
Feb 15, 2020
Hello Friend how are you? I hope great because GOD loves you, I am eager for the new update (this is not any pressure or anything like that), I just wanted to tell you that this game has a lot of potential, and of course give you recommendations, the first is that when we give up or lose We can choose our punishment, because there are scenes that some will like more than other scenes, it is recommended, because literally almost everyone does it (Bo wei in ToT, Boko in UFG) and they found it excellent and continue to find it excellent, and if it doesn't seem good to you, what you can do is create a gallery with all the scenes H that we get after winning or I know, and also if you add NPC that everyone contributes even if it is something to the plot what I want to say is that the interactions and missions that we do serve as something important, and another thing that could be innovative (it is because I did not see it in any game), is that when we lose and become slaves we are already property of the Villana, that is to say that we no longer pod We want to advance more and that we stay in his residence serving it (obvious with the punishments and services that we choose), and that would be all, also do not put battles against NPC or unnecessary third parties that is annoying, and ufff long, another thing also is that not make enslavement so easy, that is to say that not by losing one or two battles, you become a slave, but rather that the villain should FORCE us to become one by asking us for an object so that we are not expelled from the university, etc. and that by not getting it in the established time we are given one more opportunity and that when we fail we only have two options left or to submit or fight, and that when we submit we become slaves or in any case when we lose, (he obviated that when we lose we will become slaves) but don't make the very fast and meaningless enslavement, if not it must be forcing the protagonist to become one, if he does not lose sense, and of course do not forget to make animated scenes when we are punished or enslaved, that is, scenes happen drawn in the anime style or any style but it is attractive (I always recommend the ANIME drawing and animation style), that would be it, and a scene you could add is Denki-Anma, you can Google and you will see what it is or not , Dick MASSAGE, etc, etc, etc, another thing, NEVER COPY THE SCENE TO ANYONE AND NEVER COPY A SCENE OF YOUR GAME OR OF A LEVEL IN ANOTHER LEVEL OR GAME, I mean don't copy anything at all, do all variety, the NPC that are not all the same, that are varied, that is all (I know that I already told you some things in other comments, but here I detail it better) Good luck that GOD bless you see you (I ask this for future patches )
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Jun 17, 2018
"also do not put battles against NPC or unnecessary third parties that is annoying"
About that...I'd say that battles are important in every RPGM battle but if someone finds a battle against a third party annoying he should be able to just skip it by dialogue, boko did that and it worked perfectly. What do you think about that solution?
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Feb 15, 2020
[QUOTE = "vajperer, publicación: 3434695, miembro: 689833"]
"tampoco pongas batallas contra NPC o terceros innecesarios que sean molestos"
Acerca de eso ... Diría que las batallas son importantes en cada batalla de RPGM, pero si alguien encuentra molesta una batalla contra un tercero, debería poder saltearla mediante el diálogo, boko hizo eso y funcionó perfectamente. ¿Qué opinas de esa solución?



New Member
Sep 27, 2018
There seems to be quite a few strong opposing opinions in this thread, so I might as well throw my 2¢ in as well.

I have made a few small games in the past, but I am by far not an expert. I do however know how much work and time it takes, so I have a lot of respect for you producing a game. I also know of technical limitations and pitfalls.

I personally am a fan of the RPG style battles, and you're also developing in an engine made for producing them so if you enjoy that aspect of development, I would stick with the formula you have currently. I don't think a skip option would be a poor choice if you were to implent that either.

I do however suggest this: Pick up something like blender. You don't have to become a pro in it overnight, but it will hugely help you in the long run.

In my opinion, if you continue using what you are currently it will produce a crap ton of technical debt over time and become a nightmare if you decide to refactor your game, or do sweeping changes to models/animations. Blender will also help you in the long run with development time once you get comfortable with it and also gives you a huge degree of control.

A suggestion that could set your game apart:

A clothing removal system of some sort for the girls would make battles more interesting and let people play to their tastes.

All in all, this game is already interesting, just needs continued attention. It looks like you're already on the right path and I think you'll go far.

Do what seems right to you, it's your game.

If you have any questions or want to figure something out, let me know and I'll try my best to help.

Sole Hunter

Game Developer
Apr 15, 2020
There seems to be quite a few strong opposing opinions in this thread, so I might as well throw my 2¢ in as well.

I have made a few small games in the past, but I am by far not an expert. I do however know how much work and time it takes, so I have a lot of respect for you producing a game. I also know of technical limitations and pitfalls.

I personally am a fan of the RPG style battles, and you're also developing in an engine made for producing them so if you enjoy that aspect of development, I would stick with the formula you have currently. I don't think a skip option would be a poor choice if you were to implent that either.

I do however suggest this: Pick up something like blender. You don't have to become a pro in it overnight, but it will hugely help you in the long run.

In my opinion, if you continue using what you are currently it will produce a crap ton of technical debt over time and become a nightmare if you decide to refactor your game, or do sweeping changes to models/animations. Blender will also help you in the long run with development time once you get comfortable with it and also gives you a huge degree of control.

A suggestion that could set your game apart:

A clothing removal system of some sort for the girls would make battles more interesting and let people play to their tastes.

All in all, this game is already interesting, just needs continued attention. It looks like you're already on the right path and I think you'll go far.

Do what seems right to you, it's your game.

If you have any questions or want to figure something out, let me know and I'll try my best to help.
Thank you for your feedback, I'll keep all that in mind. I've been thinking of trying to switch over to other software like Blender right now, so I'll look into it.
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Sole Hunter

Game Developer
Apr 15, 2020
Updated to 0.03 - use the MEGA or Mediafire links, Filedropper is having issues rn.

Also, I recently created a patreon at . I just created it, so there are no rewards at the moment, but if you'd like to support the development of this game, consider donating! :)

Hope you all enjoy!
Jan 16, 2018
It's got a fair few missing images and when I checked the pictures folder and other img folders they were nearly empty so game doesn't work as it tries to load images that aren't there :cry:

Sole Hunter

Game Developer
Apr 15, 2020
I'm liking the new girls so far but Luna's trample move just stops the game
That's weird, it works perfectly for me. Does it just stop on her first frame? Try restarting the game (sounds cliche, I know) and see if that helps. I'll try to look into it in the meantime.


Feb 15, 2020
Excellent update there is more detail, the ambient music is great the scenes are magnificent. Only one thing fails me in one of the scenes the game hangs (when we fight against LUNA) is the scene where she stands and there the game hangs, that's all, things I recommend is to give more life to Aurbrey has a low life and dies easily (he kills it with 3 blows) and gives it more damage (since it literally does not lower anything) and change the sound of his scenes since they seem machines change it for something that with a softer sensation would be better, Give more femdom scenes to Chloe since she only had 2 or 3 scenes of blows that for me were out of context (it was not femdom, it was a fight like that normal), Sarah FRIEND TO ME YOU DIDN'T DECEIVE ME YOU DID IT (joke, no you believe it) because a single ability of her lowers you around 200 of life (LITERALLY), and of course this already for another patch that we can fight more against the villains, not once, if not several times, and do more large the university, which has about 16 floors and we only stayed in one floor, make more Rande and more expansive and extensive, that would be all but later, excellent the game, the scenes of Luna are wonderful UFF, excellent work Athong continued like this, but I recommend to fix as soon as possible the scene of LUNA where she is hung, but for everything other WONDERFUL thank you and good work GOD bless you and good luck see you;)
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Sole Hunter

Game Developer
Apr 15, 2020
Thank you for your feedback. I need to look into fixing that Luna glitch and balancing Aubrey and Chloe. :)

Also, you can repeat scenes by going to your Items -> Key Items and then finding the girl's corresponding item (like Luna's Dirty Socks, for example).


Feb 15, 2020
Do you want to laugh at something? after typing i went back to play and the moon scene worked for me after saving the game but i still recommend you watch in case it fails again so all excellent excellent just missing the details and one other thing i would like to If you can see that Sarah's feet are not the same design as the others (in 3D, well, I do not know if it is 3D, but 3D is much better and more attractive), in addition to everything mentioned, THE PERFECT GAME, very Creative, the only thing missing is more dialogue in the battles, I mean that when we fight Luna we only fight and now there are no dialogues, so I recommend the added more dialogues in the battles when stomp and footjob scenes occur and that guy of scenes You understand me ,, and make Sarah's scene more graphic since it seems to only feint, that doesn't seem to be trampling on us, do you understand? It is as if he left his leg in the air and the movement when masturbating, only sell the image of skye, you should make the images of the respective villain we fight against come out, but otherwise, EXCELLENT, game, I am sorry I cannot give you some 10 or 20 stars,
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