Perverteer bug report - in the day 142 Liza sex scene, it checks for variable l_pregnant. That's a typo - it should be l_pregnancy.
And another typo - in the puritan meeting, Justin's section, it says
er "I think Carl has found a prime example why the corruption in our society is so alarming."
should be Justin, not Carl. Looks like a copy/paste from the Carl section.
Also in the puritan meeting, in Mrs. Steel's section, There's this:
if game.is_special:
if day140_ju_br_visit or ir_relationship:
if game.is_special:
ju "Which family are we talking about here?"
er "The Smiths."
ju "Which people are we talking about here?"
er "The girls in the home of that Smith woman."
The interior "if game.is_special" is redundant, and the else clause will never be called.