Jan 24, 2021
Short guide to Slave Matrix

Warning: If you don't want any spoilers about the game and explore it yourself stop reading!

Slave Matrix is a cool breeding simulator and lets you get crazy with creating new (monster) girls. I'm only about 20 hours in but here is a short summary of things, I've read in the thread or picked up by playing. I suggest you also look into the “Manual.txt” for some basics. If there is something missing or there are mistakes, let me know. Have fun playing the game!

Some things before you start playing:

a) Names: In the base game you can't rename your girls, they are just named Room XY [Race], which is quite annoying. Version 3.2 let's you do it in two ways, by simply editing it in the in-game editor with GameData > "Get" & "Set" (enable EditorButton:1 and AlwaysUseName:1 in Config.ini) or exporting a save as json, finding the slave, edit it and reimport it again.
I also recommend switching on the “MoveButton:1”, so you can sort the slaves yourself and set Breeding to either Simple or Complex, as the default is quite unintuitive. There are descriptions for the settings in the “ConfigReadme.txt”.

b) DONT try to use the tools on Violante in the introduction scene of the game, it will double your debt interest rate!

c) Grind Factor: Slave Matrix can actually fatigue out your mouse hand as well because it requires a lot of clicking when training girls. Download AutoHotkey or a similar program to automate the repetitive clicking. You can use the script below (only the second part “l::” is from me, forgot where I got the first part of the script):

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You have 3 actions per day (morning / noon / night), meaning you can go the to office once to buy slaves and pay off / borrow money as well as train twice. Or you can train three times a day.

Debt Reward Tiers

Paying back your debt, unlocks perks such as higher demand, new species and improved training options. Noteworthy is the Tier 1 reward letting you see the tension / shame of your slave during training as well as the Tier 2 unlock of slimes to create money.

  • Tier 0 / Start tier: Max Demand 8, unlock species: Avian / Serpent
  • Tier 1: 2,000,000,000 paid: Max demand 10, unlock species: beast /aquatic, see live training stats (tension, etc.) & X-Ray
  • Tier 2: 4,000,000,000 paid: Max demand 12, unlocks species: insect / humanoid (slime!), unlocks aphrodisiac (-10m for “in heat” in training only / not sale!)
  • Tier 3: 5,000,000,000 paid: Max demand 15, unlocks species: Eidolon / Mythical / Dragon, Tattoo slaves / remove crotch protection / change clothes (-10m)


You mainly earn money by selling slaves but can also make some by letting the girls work (they have to be trained first though). Don't worry about the debt, you can pay it off steadily and reduce the interest.

There are several factors that determine a slaves value. It's calculated by

  • Price = Demand x (Modifier1 x Modifier2 x ...) * base value [1,000,000 *(stat1 +stat2...)]

Most important for making money is the demand that fluctuates daily from ~0.05 to 10 (higher with unlocked tiers). The demand is not a hard but a soft limit, it can exceed the maximum demand on rare occasions.

Modifiers are special attributes that increase or decrease the value of a slave. Some are determined at birth / generation and some can be changed (trained / pregnant). The chances [%] shown in the list below signify how often a slave has this modifier. They are based on a sample of 1782 slaves.

  • Race: *0.57 (Human) – 8 (Ryu), Mixed: *0.53 - 4
  • Trained: *1.6
  • In Heat (Estrus): *1.2
  • Pregnant / Virgin: *1.5 [30%]
  • Muscled: *1.4 [Dragon 20%, Mythical 20%, Human 10%, Beast 4%, rest 1%] (some species almost always are muscled like Ogres / Dwarfs)
  • Hairless: *2 [Aquatic 75%, Serpent 5%, rest 1%]
  • Odd Eye: *5 [0.5%]
  • Abnormal Color: *6 – 9 [1%]
  • Melanis (Black): *30 [0.15%]
  • Albino (White): *50 [0.15%]
  • Scars: /10 [0.5%]

Stats determine the base value of a slave and Pride, Lust, Affection, Taming and Skill level can be improved by training. The stats are multiplied by 1,000,000 credits each to determine the base value.

  • (1 - Pride)
  • + Lust
  • + Affection * 0.5
  • + Taming
  • + Skill Level * 4
  • + Sensitivity / 10
  • + Breast Size
  • + Manual Labor
  • + Prostitute

As an aside, the maximum price for a slave is around several tera (trillion) credits (10^12) for an albino Ryu with maximum modifiers and stats.

Buying low and selling high

This is the easiest and immediately available method. If you look at the available slaves in the office you can see their attributes, stats and prices. Generally, a slave costs around 5 million at a demand of 1. Try to buy at lower than 1 and sell at a demand of 4 – 10. Avoid slaves with scars and preferably buy ones with good attributes as it lets you invest more money.

Harpies and Lamias are good to trade, as they are offered frequently and you only need to check prices for two species.

There can be dry stretches of 2-6 days where the price stays low, so another cellar level (300m) can be a good investment to house more slaves.

Improving slaves

You can also buy high value slaves (rare traits, ~50 to 600 million) and improve them.

The easiest way is to buy non-virgin slaves, impregnate them (get at least 20-30% skill) and resell them on the same day to get a 50% profit (up to ~75% with higher training skill). It's best to buy them in the morning, train them and sell them immediately. If you don't sell them, the price is very likely to drop hard the next day! Be aware that some species have genital covering that will make impregnating them harder at the beginning.

For slaves with Odd Eyes or abnormal skin, it can be worth to train them for a longer time to get the Trained [*1.6] bonus and increase their stats even more. Buy them at demand of <1 and sell them at > 8. You can increase their value six fold and sell them at high demand for more than 50 times their initial price. Tier 1 rewards (training stats) and 30+% Training Skill are recommended for this.

Breeding & Slimes

You can also breed your slaves and sell the progeny. The pregnancies last about 4 – 12 days depending on the species and you can sell the offspring.

Slimes are especially mentioned here, as they replicate themselves (if trained) every few days and their replicas will already be trained! Slimes with rare attributes (colored skin) can make a lot of money fast, though you may get enough money already when you unlock them.


Training effectiveness is influenced by the slaves attitude and what you use to train the slaves with. High pride, high tension (make her wet first & use feather) and low shame will decrease training effectiveness, so make sure to remedy that.

At the beginning your training skill and stamina will be low and it will seem that it doesn't do much and training session will be very short. However, by day ~30 you can reach 100% skill and training will be quite satisfying.

Tip: Train a Phoenix (Avian) asap to get the her stamina bless, it will increase your stamina greatly.

Tools have different effects on the stats of a slave, though your three starting tools are sufficient. Noteworthy is that feathers reduce tension strongly and only the penis gives +skill.

  • Mouth: -- Pride, ++ Lust / Taming, +++ Affection
  • Hands: --- Pride, +++ Lust / Affection / Taming
  • Penis (oral): +++ Lust / Affection / Taming, ++Skill
  • Penis: -- Pride, +++ Lust / Affection / Taming, +Skill
  • Dildo / Vibrator (vaginal): --- Pride, ++++ Lust / Taming
  • Dildo / Vibrator /Beads (anal): ---- Pride, +++ Lust / Affection, ++Taming
  • Vibe (anal): --- Pride, +++ Lust / Affection / Taming
  • Clamps: -- Pride, +++ Lust / Taming, ++++ Affection
  • Feather: ----- Tension, - Pride, ++ Lust, ++ Taming
  • Whip: +++++ Taming, heavy stamina drain
  • Ball gag: Passively increases mouth sensitivity
  • Blindfold: ?

A slave is [Trained] once Pride reaches 0, Skill > 20 and Lust + Affection + Taming are greater than 150.

Skill is capped at 50% for mouth + 50% foot (not claws) + 50% per arm pair, e.g. a would have a cap of 50%, an elf of 150%. [needs verification]


If you impregnate slaves without a blessing, they will get a mixed offspring of their race with human. However, you can also get a blessing by training an already trained slave. This allows you to use the trained slaves DNA instead of human DNA and create new types of monster girls with varying physical appearances. Only one blessing can be active at a time, but you can remove it and get a new one. You cannot impregnate the bless giver with her own bless, it will automatically use a human template instead.
“In heat” will increase the chances to impregnate a slave (twofold?), in prostitution it will raise the chance from 0.2% to 0.5%. This will be important when your training skill is still low, but won't matter later in the game.
For most species, the gestation period is around 5 days (+0-2, chance to birth every day). Some have shorter pregnancies, rare breeds (e.g. Phoenix) longer.

Progeny and Inheritance
Children of parents of the same species will be that species. If you cross breed different species, they will have the [Mix] race that groups together all interbreeds. I wasn't able to get to a pure species again by breeding the child with the same species, so it doesn't seem possible to get a pure species. Breeding multiple times with the same species will however increase the value of the slave and approach to some degree (but not reach) that of the bless giver's species (maximum of 4).

There are three methods of inheritance available, Default, Simple and “Complex” Mating, that are depicted in the “ConfigReadme.txt”. The different modes will not change gameplay, only the way inheritance works. The DNA of the child is set at conception.
  • Simple Breeding 0 (Default): Grandparents determine genes. Inheritable traits have a small chance to be spawn on grand daughters of trait giver (if trait giver daughters are knocked up with her blessing). Great grand daughters with the trait will pass it on.
  • Simple Breeding 1: Parents determine genes. Inheritable traits will spawn often
  • Complex Breeding 1: Parents and grand parents determine genes, can directly get inheritable traits

Magical Concentration
A high Magical Concentration (MCon) stat increases the chance of mutations when creating a new child, especially when over ~60. These can be extra / fewer eyes, arms, tails, wings, tentacles etc. but also traits like Hairless, Muscled and sometimes rare skin colors (e.g. AbnormalSkin XYZ, Melanis, Ablino) [needs verification]. MCon seems to be determined randomly at generation and cannot be changed; it is not increased by inbreeding.

Race Traits
There are nearly 80 different races in the game that can be crossbred. The rarer a species, the more valued it is (in terms of money). I encountered some with special abilities, though there may be more:
  • Stamina Regeneration [stamina / 10 seconds]: Phoenix [4], Slime [1], Hydra / Ourobos [0.5]
  • Phoenix: Bless will passively regenerate player stamina, gestation of 10-12 days
  • Slime: Replicates itself every few days (with attributes like Trained / skin color!)
  • Elf: Minimum 4 day gestation period [needs verification]

If you noticed any other race traits, I appreciate your feedback.
Thank you so much! What a helpful guide.
Jan 24, 2021
I really like this game. I have a few questions though.

1. Can you save individual slaves? I have a good couple of slaves I want to backup so I can make a New Game + of sorts.
2. I'm using the ingame editor to give a certain slave [Hairless]. I had shaved her pubic hair prior. However, even after shaving her then giving her [Hairless], she continues to grow pubic hair overtime. How do I make her not grow pubic hair?


Jun 12, 2017
I really like this game. I have a few questions though.

1. Can you save individual slaves? I have a good couple of slaves I want to backup so I can make a New Game + of sorts.
2. I'm using the ingame editor to give a certain slave [Hairless]. I had shaved her pubic hair prior. However, even after shaving her then giving her [Hairless], she continues to grow pubic hair overtime. How do I make her not grow pubic hair?
1. The developer did not include any kind of export function, so it is not possible to save individual slaves for a new game. All you can do is take photo ops.

2. Unknown. That may be because the slave did not spawn with the trait to start. It would take someone deep diving the code to see if there is a check that happens daily or only on spawn for certain traits.


New Member
Jul 15, 2017
2. Unknown. That may be because the slave did not spawn with the trait to start. It would take someone deep diving the code to see if there is a check that happens daily or only on spawn for certain traits.
From what I found, the function changing the hairless flag affects the character flag but doesn't set it for the body parts which are used for display neither does it set the max hairiness value to 0.


Jan 26, 2020
are there dedicated mods to this game or is just something we're gonna have to do ourselves personally?


Jun 12, 2017
are there dedicated mods to this game or is just something we're gonna have to do ourselves personally?
There's only the v2 mod posted earlier in this thread.

If you're looking to mod the game, you'll most likely need to decompile the executable, since almost all of the content is embedded there.


Jul 16, 2020
One question guys, what does that height and weight in character body dimensions change? I tried different values and didn't see anything change at all.


Jan 3, 2018
I'm probably wrong, but I think it can effect breast size. Might just be in my head to to me it looks like some characters have bigger breasts at smaller percentages then other slaves. But again that could just be in my head
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Jul 16, 2020
I'm probably wrong, but I think it can effect breast size. Might just be in my head to to me it looks like some characters have bigger breasts at smaller percentages then other slaves. But again that could just be in my head
I heard something like that, but I thought they were refering to a body dimension stat for slaves or something.
Thank you for clarifying that.


New Member
Oct 24, 2020
One question guys, what does that height and weight in character body dimensions change? I tried different values and didn't see anything change at all.
I think that the height and weight information of the character is set for each part of the body.
The reason why you don't feel any change even if you change the height data is probably because the size of only one part (such as the lower limbs or forearms) has changed.
So, if you want to change the size of the whole body, you need to change the values of all parts of the body.


New Member
Oct 24, 2020
It's easy to do with notepad's replace function.
For example, if you replace "height": 0.8 with "height": 1.0, the number "height": 0.839583768573 becomes "height": 1.039583768573.
If you don't want all slaves to be affected, you can cut → replace → paste the data of the slave.
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Jul 16, 2020
I think that the height and weight information of the character is set for each part of the body.
The reason why you don't feel any change even if you change the height data is probably because the size of only one part (such as the lower limbs or forearms) has changed.
So, if you want to change the size of the whole body, you need to change the values of all parts of the body.
Makes sense. I was talking about mc body dimensions, though. I don't know what they can affect given that the body is not visible.
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