Fan Art Something Unlimited - Sprite Re-Mix and Fanart Thread

5.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
So yeah, still looking for more help with that SU ReImagined thing...

Just a mockup of my most recent screen idea for SU ReImagined. Lex's power suit is courtesy of Macfinn99 of course!

I'm planning on releasing the next update fairly soon, once I finish working out some Lex's quarters stuff and maybe a few other things...

It'd be nice to have someone that could 'take charge' of curating the various fanart and getting it ready for use in ReImagined once we reach the point where people want to work on adding such content. I'm wearing too many hats already, and am not afraid to ask for help!


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
So yeah, still looking for more help with that SU ReImagined thing...

Just a mockup of my most recent screen idea for SU ReImagined. Lex's power suit is courtesy of Macfinn99 of course!

I'm planning on releasing the next update fairly soon, once I finish working out some Lex's quarters stuff and maybe a few other things...

It'd be nice to have someone that could 'take charge' of curating the various fanart and getting it ready for use in ReImagined once we reach the point where people want to work on adding such content. I'm wearing too many hats already, and am not afraid to ask for help!
OK, I've completed downloading everything on this thread since The French Tickler finished his mammoth scrape on 10 March (now "Part1").
I've sent it to him separately if he wants to combine the two.
If you've already got Part 1, here's Part 2:

It's 1.6GB just for Part 2!

It's sorted by uploader, except on the couple of occasions where the uploader stated they weren't the originator.

I've included some extra stuff of mine; some Cinderella, Elsa and Osira that I sent to various members by DM as well as more Overwatch Tracer and a load of Overwatch Zarya I haven't posted.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2021
Hahahahahahahahahaha... ...No.

Sorry, but I can't commit to doing that - it's a lot more work than it first appears.
The AI-generated images can be set to run in the background while I work from home, I then grab the best and upload them.
Making them workable in a game is an awful lot more demanding in terms of attention and effort.


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Hahahahahahahahahaha... ...No.

Sorry, but I can't commit to doing that - it's a lot more work than it first appears.
The AI-generated images can be set to run in the background while I work from home, I then grab the best and upload them.
Making them workable in a game is an awful lot more demanding in terms of attention and effort.
To follow up on this, I suppose that I should be more clear by what I mean by 'art curator/director' for SU ReImagined...

Said person would be looking through the artwork in this thread, identifying the most suitable artwork that fits with SR7's style, that could be used ingame.

FOR NOW, they'd just be collecting new artwork, and perhaps asking for modifications to various pieces if the contributors of said art are so inclined.

Then, as people pop up that want to code new scenes and such, said art director would help these people find the artwork that they need.

I'm pretty busy with a lot of stuff, plus when I'm working on SU ReImagined as time and energy permits my focus is on on interface and gameplay related stuff, and to be honest I've simply lost track of who did what in this thread and which pieces are more relevant, and my time is better spent right now focusing on interface and gameplay as that is sorely needed. New 'girlpack' content is needed too, but the hope is that more people can step in to fill that gap.

In any case, I'm sure that some of Jimwalrus 's art would be put to use at some point, but that's a 'we will get there eventually' sort of thing.

In the meantime, Jim is helping in his own way, and that's perfectly fine! Having someone that is willing to maintain an archive of all the art in this thread is a worthy cause as well!
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Apr 7, 2021


Conversation Conqueror
Game Developer
Jun 17, 2017
Soooo, I'm having one of my silly brainstorm moments, and am wondering if...

Would anyone like to take a stab at creating the Stargate SG1 Team, specifically Captain/Colonel Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, and Teal'c, in the SR7 style? I have this Egypt heist/mission idea thingie in mind...

Clothed preferably - yeah I know, so boring, Samantha nude as a bonus pic could be fun...

O'Neal, Vala and/or Mitchell not required, but if you want to 'complete the set'... Vala could be fun though!

AI generated in the SR7 style is fine, these are for a 'one off' thing. Separate sprites please, no background needed (I have one in mind...)

Edit: I also wouldn't mind seeing this gal:


Golden Glider from Harley Quinn. This outfit is fine. I am aware that this is a Retcon, Golden Glider/Lisa Snart is normally blonde in the comics, but I'd prefer her with the black hair. The theory is that she's half-asian but I'm retconning her again as maybe having a bit of Egyptian heritage in her family tree somewhere...

Also, one of these...


Yep, I'm also looking for a female Doctor Fate in the SR7 style. Hair is your choice, although I do like the ponytail in the sample pic here. The main thing is 'NOT Zatanna in a Doctor Fate mask'. I am aware that Zatanna has donned the mask at some point in one of the timelines, but that's not an Earth 69 thing (yet...), in my mind anyways!

Again, this is for a 'one off' side plot idea thingie that I have in mind, although Golden Glider and the Doctor Fate gal could be fun as ongoing SU ReImagined characters, if someone wanted to create a sprite set for them.
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5.00 star(s) 2 Votes