Ok so like i say before i downlad the game and start to play it.
Who to say... I'm perplexed because I do not want you all to think I'm complaining.
But yes in some way i'm complaining about something.
At the start of the game, the autor give us some choice, so base on the choice we set the game in a way that all of us can like it. And the thing make me happy because i read both the mode and i choice who mode i wanna play.
Know that i do not like other man,
i set the vanilla mode! Because the hardcore mode give the opportunity to other man to fuck mc woman.
So ofc because i do not like other man i set the game in vanilla mode. But i think that or the autor forget about something and do not remove this thing in the vannilla or perhaps he just do not understand well who vannilla mean.
Because in the info is cleary say if you put vanilla no other man in you game. If you wanna other man then you need to set the game in Hardcore!
I am not say that all the girls/women need to beh pure and chaste but if i play in a vanilla mode and i read:
You do not know but you teacher fuck three of me cousin in me bed all at once, give me a punch in the stomac!
As i say i am not say that the woman need to beh pure, but read something like that in the vanilla mode is not the best thing. But the thing do not stop only her. All the girls in some way fuck with other! And they say it to you! wtf i choice the vanilla mode if in game the girls are all slut? Now someone can see but in vanilla mode you do not see them with other.
Is wrong! I am at the point where i go with Kyra and Gianna to the hot spring and wtf happen? I meet MC step-mother Alexandra with two guys? And also Mario say to her if she fuck the two boy and she say ofc! After Mario say to MC if he wanna see the photo of Alexandra with the two boy? So he give us the choice if yes or not.
This is crazy! In the vannilla mode the story need to be done in a way that the girls/woman cant have sex with other not in text no in seeing them. Just for curiosity i choice to see the photo because i think, perhaps is just a normal photosession with two guys, not sex related, but no! She fuck the two men! So i need to reload the file and now the image are stuck in me head! And i really do not like it.
I am not say that they do not be crazy. Because i like crazy thing. But i think that some text in the vanilla need to be change! Also this fucking photosession about Alexandra! Wtf! If you say to us that in the vanilla mode no other man fuck mc woman i do not wanna see it! No know about it.
Ofc someone can say mario give you a choice! But that choice in the vanilla mode it should not exist! Say that thing mean that she is about to fuck them and you know about that! And so is wrong! This event need to stay only in the hardcore path!
In vanilla mode you just need to know that Alexandra is a good photographer and nothing more!
So please i really do not like complaining, because this game is fucking amazing! Trust me, i start to laugh like crazy almost all the time! Ofc i lost me laught when i see these horrible horrors!
As i say i am not say that you need to remove this kind of thing from the intere game! I am just say that you need to put this kind of thing only in the hardcore mode! You need to remove it for the vanilla.
If i write so much is because this game have an huge potential and i really like it.
So essentially in the vanilla we can know that in past some women have had some relationship. But we do not need to know how many man she stay with! We can read she had a lot of boyfriend. But read something like she do a gangband with three guys not! Or see the photo with other not! This kind of thing is good for the hardcore mode.
Anyway i am really suprise of how many contenet this game have and is only v0.9.0.
Some other game at v0.9.0 never give us also a fucking sex action. The game is hilarious, light and let you play and laught almost all the time. So i really hope that in the next version, in the vanilla mode this little thing disappired. Because i think is an huge promise this game.
Anyway thank you to let us play you awesome game! keep it up you're doing great.
And please do not be mad about me

ensive: i just give some advice because i am sure ppl who choice the vanilla mode, do not wanna see this kind of thing.