I'm curious if there's a way to take a pre-made character, either via the new designer or monkey, and use that template to make an auto-profile?
hahahaaa... no -_-
auto-rating is broken as hell rn (0.9.7 I think - 0.10.4e)
actually, auto-rating is so broken because the generator used for it is different from the one used for the models :3
they don't compute(read/write) values the same way, which means they don't have a way of communicating.
This disconnect, as well as the jumbled spaghetti code behind the model generator is the reason for frustration.
El Dev needs to rewrite the generators for Both the models and auto-rating from the ground up, effectively making a new game.
All the while learning English, because his choice for naming things is too detailed and cluttered.
The value names are so shit, they are a garbled mix between spanish and english with words like dolor(pain) littered in dozens upon dozens of places, all because pain, pleasure, etc. values are tied to each body part individually.
El Dev needs to develop a system that does not create exponentiating complexity.
Have a group of values (pain,pleasure, anger, boredom)
and a group of affected parts (head, face, neck, torso, arms legs, etc. 0-0)
and a group of effects (consent) but keep them separate from eachother, so that he can add to either
and enable relations between chosen sets of values-parts.
El Dev also needs a cleaner way of visualising all of the interconnected parts than what basic Unity has to offer.
Hell, when viewing the code in DnSpy, I get a seizure every time I try to find what calls for a certain asset, if I can even find any reference to the asset I want to find to begin with ;-; like the fucking x-ray.
there are two different references to x-ray that I've found out so far. Why?!!
I'm really angry I don't have the base project written in english and a working version of Unity.
I have a better penis model extracted from another game, I have some idea of how to structure the code..