
Sep 2, 2017
eh, give and take.
This has (until recently) more regular content and a lot less incompatibility between versions
but this has a lot more bugs.


New Member
Mar 29, 2018
doc and Ogr

Ogr has it down pat. SU is the only game the 'studio' has really made aside from Bend or Break 1 and that was made by SSR7 before all this iirc (correct me if wrong).

The Scooby Doo game was a flop and they gave it back to whoever the original creator was who is either starting over on it from scratch, starting over with art assets that don't necessarily mesh with the style of whoever the new guy is / will be, or the project is dead from the team being split. That's on GSG's heads.

BoB2 is their only other project I've heard of, and will speak ill of the dead as it were. idk facts of course, but all Locke Kosta had to show for this was the first 1 or 2 iterations of SU on the 'Rebuilt' new engine and a lot of time wasted here arguing with people and defending his team. If SSR7 had an animator he doesn't anymore, because they've moved away from animations.

The only thing we've all seen working well is the art, and we know because we've been told repeatedly that one man alone is responsible for it. Until I hear otherwise or see evidence to the contrary, dudehired his old college buddies in good faith and they haven't earned their keep. idk if his patreon levels justify taking on a team or not, prob not, but I think he needs to seriously re-evaluate and either get them on board proper, reorganize their schedule, or plain clean house to get things working again.
Regular releases with less bugs. This shit shouldn't be so janky. He knows our complains, he hears em every release, somewhere is a serious lack of work discipline fucking this up.
They get a bit more then 15k a month. There is approximately 1-2 weeks of work for one skilled person in each two month build.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Look on the bright side. At least this isn't Summertime Saga, lmao.
You mean the game that puts out substantial releases, with quality artwork, a completely different story and progression for every character, characters who aren't obviously all based on the same character model, and actual animation? The releases may not be frequent, but one update for it is better than half a dozen for Something Unlimited. GSG gave up on animation because it took too long and was hard. Instead it's still images put together to mimic animation and the exact same progression for almost every single character. Saying "at least this isn't Summertime Saga" is like saying "At least it's not $1,000." when you're holding a $10 bill.


New Member
Mar 4, 2018
You think this thread is bad, you should try Summertime Saga. Where the Patreon pulls in over $50,000 a month and only puts out a ten minute update once every six months.
That's your post from last year.
Why sudden change of heart?
Their patreon pulls the same amount of money as before, wait, actually, it's even more then before and they have the same pace as before.
Quality of their game is the same too and it's good, I have no complaints, but it didn't get better from last August, it stayed the same.
So nothing has changed, well, except your opinion. Interesting.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
That's your post from last year.
Why sudden change of heart?
Their patreon pulls the same amount of money as before, wait, actually, it's even more then before and they have the same pace as before.
Quality of their game is the same too and it's good, I have no complaints, but it didn't get better from last August, it stayed the same.
So nothing has changed, well, except your opinion. Interesting.
It was a hell of a lot worse at the time, we were coming off a bad update from Summertime Saga that was just an update to old content and it released incomplete, something that was rectified fairly quickly after release. In the time frame since I made that statement Summertime Saga has returned to its usual schedule of quality updates and Something Unlimited as gone completely down the shitter. Need I remind you of the Vixen update? An update that was released incomplete and then DC and company bitched people out for having an issue with getting half an update for Vixen and bugged content for the other featured characters? There was also the large gap between updates of Something Unlimited over Christmas, and the first update of 2020 was not only late, but also focused on an event that we were five months past and was literally just a few generic talking scenes with still images. One animated sex scene for Summertime Saga is more complex and of a higher quality than an entire update for Something Unlimited.

Furthermore I am allowed to change my mind, at the time of that post DC was somewhat late releasing the Spring update, was not communicating with his Patreon all that well, and the scenes shown were not what people were hoping for. Going through my post history to defend Something Unlimited is not going to somehow change the fact that each update is five minutes long, every character has the same progression, every character has the same events, and every scene is constructed similarly. All that does is make you look pathetic. GSG is not communicating well with its patreon users, they decided to avoid releasing a road map for the year, and the first update was extremely short. We humans are shaped by the things we see, hear, touch, taste, and do. Summertime Saga has done well of late. Something Unlimited has not and thus my opinion has changed. Do I think they're making a bit much for the amount they put out with Summertime Saga? Definitely. Do I have issues with how long it is between updates and how they're clearly stretching the game out for as long as they can to make more money? You better believe it. But it is a vastly superior patreon funded game than Something Unlimited. Ambition of projects alone makes that abundantly clear.


New Member
Mar 4, 2018
Oh, but it wasn't hell of a lot worse. It was a little worse, sure - but as you mentioned, their incomplete update that time did get fixed fast, however, it doesn't change the fact that Summertime Saga were going on a similar pace for years now. The pace is quite good - as I said, I have no complaints about it - however it was the same 2 years ago, a year ago and it's same now.
There hasn't been a "return to usual schedule of quality updates" - the schedule hadn't changed for a long time.

As for changing your opinion - yes, you can change your mind, actually, you should be able to change it, if the situation like this changes for the better or worse. However, as I mentioned above - the situation on which you based your opinions didn't change, only your opinion did.
And you answered it yourself why did it happened. As you said - humans shaped by the things they see, hear, touch, taste and do. There is one other thing humans, also, apparently, not all of them, are capable of - it's called cognition. It allows humans to acquire knowledge, understand that knowledge and use that knowledge to get more knowledge. Here, I'll give you an example of what I can do with it:
Summertime Saga, an amazing and complex game, is using Ren'Ry which makes development easier when comparing it to, say, Unity - which makes coding a living nightmare, where everything that can go wrong will go wrong and everything that shouldn't go wrong will also go wrong. Development time on this engine will be slow as fuck even if everything will go correctly - and it won't, it never is.
GSG makes only 15k - some people think that's a giant amount of money, but it really isn't - I mean, I'm not even an American or European, I'm basically living in the third world country and I'm not making even close to that number - but I can understand, that such amount of money is not enough to hire dozens required testers to battle Unity and make development time faster.
If I'll check their change-logs and compare the amount of work and time passed between updates I'll notice, that GSG didn't suddenly switched to "MILKING PATRONS MODE" - they are working on a similar pace as before and the pace is quite good - it's not ideal, but nothing in coding ever will be - I don't know about the problems they are facing, I know about how godawful Unity is and using that knowledge I'm satisfied with the current state of the project - I won't mind if it'll be better, so I always encouraging people to critique this and every other project, if they actually have something sensible to say - which is not always the issue.

And here is what I can do without it:
Where is the update? Is update out yet? Is it out yet? Is is out? Is it? Is it? Is it?
WHERE IS TH oh, update is out.
Well, it's shit, I expected more, bleh, the game sucks.
Where is the update? Is update out yet?

Well, it's just one example - the number of forms the idiocy can take is infinite.
I know how hard the shit the developers are going through - and I know that in order to get better you have to read criticism - and when you are going trough the piles of shit in order to dig up necessary coal it's really annoying and bothersome, even if some people don't understand it.
If you have something important to critique - please, do, you don't even need to sugarcoat it, nobody here is a snowflake, it's NSFW games forum - but make sure that what you are saying is actually relevant and not just and another form of "you succ, git gud".
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Aug 13, 2017
I think I'll always be fond this fun little game, it has great hot graphics and the writing's decent and not devoid of humour. But to me something's gone the dogs these past few sparse updates.
Somehow the graphics are still excellent in their own unique Bruce Timm/50s pin-up style but the writing is were things are stalling I think. Every scene reads like a copy of the previous one "You drive deep into her then slowly pull out", "You pump into her then slowly back out", etc. are just two examples but I feel that a lot of them read the same. That's just my opinion though.
And let's not forget about the elephant in the fucking room, the SU Rebuilt that was promised ages ago! How the hell is that not a priority when Something Unlimited is the meat and mead of their Patreon still baffles me... It's not like their couldn't afford to hire a coder.
I used to be a patreon for the better part of two years but eventually decided I had done my deed.


Oct 6, 2017
They have the revenue to absolutely fix every problem with the game. Build a small team of artists like every other artistic endeavor (comics, animation, VN's, games, etc.) to increase the output of art, and hire a part-time coder since a slideshow management sim is about the bottom of the barrel in terms of coding complexity; probably an initial one month contract of full time work for the first month to unfuck the current code.

They won't because somebody likes the amount of money coming in, and doesn't want to share it. That's it. That's the problem. All the excuses and bullshit and outright lies are all in defense of this.


Mar 9, 2019
TBH, the fact WW need to be captured to obtain SuperWoman ( even if Super Woman is an evil Ms Marvel, not an evil Wonder Woman) is in the guide. But it's hard to explain a complete path ( and identify the real problem) to someone without exactly knowing what was already done or what was not in that specifical game. (BTW, i'm french, english "s not my main language, so, i'm sorry for my weak skills)
She's a nemesis and rival of Wonder Woman from the Crisis on Two Earths movie and that's the design being used in this game.


Jan 2, 2018
I think I'll always be fond this fun little game, it has great hot graphics and the writing's decent and not devoid of humour. But to me something's gone the dogs these past few sparse updates.
Somehow the graphics are still excellent in their own unique Bruce Timm/50s pin-up style but the writing is were things are stalling I think. Every scene reads like a copy of the previous one "You drive deep into her then slowly pull out", "You pump into her then slowly back out", etc. are just two examples but I feel that a lot of them read the same. That's just my opinion though.
And let's not forget about the elephant in the fucking room, the SU Rebuilt that was promised ages ago! How the hell is that not a priority when Something Unlimited is the meat and mead of their Patreon still baffles me... It's not like their couldn't afford to hire a coder.
I used to be a patreon for the better part of two years but eventually decided I had done my deed.
Believe me, writing is the toughest thing to do, no matter what you'll think of, it is bound to be repeated. Creators tend to stall for a long periods of time if they struggle with writing something fresh, so God bless GSG for not doing so, and instead, just like you wrote, copy and paste earlier scenarios. This way, you and I get a new content relatively fast, and afterwards there is plenty of time to correct and expand on few things.


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
TBH, the fact WW need to be captured to obtain SuperWoman ( even if Super Woman is an evil Ms Marvel, not an evil Wonder Woman) is in the guide. But it's hard to explain a complete path ( and identify the real problem) to someone without exactly knowing what was already done or what was not in that specifical game. (BTW, i'm french, english "s not my main language, so, i'm sorry for my weak skills)
It's from the animated movie Justice League-Crisis on Two Earths.
Superwoman is Wonder Woman on second Earth
just like
Ultraman is Superman
Owlman is Batman
this desperately needs a guide. i'm lost been clicking everything for an hr now.
You mean something like this guide?
You can find it also in OP.
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Aug 7, 2016
this desperately needs a guide. i'm lost been clicking everything for an hr now.
there's really not a need for a guide for this game its pretty straight forward, just get all the heroines, talk to Tala, Catwoman and Roulette all the time, do all the heist that isn't money


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
Didnt GG say that they would post teasers 1-2 weeks away from release? Did they stop it or is the update not planned for this month?
Someone knows something about the new content of someting ultimited when it will come out or the content that they will put because April is almost ending, in case something will come out in May or in June it will not be very clear
We have the streams showing Lois/leash/,Roulette/leash/ and Lady Shiva/sex/.
And we know they are reworking Zatanna's model.
Of course that doesn't mean we will get exactly that in next update.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
Someone knows something about the new content of someting ultimited when it will come out or the content that they will put because April is almost ending, in case something will come out in May or in June it will not be very clear
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