ok can someone help me understanding how the profile editor works???
tl-dr; = the profile editor helps you to create a template for the autorating... the autorating is buggy and also does not affect future spawns. so "I like them to be that way" does only works, if the first dice roles of the game are in your favour.
I'm already lv2 and It's been over 4 ingame weeks and I haven't got any girl with at least half the aspects of the profile I made... Is it broken or something?
and here it becomes - imho - to confusions.
The game creates random attributes for the first girls... your (auto-)rating approves (1 up) or disapproves (0) these attributes...
If you give a 1, the attribute can only be (and here I am speculating, based on my observations and from the help text) "overruled" by a higher rating... big tits 5 and bigger tits 6 will probably result in much bigger tits ... BUT I think the games does not just replace the lower rated attribute with the higher rated attribute... for me it looks like as if there is still a base randomness applied... not much, but much enough that top ten faces still can get weird over the course of two weeks...
Also there are bugs in the autorating... some of the results can't be right. IMHO.
So, I try to summarize:
1.) Profiles do not change how attributes are created.
2.) Profile do only affect the rating (autorating)
3.) zero (0) ratings seem to introduce a complete random attribute into the mix
4.) end of week all ratings will be merged - higher ratings more than lower rating - unfortunately zero rated (random) attributes seem to be added to the mix... somehow... it is really weird sometime.
This are my findings about the autorating.
I believe the best way to archive some kind of "models how I like them to look like" results is monkey:
1.) replace first weeks girls attributes manually with monkey and rate them up...
2.) use replace models function in monkey and rate them up
3.) never use 0 in ratings... always change the attribute with monkey an rate them
This is not based on any knowledge of the code or the algorithms in the game. This is just my opinion base on my own observations. And I am absolutely aware that there is a high chance, that by the way I've done changes to the girls attributes with monkey are kinda breaking the game mechanics.
But just plain random attribute generation and the rating/autorating has almost never worked for me in the first place. And don't get me started with the traits... autorating or just the rating of the traits doesn't seem to generate any bearable results. I think the stats are too complex to be rated without any hints and so whatever you think is a 10 can easily lead into the opposite in behaviour and what the girl likes or not.
Also not helpful is the hard reset when you "level up" - the first group gets completely randomized again - at least from the looks of it.
... this got much longer than intended. I really do like the game and I am supporting the dev on Patreon. And I really hope the whole gameplay loop gets better. And I am also really thankful that Thora and others put so much effort into it.