Feedback is easy.Just a quick note.
I uploaded the 0.26 update for SU ReImagined. Details here:
It's a pretty significant update, in that a few 'talk to Roulette/Tala to get heist info so that you can capture this Heroine' routines have finally been added (Stargirl/Vixen/Zatanna/Hawkgirl/Supergirl/Wonder Woman) as well as the initial Lois Lane and Harley sequences...
Still not a lot of sexy fun time content, but things are slowly getting there. If you like to playtest proof of concept demos, this would be a good time to take ReImagined for a test drive. Feedback is always appreciated, just post up your playtest reports, etc. in the ReImagined thread.
Carry on!
This is what SU should have been instead of adding new girls each update.
I especially like the nightly status update with Roulette each night and the fact that threat is now a real feature again.
I encourage you to further improve what's already there. Dialogue for some girls is in desperate need for an overhaul, just compare Batgirl's cell content to basically almost all of the other girls.