. This doesn't mean to go back immediately and remake all images (but maybe in the future)

View attachment 3967600
I vote for her original look, I think she does look like older version of Lina, but she's her mother, and she should look like that... And she's cute...


New Member
Feb 27, 2023
Wow! Another monthly sub goal reached... It's pretty clear what this means, isn't it?

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I want to thank you all for the interest you've shown in my novel so far, not just my subs but also the people here that shower me in positive comments and things to improve. This silly little idea about making a proper visual novel that I had in my mind for many years and didn't make a reality until Sinful... It might actually become bigger and more important than I thought, and in record time! And it's barely been half a year, damn...

I'm gonna keep working hard to never abandon this project and keep delivering consistent and good quality updates about our lovely trio as they slowly descend into the naughtiest of naughtiest incest desires and sinful depravity... :devilish: (no landlady or stepsibling bullshit here, sorry you sensitive normies that like that non-sensical garbage :p)

But seriously, thank you again! Don't worry if you can't or don't want to support me financially even if you like the novel, because just writing kind comments to motivate me are already enough <3 <3 <3

I don't use the usual social media but if you wanna talk with me more casually or about a certain aspect of my novel you are always welcome to message me here, or join the free tier and message me in SubscribeStar, or even join the public discord! Stay tuned for more.
Let's gooo! You fully deserve it! You rock!


Feb 25, 2022
ruykiru I wanted to ask you if there will be other characters active in the story?
if you don't want to make spoilers dont worry :p


Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
ruykiru I wanted to ask you if there will be other characters active in the story?
if you don't want to make spoilers dont worry :p
More characters, probably. More love interests, no. This is a pure incest story. I'm keeping it in the family with no side chicks or anything like that to distract from the thing we are all here for :p
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Apr 24, 2020
Option 1: Left Image -> I like consistency. Keep the original model and leave big changes for future characters or games.
Option 2: Middle Image-> I don't mind a few changes. Improve the original model textures a bit but still using the same face features.
Option 3: Right Image-> I love the new MILF. Use the new face from now on. This doesn't mean to go back immediately and remake all images (but maybe in the future)

View attachment 3967600
Honestly, for me option 1 the original on the left. Though I think it kind of depends on how young she was when she had kids and thus how old the character is at this point in her life where the story is set. That said all of them have a certain level of charm, but options 1 and 2 would be my personal votes.


Active Member
Jul 1, 2022
I'm running a little poll in my subscribestar, including the FREE tier if you want to vote...
Option 1: Left Image -> I like consistency. Keep the original model and leave big changes for future characters or games.
Option 2: Middle Image-> I don't mind a few changes. Improve the original model textures a bit but still using the same face features.
Option 3: Right Image-> I love the new MILF. Use the new face from now on. This doesn't mean to go back immediately and remake all images (but maybe in the future)

View attachment 3967600


Developing: Sinful Summer
Game Developer
May 2, 2017
The 2.4 update is out for free in my page! Go check it out to boost views while it gets updated here...

I posted some new stuff about 2.5 for my subscribers too! If you like the game, consider supporting, or at least following me for free :p

I hope you enjoy it a lot! Looking forward to feedback...
4.30 star(s) 37 Votes