Two thing for this game and the sequel.
Does the shared works include the DLC (RJ310009) extra voice and scene ?
As for the crash after text, sadly it's a bug caused by the translating tool.
The game use IL2CPP coding, and the translating tools for this coding are just starting to get released, they don't work on all work.
With a full save, you can see all the scene and the translated text during the scene, sadly, most choice in the game (you'll get at least one per stage) and leaving the town to a stage cause the no text bug.
Basically, as for now, you can't play it with translation, either just install the translating tool and play the game and put back the tools once you finished it for the translated h-scene text, or skip the games -_-
as for playing, it's easy if you don't want to bother (spam dodge until you got the special attack bar full and spam it. Destroy everything and boss included without damage unless you fail dodging attack .... )