If I missed any important genes, please let me know.I swear there are some body features that monkey doesn't have a slider for...
Each time the game release, I check all the genes and add support as needed. As of 9.1 the game contains 294 appearance genes, of which Monkey exposes more than 220.
The missing genes are either not used in the game (eyelashes colors, body decal, etc.), have no visual impacts (several normal/reflection don't work), or things I believe people wouldn't care about (finger spacing, anus or labia detailed look, etc.). Of course I may have missed some.
As I kept getting special requests, the game kept changing and was taking days of regression tests, I decided to provide a Custom JSON system which allows anyone to add new controls to the UI easily.
If you care about some of the more... hmm esoteric... genes like say the model urethra size (Scaler_Uretra_) or anus irregularities (Morpher_AnusIrregularidadA_ through D_) you can easily add them to your game. Look at monkey.json for examples and read the Quick JSON guide.
All appearance genes are listed and documented in Monkey's FemaleCharacterAppearanceManager which you can access via dnspy. You can see which one I left out as a starting point.
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